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Everything posted by HollyHood

  1. Not everyone paying Thank God I Found You dust
  2. Game, before you go on, please can you establish first that the positive reviews are "bland and pre-purchased by her team" and/or "press releases or copy & pasted from press releases"?
  3. Of course you had the time to post this single negative review and not the hundreds that praised the show
  4. Tumblr has the best gay blogs tho lol
  5. Yuck at the shitty 4G LTE icon on that phone
  6. I wonder how many lines from Someday and I Don't Wanna Cry Mimi will sing. I'd imagine she'll only do the chorus just to get over it. We know she pays them dust
  7. Mom of the year tbh I'd rather get slapped by my mother than get shot by the police
  8. I have all of them but probably use Twitter a lot more I use Facebook on a laptop more than mobile because I feel like I don't get the same experience from those 2 platforms Instagram is cute and fun. I follow a lot of artsy users And Bu people don't really post ordinary events on their Facebook/Instagram so don't fall for the whole "my-life-is-boring" crap. This is the one thing I've learned over the years. I always see pictures of my friends on vacation and other "happy stuff" like that but everyone's life is boring at some point AND it's a good thing I've also learned not to derive pleasure from having too many likes and comments. I'm way past that superficial shit Watch:
  9. Her facial expression in that cover is also mine when I saw this
  10. That's one song I haven't removed from my shuffle Lawd knows what I do when I'm walking near a wall and the song is playing
  11. We have them all year long as well
  12. Shade songs that are too specific don't go to number 1 so yeah but do you Mimi Her tone is so weird here tho
  13. First: some local artist, but MC Rubberband World Tour Last: MC The Elusive Vocals In the near future: Backstreet Gods
  14. At this point even lochness monsters made more public appearances than her tbh
  15. Cute tribute to Mariah's best album cover Can't wait to hear Infinity!
  16. Come thru America, we had our first female president 30 years ago but come thru! Can someone explain the whole far left, right thing to me pweeease?
  17. Team Pacman all the way lol
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