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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. who cares im sure theres a good explanation dya really think beyonce would put herself at such risk maybe im wrong but i doubt it
  2. Jbailey, ur late And they always do thats what happens when u run the world
  3. Why do ppl have to always bring up Rihanna Noone remembers "Hard" gimme a break
  4. Beyonce's clip shoulda been like her live performances Thats what I was expecting!!
  5. receipts oh wateva JoeJoe go hang out with ur clique obvious much
  6. It's always the ugly, unattractive Rihanna stans that hate on Beyonce all good looking, attractive, important ppl like Beyonce
  7. Blatin is just a 50yo hag who has nothing better to do with his time except stalk beyonce
  8. i know but the Oprah thing was taped first
  9. I think it's time people sat down and recognise the greatness of Beyonce As I said, the ppl in this world that matter respect her the rest are just lessors
  10. Btw, is looking fierce better than her previous eras fierce, and sexier and angrier and thirsty!
  11. wub u me, u and paul are gonna take over who run the world?
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