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Posts posted by wayneashleymusic

  1. Netflix wasn't around during the Janet. Tour days, but Janet basically did something similar to this.  it's a great alternative to running all over the planet doing press in every city to promote a tour.  

    Let's approach this another way... 

    Janet Jackson is truly one of a kind in the entertainment/ music industry.  Think about it... who else has reached her level of fame and fortune, only to be held back by such a peculiar scandal as what occurred on the Super Bowl.  She wasn't caught in affair.  She wasn't doing drugs, or locked up for murder or something like that.  She wasn't caught stealing tons of cash from someone.  Janet's career was almost erased from an event that literally could have happened to any star at any time.  Even more unique is the fact that people even ACKNOWLEDGE that the whole controversy was ridiculously over-blown.  And years later, we live in an era where several stars have MADE their careers for voluntarily doing much more that the accident which happened.  Yet, none of these major entities have even considered apologizing to Janet for how they treated her, much less working to restore her status in the industry.  

    DESPITE all of that, she STILL has managed to persevere on the Unbreakable love of her fans, and her incredible talent.  And every single time any news comes out about her, the world STILL pays attention, even if they're not always running to her concerts.  

    You been on Twitter this week??  That video of Janet doing her thing on the All For You tour went viral, and currently has over 2 milliion views.  People that have never heard any of her music watched that video and now they wanna know more.  Yet some of y'all actually think there'd be no interest in a Netflix series?  

    If Cameron Dallas can do a Netflix series, Janet Jackson Sure AF can do one and be successful.  



    • Upvote 4
  2. *heads up, tho theyre her family, Jackson family stuff that isnt directly about/involve  her still goes to FreeXone*

    Eh, they acknowlege Steeltown the same way Janet acknowledges JJ & DS, so I wouldnt get my hopes up, not ruling it out but considering they really acknowlege their success years that 50th stuff will come 2019, same way 40th did in 09, they acknowlege Diana Ross presents the Jackson5 as their debut

    Ok, good to know.  Guess I should've assumed as much.  

  3. So next year is another big one for the Jackson family.  

    January 30th, 1968 will be the 50 year mark for the Jackson 5's debut single "Big Boy", and thus marks their 50 year history as recording artists.  The Big Boy single was released on Steeltown, so it's before their Motown days.  Their Debut Single with Motown was "I Want You Back"-- October 7th, 1969.  

    I know these commemorations don't directly involve Janet, but it is her family.  Has anyone heard of any big commemorative events, or shows planned for this?  



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  4. Uh, in my personal opinion - if she does perform State of the World, which due to the title of the tour seems likely, I think she should reinvent it. Personally, the song isn't bad & the lyrics are pretty relevant but it's kinda dated. I never anticipated her performing that song again, unless she does release something like 4-6 songs on an EP under the same name & she could even do a modernized/reprised SOTW track. Who knows...but I kinda doubt that's what's happening. 

    Also, as AMAZING as it would be for Janet to add in songs like Can't Be Stopped, New Agenda, LIAWTDM, Dream Maker to make the theme of this tour very solid...I doubt she will do it. The thing is even though it's a rebirthing of Unbreakable tour - IF it is done right she could make this tour a MASSIVE visual & artistic experience like none of her other tours just based on the theme & timing alone. The name sends a message of concern & action...while she is already an icon - if she does this right it could really push her even higher up the chain. 

    Based on her announcement, what you describe doesn't sound far fetched from what she may be planning.  

    I went to Unbreakable New Orleans-- if I recall correctly, the last tour stop before the Unbreakable album was released.  With the exception of No Sleeep, Burn It Up! and Unbreakable, no one in the audience had ever heard the rest of the album at that point.  Of the new songs she did, Shoulda Known Better got a MASSIVE reaction from the crowd, as the projections were so powerful.  There's no way that Janet didn't see how quickly we all connected with it, despite the fact that none of us had even heard the song before. 

    On this point I totally agree... even without new music, a tour that focuses on Janet's socially-conscious repertoire could be a game-changer for her, especially when it comes to reaching the younger generations.  On my blog I wrote an RN Anniversary post called Janet Jackson: The First Millennial-- not only was it retweeted by Jimmy Jam, but the post was one of the highest ever viewed on my site... definitely the highest of my music-related posts.  And let's not even forget that Janet has yet to perform songs like Black Eagle for a live audience yet.  

    The potential for this tour is HUUUGE.  

    • Upvote 1
  5. I think she will do well in the big cities.  The tickets being sold out doesn't always mean that it is sold out.  A lot of the sales go to scalpers and brokers who post those tickets on third party sites.  I do think attendance will be rough in the beginning in places like Texas, Arizona, Oklahoma and Oregon.  That's not where her base is anymore.   I think those shows may see cancellations or postponements as well as the Colorado and Wisconsin venues.  There is just no base there.  It will take some hardcore promo to sell there.  I'm hoping they have some type of strategy this time around.  

    Her birthday is coming up.  I know she is busy so I hope that this time around her team acknowledges when her peers tweet her or wish her well and retweet those or tweet back.  Every little bit helps.  

    As a TEXAS fan, I certainly hope not!!  Also I think you've got some conflicting assertions. The Texas shows are all in big cities... Houston (7 million metro) D/FW (7 million metro) Austin (2 million) and San Antonio (3 million). IMO the true mistake would be to skip over such large parts of the country. 

    The path to assure sales for Janet Jackson starts with Black Radio, the absolute core of her fan base. Even if she wants to keep her interviews limited, radio will be the cornerstone connection to make fans aware of the tour. A spot and some promos on something like Tom Joyner would be ideal. Thankfully, we know promotion is going better for SOTWT than UWT because the radio stations actually have some tickets to give away, and they'be been talking about it a lot more. 

    I also think heavier promotion in the big cities is key to shore up smaller shows in proximity. You want Houston folks to know that not only is Janet coming to us, but that she'll have two other shoes in close proximity-- Lafayette and Austin. Super fans will buy multiple tickets, while other folks will just tell friends and family in those other areas. 


  6. Of the above choices, I picked Empty because like so many of Janet's songs, it's relevance has grown exponentially with the passage of time.  I mean, that s___ was written when the internet was barely 5 years old, and she talking about online relationships!!!  

    Some others I would love to hear/ see performed on the new tour... 


    -China Love

    - Lonely (how epic would it be for this to transition into Empty??)

    - New Agenda is a MUST!!  

    - Make Me

    - Trust A Try

    • Upvote 3
  7. I know we're all excited about the Empress of Pop's return to the stage for a tour, but recent forum discussion is peering towards future projects.  We all know that Janet is a visionary and creative genius.  But what would a full musical based on her songs look like?  Would it simply be her story (after all, so much of her material is what's going on in her life at the time), or could a new story and plot be constructed?  What songs would you use??  

  8. It's funny because I always remember a tweet Gil posted after they performed When We Ooh in Las Vegas. Something along the lines of " its given us some ideas". The reaction was positive then, even with Throb being performed and  the same with the RWU tour. It could be done quite easily and I'm sure it would be embraced.

    Wow so wish I had seen that... need to do a YouTube search.  

    This is part of the magic of Janet Jackson, and the power of her discography.  Some of her songs are literally so good and yield such profound images and stories, you could do a whole musical constructed around her music. Janet really hasn't done anything like that since RN, so there's no doubt it would be well received now.  

    This warrants another forum topic... :excited::ph34r::excited:

  9. I feel for Janet and her crew when it comes to the set list..  I mean we're talking about so many hits, and so many great songs.  It's no coincidence that she had enough material to tour (back when people actually had to EARN their way to tour prominence) from just two albums b/c nearly every song on those albums was a total hit.  

    Beyond that, we have to remember that just as prominent as those hits are the iconic dance moves which accompany the songs, so we can't leave those out.  On a Janet tour, somebody's favorite is going to lose out.  

  10. So I'm on my city's NPR station once a month as a commentator where we talk about mostly local issues.  But on today's show, I couldn't help but mention the #EmpressOfPop when talking about the ineffectiveness of Congress.    

    Check out the segment.  The official shout out is around 12:35 or so, and then you can guess what song closes us out.   


    • Upvote 2
  11. Just got my floor seats for HOUSTON!!!  OMG so excited.  

    Curious... do you think I'd be okay to wait until next month to do the Hospitality Upgrade??  Gotta watch my budget.  

    Also planning to purchase tix for Austin, since Houston is Saturday and Austin is on Sunday night.  Lafayette would be tough if I have to work that Friday, but I might have to spring for it since it'll be the first show.  

    Seriously y'all, this is like a dream come true.  Praying that sales go well and that she announces some European dates.  

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  12. As for what themes the new tracks will cover, I think the clues are there.  State of the World tour, so Janet is likely still in an Unbreakable/ Rhythm Nation/ Social Conscience kind of space.  But she did also say it's not political.  

    This is a huge reason why I'm such a fan of Janet, and the whole Jackson family.  For all the achievements, they are genuinely concerned with the legacy of their work, and music that makes a difference to people.  After the monumental success of Control, Janet, Jimmy and Terry could've just followed the formula, and cranked out another hit album... that would've been the "easy road" to super stardom.  For a then 22 year old Janet... wealthy virtually her entire life... to feel the pain and struggles of others so deeply that she would write an album like Rhythm Nation still amazes me today.  At the time when her fame and influence was nearing its maximum, she chose not to focus on herself, but to use her voice to make this world a better place.  It's no secret those messages are still incredibly relevant and resonant 30 years later.  

    Other artists out there may technically have more hits (and the luxury of not having suffered a gruesome industry blackout), but from a qualitative measurement, their catalogs don't measure up to the Empress of Pop.  


    • Upvote 7
  13. depending on how well this goes, Europe may be on the table after

    Given the fact that all the North American commitments finish in December, that screams Europe for January of 2018 after a holiday break.  

    I know we're just one day in, but does this second go-round "feel" better received than the Unbreakable tour?  I'm noticing a huge amount of local press coverage for every stop, which I don't recall in 2015.  I think more people will actually KNOW she's on tour this time.  

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