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Everything posted by bu.

  1. I've got an pain killer capsule lodged in my oesophagus. wtf?
  2. My boss is out. I'm tempted to say 'i'm sick' and go shopping home.
  3. I thank Janhova for making it ok to be big! I'm proud of my thighs
  4. Is there any updates to her sales for The Best/Number Ones?
  5. Is that switch or Tank :S
  6. Make a thread then and lets gets the voting underway
  7. For real cos Maddonatan is trying to stray me off of the path of righteousness . It's like Adam and the apple all over again
  8. I'mma need for you to defend me when he comes back. He burned me on the old board. Pressing him is like pressing a zit. The crap won't stop coming out
  9. For the head stan in charge he sure does have more posts in the confessions thread
  10. That pic wasn't showing up so here's my email. I shouldn't have bothered. From: Sent: 15 March 2011 10:36:27 To: pbuchanan620@gmail.com Subject: Here's an inside tip, Peter.‏ Ok ch...I'm writing in regards to your concert review of the iconic, legendary, 100 million record selling Janet Jackson. On what basis are you labelling Janet a freak? I'm confused because I don't ever remember her doing anything to obtain such a label. I mean a white man exposing her breast is hardly 'freak' worthy. What else has she done that is 'scandalous'? Secondly how is her career dwindling? Did her book not just get to number one? Did she not just sell out pretty much all her tour dates AROUND THE WORLD? Has she not achieved great success in her latest movies? Her music career may not be the same after Justin caused the malfunction but other than that she's still doing well and probably being paid 100 times your pay. In 50 years time Janet will STILL be a legend and you? Well I hadn't even heard of you until now. Who are you exactly? Maybe instead of trying to shade on someone you should concentrate more on writing a BALANCED review rather than letting your obvious disdain towards an icon come through. As far as Janet using her brother to 'revive' her career. He died almost 2 years ago. In the 'real' world she would have been fired by now if she took a 2 year absence from work. Do you expect her to not work for the rest of her life? Plus you're reviewing Janet not Michael. And even then it's disgusting to speak ill of the dead but what can be expected from someone that looks like they just walked off the set of Mork & Mindy. But it's OK. I understand -- Queens aren't born at the top. They climb their way up in heels, no matter who they have to tread on to do it. It's ok but remember, the faster you rise, the harder you fall. Hope that moustache doubles as a parachute. Now pipe down piper. You know you love her. It's ok to admit it because you see, despite what you and the media may think, it's ok to like the Jacksons now. Especially Ms Jackson if ya nasty Regards Moi. Buh bye
  11. I feel silly for even letting him have it but it just bothered me that she's called a freak for no reason.
  12. I just had a pleasant moment listening to Janet coon on Would You Mind
  13. I was feeling flushed this morning so I decided to entertain myself through my own interpretation of Moist as written in the book Damitallah Josus. . I kid. Praise be to Janhova.
  14. Does anyone have the GIF of Janets scene in FCG where she says 'NOOO' at the car when the kids die?
  15. 09/03/11 Breakfast - Special K AND Crunchy Nut mixed in one bowl Lunch - 6" Chicken & Turkey Rasher Subway Sub (cheese, toasted, onions, olives, pepper and southwest sauce) Dinner - undecided yet though I'm probably going to have mince lamb with potatoes
  16. For real OK so I used to like Kurt last season. I was like 'yay big up the gays' but this season it's like...'is the school really THAT homophobic in this day and age that you need to go to all all gay school?'. Like seriously just tell everybody that the bully tried poking the candy bar into your ice cream cone. The whole 'woe is me' thing is so boring. I thought Britney, Gaga and Madonna liberated him? Clearly the only one that can do the job is Janet. Like I said to Slo Love they could have promoted True You on Glee seeing as that was the target audience i.e. teens.
  17. I felt like getting my hock, putting my Madea mask on and shooting up in the glee club room when they all ganged up on Santana . "I just try to be really, really honest with people when I think that they suck! You know? No one gets me." PREACH MY DARLING! PREACH!
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