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Posts posted by dimpy

  1. I can't watch the video because I know it'll just upset me. So sad to hear about things like this happening. I'm glad about all the financial support she's been receiving though. Restores my faith in humanity just a little bit.

    By the way, who is gonna beat those brats' asses?

  2. Although I fuck with Paul, I truly adore him, and as for your statements I am glad you clarified yourself, in that regard it does matter, the sad point is the very point you make, to some they believe it does not matter to them, but it does, it matters because it reflects what their state of mind is and how they will act in the future, sometimes I swear some people should be forced to have diversity training.

    And all of that is so true. I'm sorry for not being clearer before. I just mean, that whole mentality is flawed and is definitely, absolutely part of the problem. And this is just one part that I've been posting about. I'm fully aware that it runs much deeper and is more complex of an issue. I just feel that this part is something that we can begin to tackle -- make people care and more aware.

    Also another thing as a white person...when I read/hear/see stories about racism like this, it makes me upset. It makes me want to apologize because I know no one else will. I'm sorry ANYONE has to experience hate based only on the way you were born. Inexcusable.

  3. Although I fuck with Paul, I truly adore him, and as for your statements I am glad you clarified yourself, in that regard it does matter, the sad point is the very point you make, to some they believe it does not matter to them, but it does, it matters because it reflects what their state of mind is and how they will act in the future, sometimes I swear some people should be forced to have diversity training.

    I wonder how we could help this problem though. If there's more kids should be taught in school, programs for adults,etc. because it does seem like a lot of people are out of touch and almost ignorant to the reality of the racism that is still active, until they or someone they know experiences it. Even then it tends to be met with apathy. I just think people should actively be doing what they can about it.

  4. and man is that shit flawed, you think a Black person or anyone for that matter gets treated poorly and decides ALL people like the one that treated them poorly are like that? And my shit is flawed? :blink: And who the hell said people are trying to co-exist? I know plenty of folks that don't want you on their turf, I had a White landlord I rented from years ago, and he and his wife lived in a very nice area, so when I paid rent I always brought it to their house, only because I would dream of living like that. They hated that I came to their house, I was told several times, to simply leave the rent on the steps in my apartment and he would come and pick it up that way I wouldn't come to their great neighborhood, where the fuck is co-existing there? :blink:

    that office worker example was some bullshit too, if I have a problem with someone at work, i gives nay fuck what their race is or isn't because the problem didn't come from race it came from a single muthafucka stepping to me wrong, it aint got shit else to do with anyone else in the office.

    Obvioualy the metaphor did not translate. I didn't mean literally an office environment, it was an example. And it DOES happen. Some people (on both sides) blame the race for a single persons actions and THIS is the problem that impacts everyone in a community.

    Sometimes people treat incidents for what they are and it doesn't go past the individual perpetrator. What I'm saying is the people who lash out at everyone for an isolated incident on BOTH sides are the ones who keep racism going. And to say that this never happens would be wrong. To say it always happens would also be wrong.

    As for your first paragraph, that's shit. I hate knowing that things like that happens to anyone. It makes me angry. My old best friend from HS had a boyfriend who didn't like me cause I was just the white chick. I wasn't allowed to come over my friends house when he was there. He just didn't like me. Shit like this happens and it shouldn't. That's all I'm saying.

  5. the whole point was that they don't care, why you can't see that is beyond me, if an issue is not your concern and you go about your life daily barely interacting with anyone of another race, it DOES NOT MATTER TO THEM, out of sight out of mind.

    I don't think I was clear. I wasn't saying what YOU said was wrong by any means. I was saying the guy you were talking about who doesn't care about racism or affirmative action because it doesn't affect him, his logic is wrong. I'm saying I do not think that's how it should be. And obviously not EVERYONE who is victim of racism takes it out on the entire race. I'm not saying that. It was a small made up example of how it can effect more than just the minority who was victim of racism. Another example, I care if my neighbor is racist because if he freaks out because my black step mom or mixed little brother is in his yard, that matters to me. If my friends go into a store and are told their "kind" isn't served, that matters to me.

    I completely agree that a great majority of privileged and white Americans are separated from and oblivious to the racism that is still so very alive in this country. I'm saying they shouldn't be. Everyone should be paying attention because it MATTERS.

    I'm typing this on my phone btw. Sorry if there's any mistakes.

  6. I don't bring up slavery when issues involving race arise, but see...When I was a kid, maybe like 10 years old and my best friend across the street (who was a black boy) gets told by his grandparents not to trust me or my brother because we're white, it makes me livid that in some people's eyes, everyone who is white is responsible for the inequalities they've faced in their lifetime. Not just the individuals. There's no other way to slice and dice it, THAT was racism. At my age now, I simply won't accept treatment like that. If someone sees me and thinks they can't trust me just because I'm white, they need to reevaluate the chip on their shoulder and realize that I am not the person who gave it to them. Get to know me before you assume that I'm bigoted, please :)

    Beyond all of that, it just makes me sad that people do live in a world where they feel they have to watch their backs or be weary of anyone whose pigmentation happens to be light, even weary of children.

    And the idea (White lack of concern, not out of racist notions/ideas) that Roman brought up is such a flawed mentality. When people are trying to coexist in a society where racism exists, it does apply to everyone. Everyone is impacted. For example, if your coworker is victim of racism in the office by a white man, and you happen to be white, that coworker who is a minority (rightfully) would probably be weary of everyone else in the office who is white, because of the views of that one person -- who can you trust? You have to defend yourself. See where I'm going with that? It does impact everyone. We all should care about the issue of racism because it does exist and it is a problem -- even if you are not a victim of it yourself. Subtle racism is the biggest form I see today, and it's just as big of a problem.

    Not every white person is apathetic (or blind) about race issues. I'll just leave it at that.

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  7. As much as it pains me to say it, I'm not surprised to hear or read anything like that. Not anymore. So much progress(even though it pales to where we could be) falling to such a steep regression. Drugs, environment(and all consisting), groupthink, even the somewhat more basic like hunger and thirst, all these can contribute to warping an individual's mind and terribly. Especially when distorted themselves. It's just so much more painful to see it in regression than as a former state.

    We've progressed past (some) issues we had as a people before, but we've developed all new ones along the way. THAT is not progress enough. It doesn't surprise me either. I read these stories and think to myself, "Meh. Just another day's news."

  8. What the hell? :mellow: Are humans regressing as a species? :mellow:

    "And if we've come a long way, I suspect it sideways, further from our origin. No closer to our destination..." So, yes -_-

    I've seen people who are legitimately convinced that there is a zombie outbreak and the guy in Miami was a government experiment. People just don't get that drugs and chemicals can have a ridiculous affect on your brain. Especially PCP. I've read so many crazy stories about people on it...google some stories, you'll find some great ones. There's one where this guy cut his own face off and fed it to his dog. Another story about a guy who ate his son's eye or something. The list goes on...


  9. See it! It was amazing! Of course they added a couple different twists to it and of course the musical numbers. But it was a fabulous make, I enjoyed it ^_^:asham: Zac is a cutie, I have to admit it :wub:

    Maybe I'll see if I can take my nephew to see it this weekend.

    Zac is...yum. I remember being so in love with him when he was on that show Summerland. I mean, look how cute he was.


    Now he is just........ melt.gif

  10. I don't remember too much about it... I remember him being kind of a dick at times :lol: It was funny though, I wont' deny it. ^_^ I can't do theological debate though, I guess I'm not smart enough; so I guess I took it tongue-in-cheek.

    Oh, Bill Maher is a giant asshole. He's one of those guys who thinks he's smarter than everyone, about 85% of the time...but I love him :lol: I also love when people put him in his place on his TV show though :shifty:

  11. I saw that once. As a Christian I didn't really appreciate it :asham:

    Understandable. I was an unshakable Christian (or I tried to be) when I saw it the first time and I still thought it was hilarious. I thought he did a good job of proving his point by, you know, making the religious people prove his point. And he really didn't use radicals either. Just every day people. I...appreciated it.

    I loved the Catholic priests. The one scientist and the other one at the Vatican. They were hilarious and really intelligent guys too.

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