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Posts posted by Kishi

  1. I have a core group of 4 friends. One I've known since pre-k 25 years, two for 11 years from temple, and one for 5 years through volunteering. 

    There's an extended circle of friends from high school, temple, volunteering, and community work.. 

    Gender, race, sexuality, religion don't matter. But all of my close friends are from the Caribbean and Latin America.

    • Upvote 2
  2. It matters to a few. It’s all they have in their sad lives... To battle up against other pathetic people on social media on stats as if this is some fantasy football league. SAD

    We all know Austin only cares about sales and views. If they don’t match up to his unrealistic expectations than he just goes on the attack. SAD

    I do not consider myself a stan for anyone. I dislike the term. I won't defend people I don't know against people I don't know. Just don't have the energy for. Life is too short.

    I love you Norm and I love Austin too. I'm the Mother Theresa and Gandhi of this here JanFam and I don't like you two name calling and fighting. It's not cute or a good look on either of you. Both of you are too smart. You're both better than this.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Y'all really gave that girl a negative just because she said she didn't care for Janet's outfit? :lol: 

    That's what the plus and minus button is for, isn't it?

    Janet's outfit at the event is one of the best looks she's rocked this year. So if someone writes that they don't like it, I'm going to show I disagree by giving the post a thumbs down.

    Nothing personal, just a matter of opinion.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Revenue does NOT matter to fans. We don’t see any part of that so there is literally zero reason to care how much MORE money Janet has 

    Can we please just focus on this and let this sink in a little bit?

    If Janet sell out a show, she and company get the checks. Not us.

    If Janet doesn't sell out and still does a show, she and company still get the checks. Not us.

    All we get are bragging rights or something to defend, which means nothing to me to be very honest. 


    • Upvote 4
  5. Toledo show was VERY CUTE!

    I did meet up with TDAWESOME from Janet Club and his friend at Ice beforehand for dinner. Nice folks!

    It was in the 40s temperature wise outside, but I chatted with fans outside for an hour. Most of the people I spoke to haven't seen her before, but are life time fans. Quite a few teens and kids that are big fans of hers were there with parents who also love her. 

    Sat 4 row on the right side. Ran into Bailey, who was sitting right in front of me. 

    I've already seen the show once, but seriously, seeing it for the second time was soooo good. I love the setlist, the lights, the dancers, the band, the arrangements, Janet, and the crowd was packed. They were dancing so much when DJ Aktive was playing (he should've played longer, a lot of the audience wanted more of a warm up). 

    Loved little moments like Janet waving, blowing a kiss, and looking at me!! During Throb, Janet is having a blast and goofing off. When Alex is dancing, she keeps yelling "Alex! Ar-TIST. Ar-TISTE!" and moving her hands around in a cute way. Dom was going AWF and her earring fell off and Janet picked it up and kept laughing. Guero twerked during his introduction and let's just say I'm in love with him now! :)

    The ballads section is my favorite. She totally vibes during this one and she pays close attention to the fans who know the song and sing it out loud or snap fingers or wave their hands. 

    I personally love Well Traveled as a song and a closer. No, I don't think it's a farewell to us. People have speculated that she won't be touring anymore since Rockwitchu Tour haha. And she's proven us wrong. I think it's a cute "thank you guys, now go home" song! No more of the typical 

    After the show, I spoke to Gil, Allison, Alex, Mishay, and Dom. I appreciate it because it was too cold and they didn't have to come out and see us. It was only about 5 of us, but GIl asked security to open the gate and let us speak to them and get a picture. I know he was cold, wanted to smoke, and get into bed, but he knows us diehard fans are crazy and just want to fawn and fan out. 

    So excited for Detroit. I know it's going to be packt and lit!

    • Upvote 7
  6. Before my Toledo and Detroit adventure begins, I decided to speak a little bit about the Hollywood Bowl show and touch on communication and respect between fans online and in person. Many of us have met each other over the years, became friends, found romantic relationships, or constant arguments. But it’s important to have respect for each other as Janet fans and as human beings. This video is dedicated to Joanna, Trell, and Mike, who I appreciate for being dedicated and kind hearted people. I love you all and if you’re going to Toledo or Detroit, let me know so we can hang out!



  7. I love that even non-Janet fans are in on this & pointing out the bull & dragging him too. 

    But if people got together and organized, they can make an even bigger impact and change.

    My issue with the social media generation is people are too concerned with "dragging" on their phones and computers.

    Yes, this issue is serious, but The Game is right. We have MULTIPLE issues and it requires action, not just hash tags.

    Also, we've got to help wake up folks that have become too complacent with how things are going.

    • Upvote 2
  8. He has no idea the pounding he is going to take.  People are tired of the NFL as it is because of their injustice that is why ratings are down.  The boycott that was started by black activists is real and it is working.  This will continue up until the Super Bowl.  Every interview he does will be about Janet.  This country is divided as hell right now and he is so blind by his whiteness that he doesn't get it.  He may as well be carrying a tiki torch on stage because that is how he will be viewed

    You're right. This is going to open a can of worms. And it might just go in the favor of our girl!

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