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Everything posted by SianGracious

  1. Who old is your son Jodi? Tell him to hit up my line in about 14 years from now
  2. Thank you. I'm still trying to figure out who your are tho. What is ur sn name of the old board? Good Luck Damn what you rockin a 20 pack? :lol: *goes to do some sit ups*
  3. Hell yeah. Unless you got that good good that make a nigga wanna put a ring on it.
  4. Fat??? Where is this fat...Umm I was what you call fat
  5. Paul since I like you and all I'm help you out....You might wanna get to running.. cause umm Jodi is a crazy bitch and your kind of flirting what she claims to be her man or whatever she would like to call it :lol:
  6. Where did the picture go? I remember when I had gained weight I still had the confidence of a skinny bitch and was taking photos and then posting them on the net
  7. To show him your appreciation when you get to your destination give him a little peep show....Bout about a month into yeah if he is still paying them bills you just might have to give up a little ass.
  8. Damn you look all strong and shit
  9. Yes and if you find the rite man he might just even pay for your ticket.
  10. Thanks Damn you are fucking freaky
  11. Not if I quote you Naw I'm not gonna be a bitch and do you wrong. But you are cute tho...SHH! don't tell nobody I told you that.
  12. O my bad girl...Not trying to say y'all all look alike ...But damn I was ready to bet money that you was Selz
  13. For real? Why I feel like you are playing me
  14. Yes. you better scoop you up a man from the USA.
  15. Paul is on that number one list rite now :wub: ......When a sexy guy gives you complements...That tells me I know I'm good No I promise I wasn't throwing shade your way this time. I was being serious as hell.
  16. Everytime I look back on my old photos....I say damn bitch you are finally growing up
  17. :lol: Awww Paul :wub: Bailey you slow .....You better book your flight asap Paul is light and bright how u like them, cute in the face and got a phat ass too..Wait not to sure but the ass part but if my memory serves me correct then I know what I'm talking about
  18. Yeah. I was so happy when Tami muffed that bitch it brought joy to my day.
  19. Well she also got the shit muffed out of her in front of the cameras also.
  20. Blatin boo I'll leave him just know he ain't gone be happy in the end. I don't know for some reason I can never leave a relationship unless I feel even.... ....I know something is wrong with me
  21. That is what I would like to know. I dare a bitch to sleep with my man den try to get mad when you basically tell dem dat dey were wrong fo dat
  22. IDEK I guess I'm so use to having my boyfriend call and wake me up in the morning that I forgot what the hell an alarm clock was.
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