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How many slaves did your favorite President own?

King Baby

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I know this wil be unpopular but wtf.gif How many of our ancestors sold us to white men?

To continually focus on the power of one people over another, nullifies the efforts of every slave that fought and sometimes died for his or her freedom, every black father who worked at a job that was beneath his intelligence in order to make sure his family was fed and sheltered, and every long suffering mother who watched her child bused into uncertainty, trusting that those people would give her child the education he or she was entitled to under the law. In the end you can't do a damn thing about yesterday except try to learn enough from it to not let that shit happen again tomorrow. I'd rather focus on how many people of all races who have sacrificed, so much, to right that wrong.

There is a difference between moving on from the past and the Tea Party trying to rewrite the history of the United States of America. When you say something as stupid as Michele Bachmann said, you need to be called on your blatant bullshit and lack of knowledge. The only person nullifying the efforts of slaves is he Tea Party and their minions. How I long for the day when we thought a Vice President not being able to spell potato was the height of political stupidity.

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