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Everything posted by PutYOHandINHISFACE

  1. PROOF? Your First Post in here was about how much beyonce sold so if anything, YOU made it about her stats, charts, accomplishments, etc. Beyonce Is A BRAND. She's Involved in the day to day decision making. Rihanna is a Puppet. Learn the difference between the two. I can talk about many things that beyonce does like her voice, her vocal productions, her arrangements, etc. However this thread wasn't made based off of that.
  2. Stop Reaching. You Can't Force Anyone To Buy your albums, See Your Movies, Go to your tours etc. She didn't Force Anything. Crazy In Love was already a hit before the video or any promo for DIL began.
  3. She's Sold 11.2 Million Albums In The States. She's Sold 25 Million Albums Solo Worldwide. And What Exactly Makes Rihanna Queen Worthy? She has More studio Albums than beyonce yet she's only sold 5 Million.
  4. She Should've Sold More According to Whom? You? Him? Neither one of you matter to Columbia Records so....An Album Selling Nearly 5 million in the states(as well as outselling the previous DC ALbum At the time in the states & Worldwide "Survivor"), and over 11 million copies worldwide is not by any means horrible for any debut solo artist. Let Me Know When Rihanna has an album to do that much.
  5. I Never Said Anything Of The Sort. A lot of People Have 1 hit album. 1 hit album doesn't create longevity. and Beyonce's Last Album sold 7 million worldwide and created a global iconic dance craze. She broke records with her album and made history with her videos and singles. Let Me Know when Mr. "unleash the dragon" will do it. Clearly he's been solo since before DC got big and he still hasn't done it. and FYI beyonce's First album>>>>> His.
  6. As Stated You Implied Pretty Much That because DC bey is successful. I love when people get caught up in their own arguments.
  7. Thank You. It seems like some of the girls Here need to start practicing what they preach. Brush Up On Those reading comprehension skills.
  8. I'm Not Here for 1-hit Album Wonders. Vanilla Ice Had A Diamond Album and Where is he now? Exactly.
  9. Dead @ You Shading Yourself and Your Fave.
  10. You Implied that being from a successful group was the reason for her success solo. You Didn't Have to Say it right out.
  11. What Does That have to do with your faves 3948431948391489148 #1's Not Selling her albums?
  12. OKAYE! Correct me if I'm wrong but the purpose of a Single is to promote your overall body of work, correct? So if your single goes #1, but still fails to sell your album then what is the purpose?
  13. Why Have All The #1's when her songs peaking @ #3, #5 can push her album to 3x Platinum In The states, Something your Fave Has NEVER done with all 5 of her albums. lmfaooo! And If we wanna get Technical Bey Had 5 dance #1's off her last album, not to mention IIWAB, HALO, SINGLE LADIES, & Sweet Dreams Topping the charts in Multiple Countries. Even If I don't Bring Up 2003, it still doesn't Change the fact that Bey Holds the record for the most weeks spent @ #1 in a calendar Year for a female solo artist (17 weeks). And She didn't need 4 #1 Singles To Do it. You Wanna try again Boo? Or are you tired of being dragged by rihanna's Crusty the clown wig?
  14. Umm Right which is why "work It Out" scared the label in which direction the album was going to go. Which is why she funded the album's production out of her own pocket. Please. Columbia Records Didn't believe in beyonce nor her album Until after Crazy In Love Took Off At Radio. And Even Then She still had to fund Most of B'day out of her own pocket. As Stated Just because you are known doesn't gaurantee success. In Fact Columbia was more interested in Kelly More because she was the one with the hit. She was the one with the solo Grammy before Bey. So please. Miss me with that. All the promo and help in the world doesn't garauntee a success.
  15. DEAD @ SuBO Having 2 #1 Albums W/ No HITS AT ALL lmfaoooo!
  16. ALL The More Reason to Laugh At "Loud's" Dismal 1st Week sales. 4 #1's in the same year, yet she barely does 200k in the first week on top of getting chris browned on the charts by the hottest Chick in Depends. yea I'm so Angry. lmfaooo Ch...
  17. Sisqo had 1 sucessful album. and then what? Ch.....
  18. How Was She Set Up for success? lmfaoo Just because people know you before you go solo doesn't gaurantee success either. People Knew paris Hilton, but how did her album do? If anything she had more pressure to be successful based off the simple fact that everyone already thought they knew her, and expected her to be successful.
  19. You Rihanna stans need to just stop. How can you even fix your font to come for Beyonce or any other artist for that matter when your girl is on album #5 and can barely do 200k in the first week? On top of having a fail flop tour, getting outsold by her opening act Ke$ha, who also has a #1 album on the billboard 200. Poor Riherpes. I mean I'd Be Irate too if the opening week sales for my singles were higher than any of the opening week sales for my albums. lmfaoo! Ch... Rihanna is a One dimensional artist who only slays at one thing. SINGLES. Beyonce on the other hand has #1 singles that have made Impact and Spent more weeks at the top then all of rihanna's #1's combined. Beyonce Has Singles Being ranked among the 500 greatest singles of ALL time>>>>> Rihanna. Beyonce Has Singles In The Guiness book of World Records. On top of Tours, #1 Albums, #1 Movies, #1 Fragrances. Ya'll better cling to the only chart that knows rihanna.
  20. Right! If That's Case then Let's add in the 16.9 Million Albums She Sold With Destiny's Child. Which means she sold 28 Million Albums In America Alone. The Girls Love To Reach with Decapitated Limbs.
  21. Ummm Then explain T-boz, Lefteye, Chilli All Trying to release solo albums and failing? What About Nicole whatever her last name is from PCD, How About Omarion? Sisqo? All Failed Solo and had fanbases with their groups. Being the lead singer of a group doesn't gaurantee a successful solo career.
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