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Posts posted by BlackCat1989

  1. @ Lioness Queen, Thanks I for one don't care if there are lots of Mj supporters here.I will not stay silent just because some choose to be blinded by Mj's talent, money, and fame. I stayed silent for to long in my own situation. It just hard for me to believe that everyone is lying about Mj. Not everyone is after money! I did not know Mj personally so I don't know what he was like behind closed doors( that goes for everybody). He could have showed the public one face and been completely different when he was alone with those boys( again speaking from my own experience). The one that really got me was Wade Robson because I knew just how much he loved Mj.

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  2. Y'all can say what you want, but this makes 5. There's no reason that a grown ass man should have been having sleepovers with young ass boys. Now I don't want to believe that Janet's brother was a child molester, but I have had my suspicions about Mj for a long time. As someone who was a victim of childhood molestation myself it is hard for me to just up and say that these boys are lying. I know what its like to have people not believe you when you tell your turths. People are so quick to want to say that these boys are lying and that they are all out for money. From what I know the first accuser is the only one who received any money. Just because they file these lawsuits don't mean that they will win any money, but it damn sho means that they will become enemy #1 for all Mj Stans.

    If this is true do you all feel that it is okay for these young men to be victimized for the rest of their lives by Mj Stans?

  3. Funny because that's the track everyone back in the day when AFY was released that everyone was dissing and the track that started the "OMG stop talking singing about sex" thing :lol:

    I've always loved it

    Really! Because I always loved that track. Even though I was 15 when "All for You" came out and was not even thinking about sex. I still loved that song(but I sure as hell didn't let my parents know that a song like that was on that CD)Lol!

  4. So, I do a twitter search on Janet like all the damn time( yes, I am that obsessed with her) but anyway I have noticed that this particular song is extremely popular and so many people tweet about it constantly. There hasn't been a day that goes by that I don't see a tweet about this song. Rapper Joe Budden has even listed it as his #1 fuck song. I think that a part of the reason that people like it so much is because of the moaning at the end of the song... It actually sounds like she is literally getting fucked in the studio.

    Side note ~ am I the only one who thought this song was about Q-tip?

  5. I heard this rumor some years back. I don't know how true it is but, from what I heard Janet supposedly contracted it from James Debarge. James Debarge is a drug addict who was being molested and raped by his older brother Bobby Debarge. Bobby was bisexual and died of aids back in 1995. James said that Bobby hurt him in every way possible. It was also implied that James still sells himself for drugs even to this day.

  6. There is no album news cuz Janet ain't releasing shit this yr. You all can keep wishing upon a star if you want to.

    Yep! I agree with you. For some reason I just don't think Janet wants to do music anymore. Especially since she really doesn't have to at this point. She has money, dick, and food! Can't say I blame her either with the state of the music business being what it is.

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  7. This was an in my opinion a very well written article. I sometimes hate that they have to throw Michael's name in there every damn time. Its like Janet can't be mentioned without Michael's name being mentioned. She's accomplished so much on her own that she doesn't need for Michael's name to be brought up in all of her interviews and articles about her. I had never heard about her advisors telling her not to go to a lot of Michael's court dates. But then again it makes sense seeing that America was still pissed at her for the WM. 2004 and 2005 were some rough years for Janet and Michael. Although I don't recall the media going in on Janet for her plastic surgery. They mostly save that for Mj and Latoya. I'm kinda surprised that Marie Claire UK did this piece, because I always felt that folks in the UK never gave Janet props like that.

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  8. We are so use to hearing Britney's version ..its hard for us to grasp Janet recording it. It probably would have been even better if she had did it. So I'm impartial,understandably..

    And I dnt recall him speaking ill of MJ on this interview

    Go back and listen to the first 15 mins of it. You will hear Howard comment about how weird Mj was. Pharell didn't respond to it he just kept talking about how much of a genius Mj was.

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  9. So I was listening to Howard Stern interview Pharell Williams and he brought up the fact that Janet passed on this song. And how he felt when it became a hit for BS.

    I personally feel that Janet made a good decision on passing on this song. She would have been a 34-35 year old woman (not to mention a black woman at that) singing about being a slave for somebody. I don't think that would have been a good look at all. What works for one artist does't always work for another.

    Side note I didn't appreciate how Howard was talking about how weird Mj was when Pharell was speaking about his experience with him. I am not a big Mj Fan at all, but damn the man is dead. Have some got damn respect!

  10. Has anyone else noticed how much Poetic Justice is getting played now? Every time it's on it trends. Kinda ironic that Janet doesn't like the movie and yet it's her most played and tweeted about movie.

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