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Posts posted by xoney

  1. Let me help you get your facts straight.... since you are not Black(FACT) you have not lived a single day in the shoes of a Black person(FACT), yet you seem to possess some form of enlightenment that you can share with a race of which you dont belong to (FACT) and we are I guess supposed to just take your statements as "fact" . Blacks have been murdered, terrorized, segregated, marginalized, stereotyped and targeted because of our race for centuries. As for America its very foundation is formulated on race, so dont you dare attempt to insinuate some knowledge of what it is to be Black in America, when you dont have the first clue.

    As for the plights of Syrians and any other oppressed people, I believe it was a Black man by the name of Martin L King Jr. that said it best "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." BUT because we cannot solve all the world's atrocities in a single day, in a single conversation online in a Janet Jackson forum I would suggest in the future to contain the discussion to the topic at hand and thats Black folks losing their lives at the hands of police officers

    With respect to your first paragraph: huh? How is any of that relevant to what I said? I pointed out the number of black people killed by police this year. How does that insinuate knowledge of what it is to be black? It simply shows that you're statement that black people are being killed en masse is a lie. 

    It's not my problem that you find facts uncomfortable. 

    "contain the discussion". In other words, lets keep the conversation convenient for you. You claim that people are ignoring and undermining your struggles, but are just as quick to ignore the struggles of others. 


    when white police officers, people who our tax dollars pay to do a job, continually shoot and kill innocent Black people thats an issue that will not be tolerated ignored and unaddressed. There is no blaming white people for all our problems because no one Black person speaks as a collective voice for us all. Facts remain facts, time and time again in our shared American history the victim of a police officer's gun, night stick,  and dogs are people of color so spare me the 'don't blame white people'. When have you ever heard a story of an unarmed off duty white police officer was shot in the back by a black officer? NEVER! But it sure happens the other way around. Once again, who hates who?

    Wasn't one of the officers Chinese? Or do Chinese people hate black people too? Just trying to get my facts straight.

    No one is denying that there is a clear issue. But like you say, facts ARE important. But black people are not being killed "en masse" like you portray (~120 this year).

    And if you want to keep this American centric, fine. But don't tell me Black lives are the only lives that don't "matter", when 100s of thousands of Syrians have been killed and everyone is reluctant to help

    • Downvote 4
  3. Funny how black historical, statistical, & definable oppression gets the eye roll & need for defense every time it's widely discussed but let someone make any side comment about a homosexual or the like there of & they're a bigot. Yet MANY in the homosexual community, not all, will conveniently use the black historical plight as a parallel reference point to gain a sympathy as if to claim shared relevance. 

    Funny how we can be sitting on the forum of a black woman who has openly discussed artistically and directly the experiences of her own racial injustice..yet & STILL it is the nature of some to defend JT's right to perpetuate the very problem she said to have faced. 

    Lastly, in this society it's fair to have some one walking around making money off "appealing to the urban market" yet not directly align themselves with the issues of that market they are "entertaining". Someone asked about MJ & Janet making other music beyond "black cultured music" and that being fine - well - MJ & Janet has also stood along side multiple plights of those cultures through charity work & raising awareness to diverse struggles. From women's rights to HIV to education to war to Islamic torture of girls and children and the list goes on..where was Justin when Black Lives Matter was marching in the streets? Oh, at home "inspired". 


  4. link?


    1st link shows that at least 330,000 votes are from outside the UK.


    2nd link shows that the petition can be easily manipulated. 




    Seeing North Korea there did make me chuckle.

  5. I seen over two million people voted online to possibly overturn this devastating decision. 

    Lets head over to Bu, the Head of British Media, for more details.. Bu..  

    I read somewhere that 2/3 of signatures on that petition don't even live in the UK. So many of signatures aren't even British nationals. 


    Also: 17 million >>>>>>>> 2 million

  6.  The Pound has NOT started recovering. Experts expect a 7-10% drop in the coming weeks.

    Lmao bc white people controlling other people always turned out well in history.. No it's not xenophobia... It's ignorance


    Sorry, but you don't understand how markets work.

    Pound was at an artificial high because experts predicted the wrong result... the fall just reflects a correction of the market

    also... sorry to inform YOUR ignorance but it has started to recover... it's at 1.37 to dollar atm

    note: euro has also fallen. I wonder if it will recover as quick. Again, I doubt it. Brexit will harm the EU more than it will harm Britain. 

    (but a weak pound isn't inherently a bad thing. A weaker pound makes the UK a little more competitive and the Canadian at the BoE might finally be able to meet his inflation target. Win Win situation. But i guess this is way above ur understanding of economics.)

    White people controlling other people?  HUH. What are you talking about. EU presidents are all white and male and unelected.

    It's ignorant to want to control your borders? Again, HUH?


    PLS educate yourself.

  7. The UK just rendered itself politically and economically irrelevant on the world stage. It's amazing. There's no coming back. Ironically, if they want to do business with Europe, they'll still have to follow the EU rules but have no seat at the table. This was pure suicide. The EU is going to make the UK pay dearly for being traitors and make an example out of them to other countries. RIP UK. You made your bed. 


    Morgan Stanley has begun moving 2,000 investment banking staff from London to Dublin or Frankfurt, BBC learns





    The UK politically and economically irrelevant? What world do you live in.

    Also, Morgan Stanley have denied this.

  8. At the end of the day when Trump, France's Le Pen and our own Farage are telling you well done, then you know you're wrong.

    lmao. This is the most narrow minded argument I've ever heard.

    I'm sure it holds up well. 

    Also, it's kinda distasteful that you would use the murder of an MP to make your point about Brexit. M




  9. I wish some of you would do some research before jumping to conclusions

    any one with even a rudimentary understanding of economics and markets will know that the "crash" of the £ and the FTSE 100 says nothing much at all. It shows that traders predicted the wrong result, the pound rose to an artificial high, and thus dropped to reflect the actual decision. BIG SHOCKER: experts get things wrong!

    It says nothing about the economic benefit of the EU itself, only about speculation and uncertainty. 

    Pound and the FTSE100 have already begun to recover (YES, that's how markets work!) and FTSE 100 is already back at the level it was at only 4/5 days ago. 

    There is of course uncertainty surrounding the decision to leave... but imo it's a pathetic excuse not do something because of an element of risk. Nothing great was ever achieved without risk

    Remaining in the EU poses its own risks anyway. If we had joined the euro our economy would be far worse off than it is now.  EU has a track record (beyond free movement of goods and services) of being a complete and utter failure. It's consistent plans for an ever closer political union and more power (EU army) and expansionist agenda will follow the same path (Turkey, Albania etc.).

    You might say that Turkey won't be joining the EU any time soon, but I disagree. History has shown us that if the unelected, unaccountable EU presidents want to pursue something, we should take their word for it. 

    Europe is a diminishing share of the global economy. Remaining in it restricts our deals with other countries (that are actually growing and don't have 50% youth unemployment).

    "if we stay in the EU, it gives us a seat at the table to help reform it". TRIED AND FAILED.

    As for the EU not wanting to make a trade deal with Britain after we have exited. Well, that is a complex issue. If the EU wants to shoot itself in the foot by shutting out Britain then it can do so - it wouldn't be the first time lmao. But this is unlikely.

    Britain has a trade deficit with the EU. Less trade will harm them more than it will harm us. And Britain is FAR more stable than the EU. We can certainly cope with some instability, the EU (which is already at a tipping point) CANNOT. 

    Notice that the Euro has also depreciated and so too have Banks in the EU area. I wonder if they will bounce back as fast as the UK. I doubt it.

    Areas which see the most EU funding have voted to leave. Its interesting what conclusions people take from this. EU does not simply hand out money; it comes with strings attached - regulations. Maybe the areas which receive the most funding deal with the EU the most and are perhaps sick and tired of their involvement which they did not vote for and which cannot be held accountable. perhaps that is the issue.

    And we also have the issue of immigration which I don't think is that important. But leaving will gives us the ability to CONTROL what type of immigrants we want and at what levels. IT'S not xenophobic to what to control your borders. If the UK citizens and elected politicians then decide they want MORE immigration then that could certainly happen. But the pressure placed on housing, public services is no small concern and on the wages of low-skilled workers is no small issue.

    I simply don't trust Brussel elites to make 15-59% of our laws. And it is naive to think they are more trustworthy than our own politicians. 


    SO what do we have? We have a political and economic union that no one voted for, that is unaccountable and unelectable, that wants more power (further eroding our democratic rights and sovereignty) and an ever closer union, and that is economically unstable. 

    no thanks! Glad Britain had the courage to vote out. Think globally!

    • Upvote 3
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  10. wtf ? re-read my response bruh!

    did I ever say I thought jimmy was lying?? I know he said that.. I read/saw the same interview where he stated it.. I have zero doubt Mike lowered her vocals.. You can especially tell in the new Immortal Mix they did of Scream where Janet's vocals are loud and clear, especially on the hook... It was HIS song on HIS album.. He could do whatever tf he wanted with it..

    MJ > all ya'll dramatic queens

    lol "his song" but janet's producers and lyrics. Also, it was a duet. Janet wasn't a feature.

    • Upvote 2
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  11.  Errrrr umm .. The fact that you contradicted yourself screams volumes

    "I'm vegan... But 75% of the time I eat bacon"

    I stated Bush went into war bc of oil. If 75% of the reason is that reason then it is the most important reason and ultimately you agree. 

    The rest of what you stated doesn't matter due to this gaffe 

    I said Bush didn't got war with Iraq "purely" for oil. It was one of the lessor reasons (and a perfectly valid one at that). You ignorantly and naively implied it was the only reason (as if it was some kind of conspiracy).

    I didn't contradict myself. You read what you wanted to read.

  12. Some of the stuff she advised felt like minor details. I mean no disrespect but she was advising how the girl with blonde should have blond eyebrows, side eye, and then Allison's hair. 

    BUT I noticed when she was talking about the boots she said this is "what he wanted" - in reference to Gil. Also, Luther mentioned she would ask what vibe she needed to be in & how she needed to do it? Then he gave her the direction. 

    Lastly, Whyley who is really good people kinda showed me that when they were doing the choreo it was done with a very "gay" flare that they felt looked good on them, but idk that Janet translates those moves with that same vibe. Watch Whyley at the end doing the choreo based on how he feels it & when they're performing & go watch Janet. Part of me feels like that's something that stunts Janet's growth with dancing. Their moves & attitude they add in does not always transcend into her. 

    100% agree with this. 

    Janet's choreography in recent years has a camp vibe. I don't think it's sexy on her; and I don't think it really works. 

    Don't get me wrong though, I still love the video... 

    • Upvote 4
  13. Doesn't matter if I'm from XYZ or not.

    My former President went to war for oil and covered it up with 9/11 so quoting a politician isn't exactly proving a point

    Multiculturalism is a failure due intolerance..


    Real studies > your politician 

    PS: I'm actually a student of American national security and can confidently say that Bush didn't go to war purely for oil; it was probably the third/fourth reason for the Iraq war. Considering oil for the rationale for the Iraq was a perfectly logical thing to do - to not do so would be completely naive; to expect otherwise is also naive - anyone surprised by the fact doesn't understand politics. America, with support from the UN and 30 of its allies, have imposed sanctions and intervened in Iraq because of oil (among other, more important reasons) before - it's not immoral to do so. 

    You misunderstood my point. The prime minister would be the LAST person to admit this fact. It's significant because it shows how blindingly obvious that fact has become. Immigration levels are way too high in this country. He's just repeating what many intellectuals have been saying for a while now. 

    My argument isn't about race. Saying multiculturalism has failed has nothing to do with race. Multiculturalism is NOT multiracialism. I'm criticizing multiculturalism as a political process. 

    The fact that extremism is rising, that we have Sharia courts (which are increasing) is just one aspect of how some immigrants aren't expected to respect our liberal values. 

    People say "oh, well it's only a minority." Well, the truth is that this minority is growing; and it only takes a minority of immigrants who detest our values (because it directly contradicts those they grew up with) to cause mass-scale terror.

    The FCO now has a forced marriage unit to prevent forced marriages, but it took FAR too long to arrive. All because of the defence of multiculturalism.

    And what about the issue of FGM that has been happening in our SCHOOLS for years. 

    So, yes. Multiculturalism is failing. 

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