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Everything posted by Laveaux

  1. HA! that is sooo mean...i love it. +1 for you.
  2. if Evelyn would have said that I will give you half of the money I make, then Tami would have said 'Okay..lets do this'...but to offer some of the proceeds to her charity really is not the same in my book.
  3. i completely agree. bitch is boring as fuck and has an annoying speech impediment
  4. it does and thats why I can understand where Tami is coming from.
  5. i dont like seeing them in action either, but I really cant stand a weak bitch and Susie is a weak bitch to let Evelyn treat her like that. If a Latoya Jackson can speak up againt an ugly bitch like Nene Leakes, then Susie could have stood up to Evelyn. Im not here for little girls.
  6. i see where Tami is coming from, but its not really that serious. Like Evelyn and Tami said, clearly Tami was a factor if she had a ring and Evelyn didnt. I mean, let it go...but its a television show and they need ratings...soooo i guess.
  7. its funny cause I like Evelyn too...lol. I love true bitches, rather they are cold blooded or just damn crazy.
  8. i dont fucks with Royce Tami is my bitch. I get my LIFE whenever she comes on the screen.
  9. naw boo, it wouldnt hurt for Tami to lose a lil weight.
  10. i agree. i think Tami saw how busted she looked last season and decided to brang it this season...unlike others @ her confronting Evelyn at her store..'all of this will be mine, except I will change the name because nobody can say that shit and it will be called Tami's BITCH!!!'
  11. i think Evelyn looks better, i like her swoop bang AND she doesnt have that stank look on her face like she did last season.
  12. if she lost like 10 pounds, Tami would easily be the best looking bitch on the show.
  13. Tami put that ass on blast. 'A hand in the face will get you popped' ...that sounds like something you would say to a child ...i love it.
  14. Tami looks SOOOOO much better this season. I cant wait until she back-hands Meeka
  15. ive always secretly wanted Will and Jada to adopt me. I kinda still do, just so that I can call Will 'daddy'
  16. it really doesnt. It must be great to have a mother like Jada , I can tell she lets Willow be whoever she wants to be...i wish more parents were like that.
  17. i can see the Madonna inspiration, 80's Madonna tho.
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