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Posts posted by J.

  1. 15 hours ago, Bailey. said:

    if it were on any day but JT's SB performance, you guys rode that of all things and call it appreciation. I call it what it was, an opportunity to get Janet's name out there associated with Justin, thats not a kind gesture. And for the sake of argument let's say it was, an appreciation day, she's still NOT required to thank you. If anything be grateful you made an impact and keep it moving

    Ok like I said, he’s calling the day of appreciation bullshit.

    Mind your posts

  2. 2 hours ago, Bailey. said:

    :sigh:  what part of "no part" are you folks NOT understanding? She's not going to thank you for putting her name in some bullshit she herself didnt stoop so low as to "gain" anything from it, she's bigger than that SB moment, and will not associate herself with it....if you want a Janet Jackson appreciation day, buy her albums, buy concert tickets, thank her for the legendary career she achieved well before 2004, and learn to ignore the SB and stop using it to prop Janet up against a lessor talent. If you're going to celebrate Janet and feel you must, do it right, celebrate her, no strings attached..... dayum :filenails: shoulda said thank you, she kept it "woke" Im not gonna thank ya'll for opening up the coon door I know what time it is :coffee: "I WILL NOT"!!!

    So now the day of appreciation was bullshit?

  3. On ‎2‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 9:56 AM, Mr. Wonder said:

    Game, let's not play with each other. I posted an article that outright refutes your statement. I also stated that her Spotify listeners increased by over 2k, and that's just one streaming platform. Her music also rose on iTunes. This is all since Sunday. You can not continue to argue that trending on Twitter has no benefit when statistical evidence debunks your argument.


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  4. I'll say this for the ones I think have common sense...

    First of all, the fact that y'all think you can dictate who's a fan and who's not is really hilarious. As if you're really that important. And that's no shade.

    Most of the arguments and "negativity" on here starts with your fumes over simple statements. It takes two to tango and you all know how to get the party started. Austin's comment would have probably blown over quickly, but immediately after he hit post there were post after post of complaints. (See post about which comments get the most attention.) I mean he clearly stated it was for those who cared about the boxscores. Should he make another thread? Probably not because you will venture there too making the same remarks acting all high and mighty.

    This thread has mostly been "positive," so maybe look again.

    Beating a dead horse is having this same back and forth every other week about the same thing for two years. "Let Janet live" over and over again as if she won't continue living.

    Also, do some of you have lives outside of Janet?

    I personally don't care about her boxscores, just think the warped perceptions on here are pretty interesting.

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