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Posts posted by CalQuin

  1. Korean Model Injects Face With Cooking Oil When Doctors Refuse More Surgery

    Vanity can be a very dangerous thing. A great line from a Harry Potter movie when his professor tries to warn him about the Mirror of Erised (desire spelled backwards) is: “Men have wasted away before it, not knowing if what they have seen is real, or even possible.”

    There have been many films and books that explore the topic of vanity, but a former model in Korea, Hang Mioku, had either not seen any of them or she shunned the thought of her obsession with herself. Doctors had performed numerous silicone injections to her face, but refused any further surgery when it appeared that her face was becoming enlarged. But she wouldn’t take no for an answer, obsessed with soft skin, she injected herself, according to the Daily Mail.

    Former Korean model Hang Mioku before she began injecting her face.





    Mioku found a black market silicone, purchased it, and began injecting herself. When she couldn’t get anymore of that she then took to injecting her face with cooking oil. The results of her self-injecting with all of these things caused severe disfigurement to her face. She was featured on Korean television and viewers gave donations to help with corrective surgery, but there was too much damage.

    “During the first of 10 operations, surgeons removed 60g of silicone, oil and other foreign substances from her face and 200g from her neck.”

    Why does plastic surgery become an obsession for so many celebrities and those aspiring to be a celebrity? Read more here.

    -J.C. Brooks

  2. I rememer the first time I went on that site some years ago I was so pissed off...

    Then I got a sense of humor.... shit is hilarious, especially the artist profiles from 2010 when they were like 2 pages each... Poor Christina

  3. Add On or attempt to answer

    How did the Sandy Hook Shooter's assault rifle end up found in his car trunk if he allegedly used it during the rampage?

    How was one of the 9/11 hijacker's ID found on a Manhattan city block perfectly in tact even though it went through a plane crash, explosion, and building collapse?

    How was Chris Dorner's ID found perfectly in tact and used to identify him if his body was badly charred and burned beyond recognition?

    Building 7? Why did the BBC report the building collapsing 30 minutes before it actually collapsed?

    If the Taliban in Afghanistan was such a threat in 2001 and Osama was hiding there, why did we only send 11,000 troops during the initial surge.... Afghanistan is roughly the size of California. There are more police in Manhattan.

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