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Everything posted by _KINGSEANCOURT_

  1. Yeah Janet does look smaller now than in that pic and she does get bored easily. I doubt she'll have the Unbreakable hair for this tour
  2. lol Yeah I think that's an old photo. I wonder will she have the mane for this tour?
  3. Is opening night sold out? I just went to ticketmaster and there was nth
  4. I mean they may not be worthy. But at the end of the day it's more exposure and MTV VMAS >>>> bet awards
  5. lmao How would it be a bad idea or shade if she was to just perform at the VMAs? They have Katy Perry hosting and performing 4 times. Janet would be talked about the most
  6. Lmao Oh I'm not. Just thought it would be a good idea.
  7. VMAs would be perfect for Janet to reveal her slimmer tour body and look. It would get everyone more hype for the tour.
  8. Lmao Janet just dont be giving a damn. But in the end it will be fine. I hope we get Janet in a suit again or if she don't wanna show off skin, maybe show off the curves? (Rock witchu tour, but better). But if she wears baggy stuff again, let it be like it Dammn Baby video
  9. I wonder if it will be the same stage but added elements, are a completely different stage? or would that be too much of a change? But then again it's almost late 2017 and the tour really stopped in 2015
  10. It will, she more than likely will do something in August
  11. Well in Dallas the lady at the box office told me that most didnt refund their tickets and I couldnt really get better seats, cause they were already sold whether old or new tickets. and tbh the map chart is not always accurate. if its less than 50% I dont see her doing those venues. But hey, once tour kicks off and people see how hot the show is, people will buy more I'm sure.
  12. I love the Unbreakable Hair! It reminds me of the janet. era hair just more fuller and longer. It's like that Janet has mature overtime. lol But I do miss a ponytail, I still love this color tho.
  13. Cool remix, still love the original more, which to me was old school yet new school feel. I know that is the west coast sound of today. But I really love Dammn Baby
  14. Love her, she always speaks highly of Janet. I love Jimmy, he so sweet
  15. I love AFY body for TOUR WISE. But I do love her fits for Velvet Rope and Damita Jo the most.
  16. lol Well I guess we'll see. It's not like she never done freaky stuff in concerts and knowing kids were in the audience on past tours. and if Gil keeps saying she is GROWN NOW, Jan has been grown for a long time. He just simply needs to say no she's not doing that anymore.
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