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Everything posted by God

  1. Loca (JS Mix) | Shakira Feat. El Cata
  2. I don't know about the video, but the song's nice. Unfortunately the US is getting a different version, with Travie McCoy instead of Kylie. :&
  3. That's one of my favorites.
  4. Shocked (DNA Mix) | Kylie Minogue
  5. http://www.sporcle.com/games/Dios/Kylie_songs
  6. I'm about to make a Kylie quiz on Sporcle.
  7. Just had it. It was messy as hell but it wasn't so bad.
  8. B/B-. It's not outstanding on first listen, but it'll probably grow on me.
  9. I'd like to try it, just to say that I have.
  10. I can't with these Glass Garrisons. Umbrella | Rihanna
  11. Alice Practice | Crystal Castles I feel violated.
  12. Rated R is definitely the better album. I just couldn't get into GGGB. I'll try it again tonight.
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