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Love or luv? (small Janet Mention, too)

Reyna ♔

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The Dalai Lama tells us, "Without love we could not survive. Human beings are social creatures, and a concern for each other is the very basis of our life together." There is, however, much confusion about love and its text message spelling: LUV.

This confusion is evident in the recording of musician and actress Janet Jackson's hit "Luv." Despite the title, the song consistently sings of LOVE. Listen to "Luv's" refrain:

"Now I'm like a deer

Caught in headlights

Ugh, he hit me with his love

Love, love, love, love

He hit me with his love

And now I'm in love, love, love, love

Got me caught in a wreck, I'm a mess

Somebody call the paramedics

He hit me with his love."

What is it LOVE or LUV? Here's what I think. To paraphrase Erich Fromm, LUV says: I love you because I need you, but LOVE says: I need you because I love you. LUV is about my needs, my happiness; LOVE is about the needs and happiness of others. LOVE is selflessness; LUV is lovelessness.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the eighteenth Century philosopher, wrote of "amour propre" - feelings of excessive pride and self-love. If Rousseau were writing today, I think he'd call that LUV. Paul, on the other hand, in 1 Cor. 13 is clearly speaking of LOVE when he reminds us that LOVE is patient and kind, is not proud or self-seeking. We frequently read that passage at our weddings, but do not live it as often in our marriages.

Saint Thomas Aquinas taught: "LOVE is willing good to another." He definitely was not speaking of LUV. The American humorist Fran Lebowitz, however, was. He wrote, "Romantic love is mental illness." That's LUV. It is crazy but pleasurable. It's an addiction; it's nuts, but for the time it's delightful.

LUV is earth-shattering. It leaves us breathless and excited. We are on fire. We are obsessed; we can think of nothing else but the beloved. Hopefully, LOVE is what is left over when LUV has burned itself out.

The Christian Scriptures teach, "God is LOVE" (1 John 4:8), but it's not only the Christians. Mahatma Ghandi told us, "Where LOVE is, there God is also." But if god (no capital letter here!) were LUV, what kind of a god would he be?

If god were LUV, he would require us for his divine needs. He would want us to acknowledge him, to fear him, to obey him. He would be lovelessness not LOVE.

I'm afraid much of our religions promote that kind of loveless god with their rules, regulations and fear.

No matter what we call God, whether it's the Spirit, the Holy, the Ground of Being, or the Light Within, that Mystery is LOVE not LUV. As the Scriptures and Ghandi tell us, God's essential nature is LOVE. He, She, It (the pronouns never work) is eternally giving, ceaselessly sharing that divine love-life with us. We don't have to earn it.

That puts a totally different spin on the really big questions: the meaning of life, of work, of religion, grace, and God herself. Bishop Fulton Sheen once said, "God does not love us because we are valuable. We are valuable because God loves us." God loves us freely without strings attached. Isn't that the meaning of grace? It's free. We don't deserve it.

Here's a very different insight from the American psychologist, Rollo May. "Hate is not the opposite of love; apathy is." When we fail to love family, colleagues or neighbors, it's often because we are indifferent and lazy. It demands energy to reach out to help and support the other. It takes effort to write a note, make a phone call, or stop by for a visit. It's a sacrifice to give our time or perform a needed chore. That's what Rollo May is saying, but often we don't give a hoot. We just don't care.

This is heavy stuff; I hope it has forced all of us to think profound thoughts. I end, however, on a lighter note. The American novelist Edgar Watson Howe, said, "Instead of loving your enemies, treat your friends a little better." Amen, brother, amen.

Source: http://www.observertoday.com/page/content.detail/id/563552/Love-or-luv-.html?nav=5046

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