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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. Hendrika, those dogs are too cute he was crying
  2. XYZ


    are these acoustic versions available for purchase??????
  3. XYZ


    She released a GH in South Africa haha
  4. whats stan wars? cbb googling it that letter....mess so stupid
  5. too grown for that - tamia :cheer: :cheer:
  6. do ppl (other than Janet stans) actually read J/X?
  7. My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I.. got out of bed at all
  8. What is this "google" that i see @ the bottom of the screen sometimes i was gonna ask, but didnt want to seem like a fool
  9. I can't remember the DIL album..I need to go replay it
  10. I hate when ppl hate on Beyonce it's not her fault she's talented
  11. XYZ


    I love her voice I can listen to her all day She's so beautiful
  12. whats the 2nd version of "Me, myself and I"...u mean different videos
  13. I think I died @ TVR tour
  14. XYZ


    How good is the "Between Friends" album!! *Jamming to "The Way I Love You"* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz2Dfgzszdw Heaven....
  15. XYZ


    SHADY, I LOVE TAMIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ill post later, but I had to make a quick reply as soon as I saw ur thread!!!!!!!!
  16. i know im a bit like u... u dont need certain shit 2 happen u im not really up with the god shit im spiritual...and try 2 look at what i can learn, and what do the situations say about me but all the god stuff...no
  17. thats how i think about u....makes my problems seem so insignif i was watching oprah once, and she said something like "god doesnt put more on u that what u can handle"...i dunno if that helps or anything, but god obviously knew u could survive the whole ordeal
  18. OMG hugs thats way too much props 2 u for getting thru it all geez im kinda speechless
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