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Everything posted by jarrylf

  1. LOFL YOU PROVED ME RIGHT, which ends the whole thing, Im sorry but I actually read the links you posted, all the pages, and most of the complainers, were Bey stans who happen to obviously like othere people, shit you failed at most of them having Bey main pics :lmao: I really cant thank you enough for that, I mean way to hammer my point home. And there you go again assuming stupidly, what's that saying about assumptions that Janet said in Poetic Justice (since you proved my point how bout you answer that 1 for me, since your good at working for me )
  2. Yea I may have contradicted myself in that part, but at least I didnt claim to know more people than you know or have come in contact with. You lost the 2nd you made that assumption, hands DOWN
  3. Those are your receipts? LOFL Well lets have fun, I mean did you actually go through and read every page or find random fourms and post links? Cause well........you did to much of nothing LOL, I can post random links outta nowhere and say everybody agree's with me and depend on you not to read it so it looks like Im right....too 1. You had to dig this hard for Xtina receipts and you bring me a fourm of 20 pages only for what 3 people to say that LOFL, wow you worked that hard for that? Not even to mention that insutl to injury is that each of the links you gave had comments MAINLY from Bey stans who are also fans of said artist, thus proving my point THANK YOU you fail. 2. Oh Im sure Matthiew isnt the only person she has in her corner, I never said he was, Im implying that Im sure it dosent hurt. 3. I mean seriously there was only like at most 4 people agreeing with that, wheres theres Bey stans everywhere since all the singles from this era started flopping, all the sudden all agreeing that singles arent relevant. Not to mention that any of the 4 people can obviously be Bey stans who are just fans of the others (same way your a Bey stan whos a fan of Janet) And in the end my point remains, Bey stans may not be the only ones but what you've prvoen is that still nobody discredits the singles more than Bey stans, and you went ahead and proved that yourself, thanks (saved me the time) Thus meaning I win, and Im over it, you proved my points for me so its now even more pointless to continue this.
  4. The award for stupidest comments this thread HANDS DOWN goes to you saying you know more people than I do, that dont make an ounce of sense. LOFL you lost that argument from the jump becaue that was just a really stupid thing to say to someone you dont know. LOFL, its not how many of the committee you pay off or kiss ass, its who, and who you have in your corner. Hell the Grammy's being about ass kissing goes way back, and hell Bey getting 16 (while her daddy was in the committee) isnt the 1st or only example, its just proof that with the right person in your corner a shitty album can get awards, but cant produce singles that do much of anything on the charts. You have to work to have a #1 single, true it may not be as hard as it was 20 yrs ago, or 10 years ago, but its still work required and for a grammy its about the right ass you kiss, or have in your corner. And the proof in that is that Rihanna and all these MUCH more talented artist than Beyonce, have more hits under their names than she'll probably have in the next couple of years, but since they dont have their daddy's on the board they probably wont match her Grammy win, including the much more talented and desserving artist like Janet, Mariah, or Prince, which also goes to show how much of a ass kissing contest they are.
  5. As have I, which you wouldnt know because you dont know me, so to say you know more people than I do, is a stupid assumption that cant be proven or disproven And? That proves NOTHING, and by your logic why do labels or artist who clam they dont care about singles & charts release singles? Artist who dont usually dont release singles, usually arent singles artists, the ones who are and they dont get hits are still single artists just not as others. Not every single musician who releases albums automatically goes for the grammy's because some of them know its mostly a popularity/ass kissing contest. But chart success goes by both the label's promotion and the public support. The Grammy's are NOT voted on by the public, they're voted on by the academy. See how you lose? PREACH
  6. Actually you do, otherwise your just guessing based on nothing... LOFL :lmao: Because not every artist is willing to kiss ass OMG WOW, nice try
  7. Yea seeing as how you dont know me, I highly doubt that, I mean seriously, if you knew me in real life, that assumption might make sense (even then still you dont know everybody I know)....but you dont, so it makes no sense. (Why dont you stop making dumb comments now ) Yes you can . They're a ass kissing contest and always have been.
  8. No it dosent, I know plenty, usually the fans of older acts dont care about the charts, and the Britney stans never really did because they werent exactly throwing #1's at her either, but from the amount that I know and talk about this stuff with, its mostly the Bey stans I've found to be hating on the charts. Wheres I find everybody BUT the Bey stans have shit to say about the Grammy's and other awards.... LOFL sure you can, the same way celebs can manipulate any contest/awards show, its all about ass kissing.
  9. Nope, already know diehard stans from those groups, related to some, never heard that from any of them.... just the beehive I think both can be manipulated, but I think the Grammys can more than the charts
  10. Nah, Im out plenty. And yea I still only hear those phrases from large Bey fans And I find the Grammy's more irrelevant than the singles charts
  11. ......I only hear "#1's means nothing now" & "the charts mean nothing nowdays" from Bey fans/stans....its like a soundbite ("it's not a autobiography"), but I bet them grammy's still mean something to the Bey fans
  12. Thats what Im saying, how many of Whitney's #1s did she write?
  13. LOFL, she really got you bothered LOFL. Whatever helps you sleep at night. But while we were all sleeping she went and got her 11th #1 hit to a song that hasnt even been on the charts that long. LOL "She's Ugly" is a new 1, never heard that 1 before........for a reason. And I've heard people say WORST than all of that about Janet, does that make it true? Hell does that stop her success? Helll NO, and it wont for either 1 of them.
  14. :lmao: Please stop speaking for everybody....... your not doing a good job at all. I mean seriously, they still play S.O.S on the radio, stop playing You keep going on & on about 5 years from now, do you realize how many more hits she can get and how many records she can break in that time span if what your saying is true? And if she does and ends up forgotten like you keep saying, who'll really care, she's easily working her "legend" training wheels (better than most people in her age group) and if she keeps going the road shes on, if that day does come, it wont matter at all cause she would have already conquered.
  15. So when a song features another artist, its not their song anymore? Despite it being on their album and the featured persons only on a verse or 2?.............. that makes no sense at all Sorry but Billboard got it right
  16. LOFL But which album was S&M on? Where are you getting 6 from? I'll count em out for you 1.SOS 2.Umbrella 3.Take A Bow 4.Disturbia 5.Rudeboy 6.Only Girl In The World 7.What's My name 8.S&M 9.We Found Love Count em out
  17. .................sure...call me crazy but I think Ima have to take Billboards word on this 1, nothing personal, its just...well its their job... P.S. even if your discrediting the songs she's featured on, she still has 9 #1's as the lead, not 5 (got her confused for someone else)
  18. "That Rihanna Reign just wont let up" Thats a bad bitch, Damn, Im happy for her, love that song. So how bout she release/leak that 2nd single today?
  19. She HADDDDDDDDDDDDDD ME the sec she said "WE DONT WANT NO NICK" LOFL YASSSSSSSSSSS YAS YESSSSS OMG :excited: Real Divas strap them twins in back pack and keep it pumpin....OMG...WOW I love it
  20. YAY Tyra stole the show in the 2nd video when she was goin off on Bey & Mariah "Beyonce you had the audacity to skype your performance, Mariah...You didnt even call, so you send your husband as some kind of sick peace offering, WE DONT WANT NO NICK!!! REAL DIVAS STRAP THEM TWINS IN A BACKPACK AND KEEP IT PUMPIN" :lmao: :lmao: GETS ME EVERY TIME!!!
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