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Posts posted by Unbreakable.

  1. 333...I see you Janet.

    The numerology number 333 is about philanthropy in a creative social atmosphere. It's a number that resonates with fund-raising dinners, as an example.

    333 endeavors to inspire others to support humanitarian groups and organizations, preferably in a social setting. When done in creative ways that have a positive effect and get positive feedback, along with people enjoying themselves, the results are rich compensation for 333.

    The number 3 carries the energy of creativity, joy, imagination, kindness, psychic ability (third eye), inspiration, creation, growth, and manifestation.

    Three reminds of the oneness and link between Mind, Body, Spirit, and it is closely aligned with the energy of the Divine, and the Ascended Masters.

    When you see 333, it’s a signal that the Ascended Masters and Angels are all around you. They’ve responded to your prayers, requests for help, and are present to serve you on your path and help out with your present situation.If you keep seeing 333, they want you to know they’re with you, so you will remember to leverage their assistance.

    Highly evolved beings like angels and ascended masters will not interfere with your free will, but are happy to help all who call upon them. All you need to do is ask!

    This genius and clever bitch. :mellow:

    Album of the decade coming or nah?

    • Upvote 1
  2. AGLM kinda sucks. It was a good stepping-stone for her to turn into the force she did with GGGB though. The singles, "A million miles away" and like two other songs>>>>>

    I've tried listening to the debut on a couple different occasions but never finish it. :lol:

    "Unapologetic" is petty good overall but not as consistent as the 4 albums that came before it.

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