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Posts posted by PensivePutana

  1. I'm looking at the graph: 

    - She released her #1s album Nov. 2010 (57 tweets that month) and it had a steady run for the duration of the tour (December 2011 with 40 tweets that month). 

    - Then comes a dry spell.. between January 2012 & June 2015, she was tweeting at less than 10 tweets a month (excluding her birthday month which were on a decline as the years went by (33, 13, 5)

    Then in June 2015, she tweeted 42x and stayed consistent until June '16

    Then the dry spell 

    aka non-existent unless promoting a product

    As I said, it's relative -- on avg: 10 tweets/month at minimum. During eras there's heightened activity, then the average dipped below 10 tweets/month in Summer 2012 (Grannygate?) in 2013 and 2014 there was a huge dip, heightening upon May '15 (Unbreakable Era announcement) and tapering off to nada shortly after the era was paused. Janet became less active upon 2012, etc. with far longer periods of inactivity between tweets even compared to previous years in-between/preceeding eras.  Don't know why that's a point of contention. This is a silly back and forth, no?  Reminds me of the phrase, "There are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics."

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  2. Never. Literally, never. Her Twitter was nearly nonexistent before Unbreakable. She used twitter ONLY to post promo UNICEF stuff, charity stuff, music sometimes. 

    She has never regularly or even seasonally used twitter. I know because I didn't really follow her because it was so quiet. 

    It was not "nearly nonexistent" before Unbreakable.. Prior to '13, she was more regularly tweeting to #janfam, after which it became even more inactive, with long stretches (many months even) in between tweets, moreso lately. Obviously the Unbreakable era saw her dial up the tweets/instagram,etc for promo -- Anyway, I don't see the point of arguing this, which is besides the point.

  3. Y'all do remember Janet before Wissam right? When she was ducking paps, going through back doors to avoid crowds, never using social media, disappearing from public eye...

    It feels like, JD made y'all think Janet loved the spotlight. She has NEVER been a very public person. This is strictly playing into the fact that so many "fans" were frustrated with her privacy & wanting to hear from her. 

    Agree, though for Janet, her "openness" is graded on a scale, obviously. I remember her being more active on social media, for example, before marrying Wissam.

  4. <a href="http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/08/09/arts/music/janet-jackson-control-anniversary.html?smid=tw-nytimesarts&smtyp=cur&referer=">http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/08/09/arts/music/janet-jackson-control-anniversary.html?smid=tw-nytimesarts&smtyp=cur&referer=</a>

    (A bit of a read, but still nice to see the recognition.)


    The standard for planet-stopping artistic statements in pop music is now so high that you need a pilot’s license to compete with the Beyoncés, Kanyes and Kendricksof the world. But when Janet Jackson craved ascent, she didn’t go to flight school. She went to Flyte Tyme. That was the Minneapolis production company Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis operated and where the three came up with “Control,” Ms. Jackson’s third record and the first of their subtly strange, sonically complex thematic carnivals. The album turned 30 in February, peaked in popularity right about this time that year (hitting No. 1 in July) and still sounds today as much like 1986 as it does 2056. Some producers make hooks. These three made wedgies.

    It makes sense to admire “Control” as an album about independence. It’s a compelling tale of freedom in which Ms. Jackson liberates herself from the demands of suffocating men to make her own demands. She granted herself permission to define her sexiness. Even now, the excitement of “When I Think of You” is the sight of a cherubic Janet Jackson dance-walking across a soundstage in a silky, tricked-out jacket and bustier, matching pants, heels, that hoop earring with the key on it, and the mane of three lions. That was also the summer of Madonna’s “Open Your Heart”video, in which she seduced with just the bustier, some fishnets and a peep show. Despite, or more likely because of, all those clothes, Ms. Jackson’s dancing seemed all the freer.


    Continued at link. ..

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