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Posts posted by ThatOtherFan




    Thank you so much!!! :blush:

    Im very excited, Im greatful and deeply honored to receive this thread.

    I cherish it not only because it comes from The

    Rhythm Nation, a beautiful nation, but because it comes from the

    fans of the heart and soul of the music of a Goddess who

    has shaped my life and my career. Im amazed

    to say that I've been on this planet for 30+ years and Im proud to say that I have endured.

    That endurance

    comes from my heritage as a fan of Janet and especially a Janet stan. :D

    Im convinced that we Janet stans possess an indestructible strength that allows

    us to not only throw shade, but to read somebody up and down and get

    them all the way togetha.

    I truly thank Janhova for that strength and thank you for your belief in me.

    You been there for me during the good times (dynOmite! )  as well as the bad and

    you lifted me up with your love which has always been a great source

    of comfort especially in these last few years of no new music from Janet. :cry:

    So thank you so much for this thread RedSimba, this precious honor,

    I take it to heart, I hold all of you close to my heart

    and I intend to use this thread as further motivation

    to represent this forum, this Rhythm Nation, my beautiful nation with

    energy, dignity and grace. :wub:

    Thank you so much!


    Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!! For the Soul Train Award/DJ era speech!!! lol 

  2. She never stated that she was speaking of ALL gay white men much like she was not referring to ALL black women. She was addressing those gay white men who think it's cool, cute, or funny, to adopt caricatures of African-American women stereotypes.  She probably was hostile to them but degrading to them? I didn't see the article as degrading.  






    And that there is a causal erasure of black contributions to American culture and often white people invent histories to take credit for things they did not discover or produce. 

    While this article clocked both of the previous articles in this thread (and is actually very true lol), I think what I quoted is at least one of the argued points in the original article.


    At least that's what I took from it... *shrugs* 

  3. The more she has to defend this the more she says how specific her intended audience was... To the point where it's not even a significant group of a gay white men. What I got from that video is she is literally speaking to men that act wanna call her "gurllllll" and neck roll and say shanaynay and shit. Who the fuck does that? That isn't a gay and white thing because that doesn't make up that identity at all and anybody who does do that is an outlier honestly. Like Austin has said in this thread and like the author in the video touched upon, the gay mannerisms and lingo comes from GAY culture. So if she's speaking to such a small margin of these people, she cannot be surprised at a dwarves backlash for the sensationalist title and demoralizing tone of her article.

    Like I've said, I have sympathy for everything she and other black women go through, but this is such a fucking dumb thing to focus on and honestly does more harm to the group of women she is trying to stick up for.



    It is still directed toward gay white males and those that she feels takes from the culture and/or use it in a very stereotypical way. I think that's very clear.  


    She's simply saying she doesn't think all gay white males act this way. 


    And that's the thing... All the negative stereotypes she's saying are being "stolen"... Do you want those? As a young black woman do you want your identity to be reduced to acting like a coon? Shit she should be saying gay white men can have that. 


    You've missed the point. I think the point is the "ghetto girl from around the way" is not all black women and she's offended when gay white males approach her thinking this is "cool" way to interact with her or black women in general. 
    Also, there is the "Miley Cyrus" effect. Something (good or bad) is popularized within the black culture, a white person uses it (for the sake of argument a gay white male), and suddenly it's in and cool. A gay white male can adopt it and drop it whenever he sees fit, and is not be looked down upon. She can't shake the stereotypes that the white gay male is appropriating when being a "strong black woman".
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhW2LMcgw5M


    The authors of both articles.


    I can say most definitely say he doesn't get it. 


    It's what happens when the topic of "white privilege" in general is discussed. Many don't like to be confronted with the "advantages"/"privileges" they have simply because of skin color, so instead of discussing it rationally, the defense mechanism kicks in. 

  5. Around the Discipline era, Natalie was sounding off on the state of the industry and stated that Janet needed to change it up. I think it was more constructive criticism than anything.



    Even with the little bit of shade she threw. She was still in attendance at Janet's "Up Close and Personal" tour in LA. lol


  6. Who have good chemistry? Who should be the JayZ and Beyonce, the Britney and Justin, the Brangelina... The fox and the hound? :unsure::umm:

    I'll start :rolleyes:

    Jorge and Karma

    Game and Jiffy

    TOF and Austin

    JoeJoe and Dayzzzzzz

    Bu and Reyna

    That's all I can think of are there other members? -_-



    TOF and Rochester  :wub:

  7. Nikki was on out local radio station a few weeks ago




    starts at 6:00 


    excuse my poor transcribing


    "no, what i'll say is that i think congratulations is in order, her single is doing really really well, and i think that's a good thing, i mean one thing i'm not is a hater, if somebody is doing something and or they did it well and their song is charting well then well congratulations, i just want female rappers to understand that i've opened a lot of doors for them, and i just would appreciate if they acknowledge that, but in terms if i'm bothered by it, no it is what it is if somebody has a song thats doing well then I think thats a great thing, and i think thats a great thing for women and we're gonna keep it moving"





    you are not opening any doors for other people if you're shutting the same doors behind you. nikki might be the most successful but i still fail to see what door she has opened and for who.  she congratulates someone on one side of her mouth and then shades them with the other side cause now she sees them as a threat. what nikki really means when she talks about empowering women, shes really only talking about one woman, herself.

    All. Of. This!!!  :clapping:

  8. Zendaya does not look like Aaliyah at all and yes, her skin tone is definitely part of it. The debate isn't whether Zendaya is "black" it's does she look like Aaliyah.


    Rochester nailed it. I'm shocked.  :mellow: lol



    Without knowing her background a lot of people were upset because she does not look like Aaliyah... and her skin tone is definitely a part of it.


    If you've never heard of someone, you're told they are going to play Aaliyah, and this is among the first images you're greeted with...




    That's going to cause a problem. Many didn't even realize she was mixed until it was pointed out by Zendaya herself.



    More than likely they would've put her in darker makeup to make it work. Which like Zoe Saldana portraying Nina Simone (a slightly similar situation, but entirely different) that's not going to sit well with many in the African American community. Too many it's like "you couldn't find anyone Aaliyah's complexion to portray her?  :unsure:  "


    That's what many meant when they said she's not "black enough" lol

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  9. They found that to be creepy. That's not slander.. It opinion


    You neglected the cheap shot/innuendo in what I posted... but nonetheless, they illegally trespassed on to private property to photograph and detail everything "weird" and "creepy" or what they thought they could present as bizarre, as it relates to the allegations.


    They say that in the article and the article itself is presented in that way. 


    If you or any one else is looking at the article as an "interesting" look into Michael's home... you've been short changed, because the focus is their stale cheap shots and innuendo.


    What they did is tacky and pathetic on so many levels... not to mention illegal. 

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