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Everything posted by ThatOtherFan

  1. Julissa made decisions as well He made the decision to do the stunt as well. There were TWO people on the stage. He made the decision to throw Janet under the bus when shit hit the fan. He made the decision to play the victim. People that aren't Julissa stans, trying to make people conveniently forget his part in the whole thing (such as yourself), still hold him accountable for that. He will ALWAYS be on the shit list for many (and as you're well aware, I've never been a Justina fan..... Ever).
  2. Says the person that up until last year, wouldn't even acknowledge that Janet and Julissa had rehearsed the reveal before doing it before the cameras. Oh.
  3. Yes, I have it. I'll upload it soon (If someone doesn't do it before me lol)
  4. *Grabs your booty* It's okay, Hotass! Don't let it happen again though! So much more than what's required is being done here.... NEVER!
  5. HoeHoe, I've asked you once not to confuse your HOish ways with mine!
  6. I think it's a good thing, and something more artists should look into. Not necessarily a Kickstarter Campaign, but looking for non-traditional methods to fund their projects. Especially, legends in the business. TLC could find a label that would sign them, but they would end up in a situation where they have very little creative control, and not have the backing they need in terms of promotion. They can put out the project for much less and (possibly) sign a simple distribution deal with a major label. It's a win-win situation for them when you really think about it.
  7. TERRIBLE management. That's all I'll say.
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDY!!! One of my all time fav members!
  9. What Do We Know About Cleopatra's Ancestry? The Ptolemy dynasty was descended from the Greek Macedonian Ptolemy Soter, established as ruler of Egypt by Alexander the Great's conquest of Egypt in 305 B.C.E. (In other words, they were imperialist outsiders.) Many of their marriages were incestuous, with brothers marrying sisters -- but not all the children born are known to have had both fathers and mothers who were Ptolemies. We are not certain of the heritage of Cleopatra's mother or her paternal grandmother. That leaves 50% to 75% of her genetic heritage unknown -- and ripe for speculation. Is there any evidence that either her mother or paternal grandmother was a black African? No. "We don't know the heritage of" means just that. We don't know. Is there any evidence that either of those women were not black Africans? No, by the same reasoning. Cleopatra's Paternal Grandmother Many scholars believe that Cleopatra's paternal grandmother was a concubine. That woman's background has been assumed to be either Alexandrian or Nubian. She may have been ethnically Egyptian, and she may have had a heritage which we'd today call "black." Cleopatra's Mother Cleopatra's mother is usually identified as her aunt, Cleopatra V, daughter of Ptolemy IX. Cleopatra V's mother is also unknown; Cleopatra V was not the daughter of a royal wife, but we don't know if the mother was another Ptolemy relative or a concubine of Egyptian or Semitic African or black African background. We are not certain of the heritage of Cleopatra's mother or her paternal grandmother. That leaves 50% to 75% of her genetic heritage unknown -- and ripe for speculation. Is there any evidence that either her mother or paternal grandmother was a black African? No. "We don't know the heritage of" means just that. We don't know. Is there any evidence that either of those women were not black Africans? No, by the same reasoning. Cleopatra's Paternal Grandmother Many scholars believe that Cleopatra's paternal grandmother was a concubine. That woman's background has been assumed to be either Alexandrian or Nubian. She may have been ethnically Egyptian, and she may have had a heritage which we'd today call "black." Cleopatra's Mother Cleopatra's mother is usually identified as her aunt, Cleopatra V, daughter of Ptolemy IX. Cleopatra V's mother is also unknown; Cleopatra V was not the daughter of a royal wife, but we don't know if the mother was another Ptolemy relative or a concubine of Egyptian or Semitic African or black African background. More if you want to read: http://womenshistory.about.com/od/cleopatra/a/was_cleopatra_black.htm -------------- Just sharing.... There is no conclusive evidence of her race. There is just as good a chance of her being black as being white. Therefore, at best, I would say a mixed actress should portray her. Nothing to do with the topic... just saw Cleopatra mentioned. Carry on.
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