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Posts posted by Aquaria

  1. the whole shade of this thread is being thrown at Rihanna for what I dont know why? if the white girls do it it's ok but the black girl do it something is wrong :wtf: stop hating

    first you guys griped about her not dancing she danced last night now you wanna talk

    Britney dont even sing live and you guys give her a pass you people are so bias it kills me

    Katy Perry was horrible last night no one is saying anything about that

    I can make a list of white Bitches

    that sound worst than Rihanna and you guys dont talk about that

    stop checking her thread and listening to her music then she will go away until then grip in this thread

    this thread is Bull Shit


    This has NOTHING to do with race. People went on and on about Katy and Taylor from last night.

  2. Gaga can come off contrived imo. I don't know why she finds it necessary to wear half of the appliances section as Sears at events that don't call for it like tea parties and what not. She has raw talent, but she hasn't demonstrated it. It's almost as if her props and costumes are wearing her rather than the other way around.

    She is contrived, but she has the talent to back it up and has definitely demonstrated it.

  3. Once again, as I've stated in the past, yes Rihanna more hits than her peers, but if we were to discuss the ways in which she needs to catch up to her peers, we'd be here all day.

    Well in a sense her "peers" are Katy Perry and Ke$ha.

    B and G are peers, a tier above those girls :D

  4. I said the same thing. I watch these shows and it's just terrible when you have ppl up there who can't perform. Like I said, you can package an artist, but you can't package talent. And when you try to do that, the artist gets on stage and embarrasses themselves. Consequently stans have no other option but to drag them. -_- There hasn't been any artistry in the pop scene in quite some time. There haven't been many classic albums since the dawn of the new millennium, no classic songs, no groundbreaking videos. But at the same time, every artist is not meant to be successful and be huge. There's a reason why Beyonce, Britney, and Gaga can sell out stadiums, but Kesha, Katy, and Justin aint never doing it.

    Yep true (about some artists meant to be big and others not). I think Gaga is amazing because she came out with a concept album, she was so sure of who she was, what she wanted to convey, and you never, ever see that. Most artists spend a couple albums finding themselves, but she just unleashed Gaga on the world :wub: And the progression from album to album conceptually is genius as well :wub:

    Hail Gagalupe, full of grace, the lord is with thee :blush:

  5. Yeah those are those other ppl I was thinking of but couldn't think of. :lol: It's quite clear the Untouchables are Mike, Janet, Madonna, and Whitney. I don't put Mariah in those ranks because she was always a trend follower to me rather than a trailblazer. But everyone will always live in those shadows. It's amazing how today's acts have watered down what they've instilled. Nowadays if you can do an 8 count without falling over you're considered a great dancer. Usher was the last of the great dancers. No one has really had "great" choreography. And singing...well just look at Britney and Rihanna. Can't sing for shit but have record contracts, and waters down the importance of vocals in pop music, which is Whitney brought to the table. Today's acts seem lazy and don't have much drive. Like it has been said, there's a reason why Beyonce and Gaga are leading the pack.

    Yes, looking at these awards shows and pop music in general it's like where's the raw talent? I found myself thinking numerous times while watching the AMAs why the fuck are you on that stage if you can't even sing and "performing" is walking around and twirling from time to time? Rihanna couldn't even bust a casual move without looking stiff. Christina at least is a great vocalist but all of her recent performances have left me wanting more, she always seems to be struggling to me. With Beyonce you always know she's going to deliver, the bitch can sing, dance, and she's gorgeous which is a nice topping. She's the number one popstar and for good reason and no one is taking her place. And alongside her is Gaga who also has incredible raw talent and the brains to match.

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