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Posts posted by Unbreakable.

  1. I'd LOOOOOVE for Janet not to so much do a replica of the song and how it's formatted, but I'd just love a song where it shocases her full range, in every way possible, and still have background harmony's that slayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy my life.

    I dont know if I asked this question here, but its the perfect thread to, do you guys think we've heard all of Janet's voice? Like do you think she might be holding back even with songs like LWND, and might have a louder voice than we're used to? I dont know what it is, but I feel like she might, like she might have some pipes that she's either not comfortable doing or with the way she sounds doing it. Maybe we'll find out 1 day, sure as hell hope so.

    I think she's covered her amazing vocal range thoroughly through her discography. I mean Theres so many aspects to her voice. She never sounds the same.

  2. I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve that part of Days Go By, that part was my ringtone for like 2years. You forgot too, Janet could(can, who knows) do the whistle register, like to me thats what makes Love Will Never Do my fave song of hers, because of the vocal changes and range, and because of the background harmony's and the beat. I LOVE the beat but this remix showcases her vocals more than the album/regular beat. And that heavenly opening of the background vocals, woooooooooooo


    I'm sure she can go into the whistle register. Her lower register has that whispery tone to it.

  3. As you all may know at this point, Janet's voice is one of the best in the industry. It can be smooth, raspy, emotional, sexy...You name it. Her versatility is unparalleled. I mean this woman can sing anything from "Rhythm Nation" to "Bust It Baby". :mellow: And she always sings from the heart. Every harmony, adlib and melody is there because she felt it.

    This thread is dedicated to the greatness that is Janet's voice.


    Her vulnerability and lower register on this song...


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  4. People need to realize that Mariah Carey, The greatest singer of all time, while in concert performing a 90 minute set is hitting notes only she can hit. It's a complete workout of her 5 octave voice. There's sections that are playback because she doesnt want to blow out her voice. She's human.

  5. Your reply contradicts itself. :umm: you believe in artistic freedom and Brandy's anti-artistic freedom rant (as if Brandy has room to talk about where successful musicians should be doing)

    It seems like to me, Brandy wants this movement for herself... So se can ride the backs off the 90s movement :lmao:

    No, it doesnt. :rolleyes: I believe In artistic freedom but I also feel that R&B artist should bring back that feel good R&B which we rarely hear. Brandy is one of the few artist that does that and I love her for it.

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