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Crap days vs. bad situations


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So I was wondering what you all think about this...

You know how if you're having a bad day, or a succession of them, you'd probably be complaining a lot. Suppose your friends turn around to you and say "Cheer up, at least you're not <insert some topical newsworthy disaster happening at the time>" Example for now - "At least you're not in Libya or Christchurch right now." Do you think that's correct? Or should they either try to find out what's making you miserable or just mind their business?

Personally I think you're entitled to say how you feel - for example a Facebook status - and if people think that's wrong they shouldn't say it because it's your right to speak. Saying to me "count your blessings, it could be worse" doesn't make me feel better, it just piles guilt on top of the negative things I was already feeling. It's like telling someone suffering from depression to snap out of it - like they didn't think of that already.

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