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Everything posted by Idrag4mj

  1. i can't wait to get the immortal album ..oh and the receipts i will provide..digging such stuff puts me in a bad especially because im reminded how shady those folks are thats why im a bit reluctant
  2. i see you still know very little about katherine and joe
  3. the reality show thing i doubt it..katherine and joe are hungry for money but i don't think they would stoop that low
  4. this is old..this demo has been circulating for decades now...are you now hearing it ?
  5. i wonder who's going to get it..sony..the estate a fan ??
  6. New apartment that must be cool..wish i was around to help you move I fell sick this week...it was so bad i thought i was going to die...malaria ..so right now just resting tell i recover fully
  7. okay you know what boo..i will provide you with claims .. but sometime later ..not now..she is as shady as joe jackson and they both deserve each other
  8. I am not questioning your stanhood ..nor am i talking about a video that says she was working with murray ..no that is all conspiracy theorist ishh i am not into that..chill..you are overreacting
  9. oh i can give you recipes of that alright..strange that you haven't see all this with your own two eye's over the past two years ... i will not go out proving anything ..i guess you will just have to take my word for it..i know for a fact..that had mj known this is how it was going to go ..he wouldn't have left the kids with her Know you understand why mj trusted diana ross more than his own damn family
  10. I am sorry but it doesn't change a thing if Kat gave mj life or not..I will treat her the same way i see fit...if you can throw joe jackson under the bus i can do the same for kat
  11. I will come for who i want and you will deal !! JOE JACKSON also shot his CUM into her does that mean that i should tolerate his nonsense and about being trained into hollywood my ass.the family is exploiting those kids and you think its a good thing..MJ would not want this one bit
  12. ^^^^^ Yes the kids love doing it ..of-course they will they are kids but does that make it right ?? does it make it fucking right ????? Why not leave these kids out of this ..why do they have to USE THE KIDS ..yes mama kat is no different ..money always come first for her
  13. i will never have respect for the jackson family ..really... exploiting the kids. asking them to sign stuff ?? and then katherine's lawyer defending this mess ...my God ...!!!!! :flipoff:
  14. KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII READ THEM THE FUCK DOWN..you know why i fuck with mccain and france..mj knew what he was doing ..#teambranca
  15. smaller audience than i expected but KIII at janet grossing almost 800k ..from 4k people kiii..when their favs gonna do it...and get what janet gets to keep 85% of that winning
  16. people tweet gil to show the afro medley to janet...maybe she will surprise them when she gets back
  17. UGHHHH..i don't get it..i was looking at the latest box scores and concert all over the world were reported..from asia ..europe..with some venues as small and even smaller than what janet did
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