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Reyna ♔

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Posts posted by Reyna ♔

  1. I support the legalization of it across the board, but it's nowhere in my list of top priorities. I think there are several more important issues to solve. Still, the only thing that would put it higher on my list is the matter of it being the main reason for non-violent incarcerations which is very wrong. I agree with Bill Maher that they should be pardoned, though, I can't see it actually happening. I don't think it'll be a major issue on the national stage. Game is right that it's a States' issue especially since Colorado and that other one already legalized it.

  2. I strangely enjoy US presidential races, probably because I'm far removed from it. How intensely do you American members feel the frenzy?


    At this point, it's one of the biggest spectacles in American culture. It's like the Superbowl for the whole year from the campaign announcements through the Inauguration. You see candidate merchandise like buttons, signs, t-shirts, etc. just about everywhere. Friends, co-workers, family members, will be bitterly at odds the whole year until the election is over if they differ in candidate choice and will constantly discuss it whenever a candidate makes any move whatsoever. It makes up the majority of the news coverage and social media talk from the rallies and debates even to things as simple as who each correspondent wants to win or who they project to win. Hell, during my freshman year of college there were events held on campus to watch the Obama/Romney debates and especially to watch the coverage for Election Day. I remember similar, vaguely, when I was a kid during the Kerry/Bush '04 election. People may not care about politics at any other time, but they definitely do during the Presidential Election season.

  3. when it comes to shade you're weak. Maybe you should ask someone on here for help in trying to come for me. Don't start what you can't finish little girl lol 


    I think you have it confused with your grammar and reading comprehension skills, but I don't have the patience to teach the remedial lessons.


    I would have no need to come for you if you hadn't spoken without thinking like you so often do. Aww, the "little girl" teasing has started. What's the matter? Are your feelings hurt so soon?



  4. Men care about performance.. Ladies care about how they look

    Gay men.. It's both :asham:

    And we know how every argument will sound.. "Maybe you should call my dad..." Or "maybe my dad will suck ya ****" or for the fellows "your dad agreed with me" or "your dad didn't have a headache"

    You get the point :asham:

    I can see that going on for maybe a year, but after a while that gets too tired to keep up with. Women do like to keep old shit alive, I can attest to this from both ends, but this would be something a couple would prefer to forget asap. :lol:

  5. I like her Facebook page ^_^ which means something right :unsure: Not to spoil it for you but I enjoy her student debt idea

    It's like 15 minutes on ComedyCentral.com... You're worse than Bu :sigh:


    It means something. What, exactly, I'm not sure. :lol: Not spoiled for me. I'm sure her idea is fantastic. :wub:


    I also have plenty of other things I need to watch. :umm: She's my girl, though, so I'll move her to the top of the list and watch tonight after my meeting. -_-

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