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President Obama Rolls Out "Plan C"

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The Obama Administration announced a new accommodation for religious nonprofits that deny women coverage for birth control. 


This new accommodation will allow nonprofits to opt out of covering birth control, enabling a 3rd party healthcare provider to pick up the coverage under the Affordable Care Act. 


The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which is representing several religious nonprofits in their cases against the administration is currently evaluation whether the accommodation adequately respects the religious freedom of its clients.

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I thought religious non-profits were already exempt, which was kind of the basis for the court ruling that requiring Hobby Lobby to provide it as a for-profit would be a violation of its religious freedoms.


Today's plan however, seeks to address the court's ruling by allowing the companies to be exempt once they write out their objection notifying their health care insurer and then the insurer would have to foot the bill -- thus keeping all women abortion covered no matter what politics the company choose.

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I thought religious non-profits were already exempt, which was kind of the basis for the court ruling that requiring Hobby Lobby to provide it as a for-profit would be a violation of its religious freedoms.


Today's plan however, seeks to address the court's ruling by allowing the companies to be exempt once they write out their objection notifying their health care insurer and then the insurer would have to foot the bill -- thus keeping all women abortion covered no matter what politics the company choose.

Birth control isn't abortions.


Birth Control includes "Plan B" medicine 

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I thought religious non-profits were already exempt, which was kind of the basis for the court ruling that requiring Hobby Lobby to provide it as a for-profit would be a violation of its religious freedoms.


Maybe I'm misreading this, but I'm not sure what this statement is supposed to mean. Hobby Lobby is a for-profit business. They just have pro-life owners.

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Birth control isn't abortions.


Birth Control includes "Plan B" medicine 


I'm not sure the point of this. But also, the lawyers for Hobby Lobby argued that Birth Control was a form of abortion. 


Maybe I'm misreading this, but I'm not sure what this statement is supposed to mean. Hobby Lobby is a for-profit business. They just have pro-life owners.


It was sloppily written.  Before the Hobby Lobby case, for-profit corporations were required to adhere to the Obamacare mandate.  In it's ruling, the court recognized a religious right exception for for-profit corporations in regards to covering the costs of contraception. 

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I'm not sure the point of this. But also, the lawyers for Hobby Lobby argued that Birth Control was a form of abortion. 


It is a form of abortion if you consider washing your sock as a form of abortion... IE birth control is pretty much stops a pregnancy from happening by killing/slowing the sperm, delaying/destroying the egg, etc. 


It's a piss-poor argument that has no scientific backing. I hope you don't agree with this blatant ignorance of the female body 

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It is a form of abortion if you consider washing your sock as a form of abortion... IE birth control is pretty much stops a pregnancy from happening by killing/slowing the sperm, delaying/destroying the egg, etc. 


It's a piss-poor argument that has no scientific backing. I hope you don't agree with this blatant ignorance of the female body 


I still don't understand the point of you distinguishing birth control from abortions in your previous choice.


I am pro-choice, think that the court ruled wrong in the Hobby Lobby case, and largely think that the Supreme Court has made a mess out of religious freedom jurisprudence as a whole. 

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