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Posts posted by cheaps

  1. will+smith.jpg

    He had him almost in a choke hold :lmao: The reporter was clearly up to something. And even if it was a culture issue, culture goes both ways. If you know someone is visiting from America then why would you even greet them in that manner? Respect my culture and I respect yours.

    And the reporter did it AFTER the interview :lmao: You're supposed to greet the person beforehand.

    Damn! Was he tryna taste earwax?!

    I wonder what Samuel L Jackson's reaction would have been! :lol:

  2. I was hoping for mostly written, but I suppose it's all good to include TV/video interviews too.

    K, I'll do both :)

    This article has been a favorite for awhile.


    It's been awhile, so if I'm wrong let me know, but isn't this the one where she revealed Rene wanted to videotape her getting her coochie pierced? She said NO! in fear it would get leaked ala the Pamela Anderson tape?

    And this will always be one of my favorite tv interviews.

    • Upvote 1
  3. To me the BIG difference is that on Mob Wives, everyone is on the same level. They all are bad bitches, and want to show how bad they are. On BBW, some of the ladies want to show that they are above the fighting and ghetto behavior. Some of the ladies, want to be seen as ladies, and when they back down, they are attacked, bullied, insulted and treated like shit, in some cases by two or three others.

    It's like comparing watching two tigers fight in the wild, to watching two pit-bulls attack a chiwawa. One is exciting, one is sad.

    I so agree... :thumbup:

  4. Eve and Tami BOTH have been doing WAY TOO DAYUM much this season!! It's getting annoying!!

    I don't know which reaction is worse over some stupid bs...Jumping on a table, loungin, then throwing shit at someone, or taking shit that doesn't belong to you, holding it hostage, then getting pissed when security is called on you.

  5. I'm sorry but after tonight seeing what Tami did to Kisha picking on her and having that girl breakdown like that after being picked on by both black and white people her whole life i'm not here for Tami anymore. That shit was disgusting and it even had Evelyn breaking down crying for that girl. It almost had me tearing up. :tear: Hell All the girls knew Tami was wrong and when they told Tami about it she tried to make it like she didn't go too far when she really did. Suzi talking about she doesn't like to see people down and hurt like that but bitch you the one who started the shit by runnin' ya mouth. This ain't the first time Suzi dun started some shit like she did with Meeka and then feel bad afterwards saying how she ain't want nothing bad to happen. Sorry i'm done with Tami til she gets her shit together and Suzi i'm done with for good

    I'm watching right now, and it's pissing me off!!

    What's also pissing me off (besides the way Tami is acting) is NOONE is telling Tami she is dead azz wrong and ain't doing shit about it!! I sure as hell don't expect stupid ass dumbass Suzi to do it, but Eve or Shaunie should have stepped in.. ay this girl (meaning Kesha) is really upset and just wants her stuff back. Then grabbed the purse from Tami and gave it back to her. Obvious Eve and Shaunie both scared of Tami. Who wouldn't be though, bitch is unbearable... especially after she's had that liquid courage in her. I shouldn't be too surprsised Eve didn't step in cuz she's a bully herself. I'm sorry I don't believe Eve and her tears. ESPECIALLY after the episode at the horse track. She wanna start crying because Jennifer called that chick "Bum Bitch" and "Jen shouldn't be calling nobody bum bitch and judging people for what they don't have"....yada yada... knowing how many dayum times she came at Royce (Tami also for that matter) for how she dresses, and how many times she's judged on appearances, and there have been plenty of times "bum bitch" has come out of Evelyn's mouth.

  6. After seeing tonight's episode i'm definitely anti-Ramona. Bitch jealous and mad as hell that Drita and Karen actually made up. You could see it on the bitch's face. They just showed a preview of the reunion show next week and Ramona starts shit with both Carla and Drita and that's when Drita asks everybody to just let her and Ramona fight :lol:

    Looks like the drama next season will be between Drita & Ramona. I was glad to see that the Drita/Karen talk didn't happen during last 5 minutes of the show.

    I was glad to see all the "Wives" (no-husbands) and their children come together for the "last supper" at the end of the show.

    Ramona really needs to let the Drita shit go, it wasn't even her drama what happened with Drita and Karen. If Karen and Drita can get passed their own shit, then Ramona should be able to also.

  7. Again...No ACTUAL wives on this one. They should actually re-name this one Mob Daughters: Chicago

    Will you guys be watching this season?

    I'll give it a shot, just like I did Basketball Wives LA.

  8. Mob Wives: Chicago Promo


    With Mob Wives original flavor almost over, Vh1 has just released the trailer for it’s newest sauce in the franchise. Mob Wives: Chicago will air this spring and will have an all-new catchy theme song and an all-new crazy cast!


    The new ladies are Pia Rizza, Renee Fecarotta Russo, Christina Scoleri, Leah DeSimone, and Nora Schweihs. The new theme song is Playing For Keeps” by Elle Kng. A preview for the new series is below!

    Mob Wives: Chicago debuts Sunday, June 10 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Vh1.




    Nora Schweihs – Nora is back in Chicago to take care of some unfinished business. Nora’s father, Frank “The German” Schweihs, was reputed to be one of the most notorious hit men for the Mob. Schwiehs–whose alleged “hits” were not limited to the Mob–has long been rumored to be responsible for the death of Marilyn Monroe. Shortly after his death in 2008, the government confiscated his remains before he could be properly buried. Nora has returned to Chicago to learn the whereabouts of his body. Despite growing up hearing stories of his viciousness and brutality, Nora idolized her father and she continues to defend him… even to his grave


    Leah DeSimone – Leah is the over-protected daughter of William “Wolf” DeSimone, a supposed “associate” of the Mob, but Leah’s keeping mum. Leah never knew, and knew never to ask, what her Dad did for a living. Leaving one day in a suit, Wolf would return days later in street clothes, with no explanation and none expected. Now “retired,” Wolf still keeps tabs on his little girl. But, as vigilant as he is of her safety, Leah is equally secretive of her Dad’s profession … if you’re “connected,” you NEVER talk about it!


    Christina Scoleri – As an unemployed divorced mother of a 9-year-old, Christina is struggling to provide a stable environment for her daughter. Christina is the daughter of Raymond Janek, a one-time thief and alleged fence for the Mob. Serving 20 years off and on for various offenses, Janek finally went straight in 1987, and his relationship with his daughter remains distant. Christina’s father is a reminder of her own unstable upbringing, and she’s determined not to repeat the sins of her father.


    Renee Fecarotta Russo – Renee is a strong independent businesswoman who was raised by her uncle, “Big John” Fecarotta, after the death of her father. An alleged loan collector and hit man for “The Outfit,” Fecarotta was Renee’s mentor and best friend until being gunned down by fellow mobster Nick Calabrese. Fiercely loyal to his memory, Renee still abides by the “code”: never associate with rats…take it to the grave.


    Pia Rizza – Pia may have a mouth like a trucker, but she’s spoken zip about her father since she was a little girl. Vincent Rizza was a dirty Chicago cop who worked for the Mob, testified against the Mob and then went into the Witness Protection Program. Pia has struggled all her life to hide from the shame of having a “rat” for a father. It’s been especially difficult to avoid the judgments and finger-pointing in a town that celebrates the folk heroes and glory days of the Mob.

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