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Posts posted by feehgarcia

  1. Sherri mentioned this before on the radio. She went to 2 Unbreakable shows. She was mentioning the lack of skin versus when she saw her last during the UCAP tour.  The would you mind Janet may not be coming back but I think Sherri and most people would like to see the stylish Janet back and not that Hell Raiser suit she had on this tour. 

    Being someone's mother does not end your sexual freedom. Janet is an artist as well. I don't know any artist who has squelched their freedom because of motherhood 

    THIS ^

    I also think her attitude is the key! Not if she's showing skin or acting sluty on stage.
    What she can do, If she feels confortable.

    Sex was ALWAYS a part of her life, some women leave it aside when they become mothers, others feel that sexual energy even stronger. Hormons... Who knows?

    Moms have sex and feel sexy too, you know? lol
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  2. the problem with "the help" is they are not all the help, first off Gil is down for Janet like four flat tires, okay, and thats most of us, problem is his "vision" is limited and she needs to expand to something more that fits her....can she please everyone? NO but she can aim higher, thats within the scope of Live Nation, budget and ticket demand

    I love her, I want the best for her, but apologizing for the small stage in ATL....not cute...when Madonna did the SB it was a back and forth of how much more can I have....Janet's been in the business too long to not get more...I say ask for more see what you get, try at the least, ..hard

    THIS ^
    I rest my case.


     if you have someone with a creative mind and ideas

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    • Upvote 1
  3. All of that said, the few dates Janet did do for Unbreakable prove that she can support a great tour.  If she launches a similar format to Unbreakable (small core of dancers, less elaborate sets, etc.) 


    I need big sets, HD led screens, elevators, staircases and costume changes!!!!! lol

    I'm really starting to get bored with this intimate/Number Ones type of concert she's giving. I have a friend who says she can't afford a large scale production anymore, but don't think that's the case at all.

    Janet is on the A-list... One of the top performers of all time! She deservers and have so much more potential! I look back at the Rock Witchu Tour... That's the structure I'd love to see again! I love that show, the sets, video interludes, the way the show tells a story. I love those things!

    Same for the janet. World Tour... The stage was so beautiful and imponent! Anyway... I don't know she's afraid of something, insecure or if its a creative thing... But although I love some stuff they did on the Unbreakable Tour, it's definitely not my favorite.

    • Upvote 3
  4. 01. She said before she would be back and we all know where it ended (Rock WItchu).
    02. What GAME said is true. There have been placeholders for months now!
    Some for december 2017 others for july 2018.
    03. Gil always says a lot but never mean anything. I don't believe a single word he says for a long time now...
    He works with her and its her personal friend, he would never let something like this leak! Of course we will say NO or WAIT FROM HER LIPS.

    04. I do believe she really is under some contractual obligation with Live Nation. But she can always pay the bills, let it go and start over!

    Personally, I always wanted her to take some time being a mom and get back on the road a few years from now.
    ENJOY THE MOMENT. And I also believe, now they separated
    , she might start something from scratch.

    Unbreakable is all about her private and love live with Wissam... Its about her fans and family too, but I don't know...
    For the first time I believe, if she decides to restart with Unbreakable, there will be a real revamp on the show, visuals, marketing and stuff.

    Let's wait and see... But I think Unbreakable is over and she will move on.


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  5. You shall most certainly be tried in your possessions and in your persons; and indeed you shall hear many hurtful things from those to whom revelation was granted before your time, as well as from those who have come to ascribe divinity to other beings beside Allah. But if you remain patient in adversity and conscious of Him – this, behold, is something to set one’s heart upon. – 3:186 www.wissamalmana.com


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  6. Like I said somewhere else... I'm sad for her, but I hope it brings the "true janet" back.
    And by true Janet I mean: expontaneous, sharp tongue, aware of her accomplishments and skills, funny...

    I always liked Wissam and from the start we all could see how happy she looked. But we can also agree she seems to have taken a "step back" on a few areas like her shyness and stuff.

    Grab any interview from the Number Ones Era and the few rare insights we had during Unbreakable. She stands diffrent, she looks diffrent and being a "married woman" has nothing to do with that. What I'm saying, MY OPINION NOT THE TRUTH, is maybe she held back some stuff even traces of her own personality to make the relationship work. We all do that, I already did that!

    Not saying Unbreakable is not a "true janet" album, cause it is! Production, lyrics... But her attitude was not the same. During the Unbreakabe Era Janet looked much more like the shy and young Contro/RN Janet than the bold woman she became.

    • Upvote 3
  7. I find it sad that many of the fans are saying "great - now Janet can get back to walking around half naked and grinding men on stage" as if that's all she amounts to.

    The speculation is frustrating but somewhat undesrandable. I hope they are splitting so she can tend to her mother. Nothing else is really making sense... I'm truly baffled and still hoping for more clarification other than shit like that negative Daily Mail


    I think ABC News said there's some sort of official statement coming.
    Let's wait.

  8. The point is... When Daily Mail was the only website talking about it, we had all reasons to call it a bullshit.
    01. They gave too much explicit details that might not (not impossible, tho) be true.
    02. That's the kind of tabloid that give the news first and ask later.

    But a few hours after, when major outlets like YAHOO, The Huffington Post and People Magazine starting telling we started paying attention.
    I saw a lot of fans bitching about "wait for her lips..." "all lies..." 

    BITCH, People Magazine had exclusive news to share about the pregnancy, ABC News is not The Wendy Williams Show... They have a reputation, an editor and journalists behind it. They checked the info with her reps before sharing it. 

    Also, they wouldn't give away Janet's conection by sharing a rumor/lie. It's hard to make the woman talk, and if the websites she gives official reports started spreading rumors it oculd damage their relation!

    This time the shitty tabloids were right and broke the news, then the serious outlets confirmed before started sharing too.

    People must understand not every magazine or website is based on lies... Some of them acctually check information before coming out to the public!

    And fans must also undersand Janet is a human being, just like us.
    Relationships SUCKS sometimes... We don't know the reason and it's non of our business, but shit happens.

    Maybe they weren't happy for awhile then she got pregnant... Or something happened during pregnancy. Anyway... It's not our business to judge.

    I just can't wait for the true Janet to be back with a Velvet Rope/All For You vibe new record!

    • Upvote 2
  9. A few days ago I stumbled over a random facebook group where people where bitching about who (Britney, Beyoncé, Xtina...) has the best dance breaks... Of course I couldn't keep my mouth shut :P

    There are some of my favorite Janet dance breaks! What are yours?


  10. Nothing new LOL
    But I'm wondering why, out of nowhere, E! News would type so many words about Janet. Maybe she's cooking something and they "bought" the article? The journalist is a fan?

    Gil is in London for his b'day, maybe we get another glimpse of her outside her home, like when mama Katherine and Rebbie were there.

    Anyway, I'm happy for her and I really hope she takes and enjoys her time with her family. No rush for her comeback... I also hope the pregnancy/baby will get her inspired for something new.

  11. Hey guys!
    It took us a lot of sleepless nights but it's more than worth it. Our photo gallery is back! 

    Yes, there's some stuff missing... We're still working on some albums (like Awards, Paparazzi and Live Performances)
    but feel free to navigate and discover Janet Jackson's photoshoots, video stills, stage pictures and more! 

    Welcome to JANET Vault, your #1 Janet Jackson image source.


    • Upvote 7
  12. Janet. Doesn't. Give. A. Damn.
    Why should we?

    I'm so tired about this... We see injustice and media being unfair to her every single day.
    But we can't do anything alone. She doesn't seem to care and her team don't bother either...

    I came to accept the fact I became a fan between 20YO and Discipline, I was 2 on her golden age and those days are gone.
    I'm thankfull she dropped Unbreakable and, if we're lucky, another album will come on the next years.

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