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Posts posted by youwantthisanytime

  1. the distinction that needs to be made, while its all too obvious to us as people of color, is we are the ones being gunned down like animals in the streets of America, while all lives do matter, not every race is being targeted, marginalized, and subjugated , Black lives are the ones we see time and time again being mistreated, dehumanized, and taken. So yea stick with #BLM because we the ones being killed in masse they are not killing other groups off like us. If that were the case maybe #ALM would be applicable here but thats not the case.

    Couldn't have said it better myself.

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  2. He's always been a fan of MJ and Janet. Has said so in several interviews. That was apparent before and after MJ's self-demise. Like Ms Jackson... Who didn't say a peep when Prince killed himself, why so angry at JT? 

    I'm no angry at him. I actually don't think he's all that bad. But he's a flake and out of touch with reality.

  3. My primary issue with JT is the shady/flip-flop manner in which he handled Prince and Michael's deaths. Shading Prince in his song GITM then tweeting out that message praising him after his death. And in an interview once he cited Frank Sinatra as his biggest musical influence (side eye) but after MJ's death he hopped on the "WEHEARTMJ" bandwagon.


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  4. I mean I'm so over this Janet fans v Justin thing. Justin has said he wish he'd have done more - let's leave it at that. He knows he was a little wrong and acknowledged that. There's nothing more he can do.

    Let me ask this question. Why have I never seen Janet fans go after Colin Powell? He's the snake that had Janet helping him promote his "Americas Promise" charity, making several appearances with him only for him to stab her in the back a few years later and pressure his FCC son into making her the scapegoat to detract from Iraq. 

    Great points. I'm not attacking Justin just merely postng the news. But if I could play devil's advocate for a second, I think Justin gets so much hate because of his egregious appropriation of all-things black but when held to the fire, he reverts back to his whiteness.

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  5. In case you missed it, Jesse Williams delivered an epic speech on last night's BET Awards regarding the #BlackLivesMatter movement. In response, Justin Timberlake tweeted the following message:

    "@jessewilliams tho #inspired"

    This sparked instant backlash from Black Twitter who went ALL the way in on JT, most notably, Ernest Owens, who replied with the following:

    "So does this mean you're going to stop appropriating our music and culture? And apologize to Janet too?"

    This elicited a response out of Justin who then attempted to play the #alllivesmatter card. See the links below for a more detailed account.



  6. Love Scene and WYM i could do without, especially back to back with two superior songs. They werent required and really drag the album down imo. I always found the pacing of the album bizarre, it doesnt really flow.

    This. I can recall my first time listening to All For You from beginning to end and literally wanting to throw my cassette in the garbage. With the exception of the singles, I didn't care for anything on the album. In time, I grew to at least "tolerate" most of the album but I still rarely (if ever) play it. 

  7. I legit feel sorry for yall that don't know the janet. Album slays life, only filler is the interludes

    I am on the fence here. I love the janet. album and era overall but several songs could be considered filler:

    - Funky Big Band

    - New Agenda

    - This Time

    - Whoops Now

    - What'll I Do

        NOTE: Some might also add TBTLY but I've grown to love that song. Plus, I applaud the unexpected nod to Brazilian jazz.

    With that being said, it's stil my 2nd favorite Janet album.


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  8. You will not come for Anything! That's my favorite Janet song ever. China Love and When We Yawn are boring in comparison tbh

    Agreed. The slow songs on All For Poo don't hold a candle to Anything. TBTLY however is arguable depending on your taste (Brazilian jazz ain't for everyone).

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  9. Great topic! Funnily enough, the album that took the longest to grow on me is also now my favorite album of all time: TVR. For years, I placed this album as one of her worst until around '08 or '09 I really dedicated myself to give it a chance. From there, that was all she wrote. I think what initially held me back was the same overall critique of the general populace. TVR was a departure from anything Janet had done up to that point, both sonically and lyrically. Of course there were standouts like TA and IGL but everything else was definitely an acquired taste.

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  10. I'd been "aware" of Janet ever since the janet. album but she'd always kinda lingered in the back of my mind, not really registering on my stan radar. That was, until college where I asked my then roommate if I could borrow his Janet: Live from Hawaii dvd. Watching it, I found myself recognizing the RN and Control songs which previously I'd had no idea belonged to her. I was all like "she did THAT song" or "that was HER" after basically every song. I was hooked after that.

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  11. I agree about No Sleeep being the last great video. Before that, I'd say ANDS.

    Nothing = nothing

    Feedback sucks ass (except of course for the ultra fierce red catsuit segment)

    RWU and Make Me had potential except for the fact she looked like a busted drag queen after an all-night mollyfest in one and the other lacked proper editing. 

    20 Y.No...I don't think that needs further clarification. 

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