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Everything posted by DasSad

  1. I can't compare this to JD and Janet. Bird man is damn near 50 looking like a circus clown with those face tats. Pants falling off his ass, gold teeth and can barely speak English. JD wore suits at least
  2. that's on Stephen hill and BET then. You know they are overseas you make it happen especially since everyone wanted to see them perform. I know someone knew Simbirsk with a private jet or something
  3. That was a good read. This was a great article to on Janets influence. http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/102342622.html You can take any white character from any slave movie that brefriended a slave and made that slave feel like this white person was their friend only later to see this white prison turn their back when that slave got sold or whipped and that's Justin.
  4. And once he is finished with what he is doing now he will go country. He is not going to do shit involving anything whether it is civil rights or gay rights, animal rights whatever. He is a bitch and does not have the balls to actually take a hit or become unliked the way Ali did. So he should STFU and stop posting shit about being inspired. He is a fucking tool and will do whatever his management tells him to do. He will never rage against the machine. That is the issue. Good BLM should make your blood boil. I'm glad you feel that way. No one has died at the hands of BLM. The only people who feel threatened by uprising are the oppressors. So good Im glad you are scared. It is not about proving Trump wrong. No one give s a fuck about his opinion. If he think they are a hate group then so what.
  5. Cersei is a goner. She is directly responsible for the deaths of all her children and the people in that castle didn't looked to pleased when she was announced as Queen. Plus she is like 50 trying to be a ruler. I think Jamie is going to kill her Bodyguard
  6. I wonder if the Time is getting along. Jerome was on stage and Jimmy was in the audience. Morris could have brought his ass back from Europe to be there. Sheila is so underrated. I'm glad she got to perform. Jennifer Hudson was unnecessary. The BET awards should just be a performance show. Their award categories make no sense
  7. I like rock with u. I liked Luv until I saw the choreography then that just messed it up for me
  8. yes wrong album but still funny as hell
  9. Anyone would fight for their career but if that is your way of doing things dont sit there and tweet like you're fucking Malcolm, X knowing that you would sell your soul to stay relevant over fighting for something. That is who JT is and he was called out on his bullshit. You cant agree with the speech that was given and then not act. Like Jesse said if you are not apart of the solution SIT DOWN. This has everything to do with the Super Bowl because in the speech Jesse said we have to do better for our black women. That is how Janet's name came up when JT said he was inspired. If he is not stealing from black culture where exactly is he getting his ideas from? Elvis? He had to go to fucking boot camp to learn how to dance on time. If you remember he spoke with a southern accent like a fucking retard and then when he went solo he started sounding like Eazy fucking E. Black culture is authenticity. Period. It took this long for folks to realize blacks create jack daniels. but have received no profit from it. We have been doing peoples homework for centuries watching others turn in our work to the teacher to get all the credit.
  10. The phrase All lives matter was coined by some jackass trying to take away from the BLM hashtag when it started. Her album was done before that phrase even started Janet saying that is not the same difference. All lives do not matter and are not equal in this country or all over the world.
  11. Janet fans did not start this. We are not that strong in numbers to drag a person so hard Billboard writes an article about it and JT trended into the next day. The point of the speech went over his head. It has nothing to do with the music he makes. It is about him trying to piggy back off a movement when he does not have the fortitude or interest in being apart of it while using black culture to make him rich. Social Media was not around for Colin Powell in 2004. Many people wrote and emailed the FCC though but we couldn't see the other emails sent like we can see comments on twitter in 2016. Bottomline he should not have said anything. Jesse Williams was calling black America to action and JT is not going to do anything to ruin his precious little career so again what is he inspired to do. If he had to choose fighting for a cause or his career he is going to keep that career. So his tweet was bullshit and him clapping back was even more bullshit.
  12. Are you fucking kidding me. Thats like Trump applauding a speech by Raul Castro on immigration issues. What Jesse was speaking about is exactly what JT is guilty of. He bleeds our culture yet he does not recognize us when we are the victims of this countries oppression. He has not participated or given 2 shits about issues in the black community yet he has made his career off of everything that we have created. The term ethnic people was dragged back then if you remember. How is he woke saying ethnic people. He hasn't said shit regarding police killings and black lives matter. Who the fuck cares if Janet did not reach back. His ass can go on TV and apologize. You cant say you are inspired and then get mad when someone asked you what you are inspired to do. Is he going to give back to a community that he has made his money off of. Is he going to do something for black women. That was all in the speech so how the fuck is he inspired. If he was woke he would not have commented at all. Jesse's speech was equivalent to black folks after watching the scene in Roots when Toby gets whipped. You dont interject your white self into that convo at all.
  13. He is getting dragged for his life and I love seeing this support for Janet. Even though its late ASF. The person asked him a legitimate question and he got bothered
  14. someone asked him to apologize to janet and he tried to drag the guy but ended up getting dragged worse. What an asshole. Of all the tweets he could have retweeted he picked the janet one
  15. I dont know how to post twitter links on her but he was saying he was so inspired https://twitter.com/jtimberlake/status/747257470314131456
  16. LMAO Justin Timberlake ass tried to comment on Jesse Williams speech like he is down with the movement and got dragged by black twitter
  17. http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/6685050/2015-vmas-ratings-drop-miley-cyrus It was on 10 channels and flopped.
  18. MTV did the multiple channel thing last year and the ratings still flopped. BET is tragic at times but they keep it interesting. That is what the grammys and MTV awards are missing. There are no memorable moments on MTV anymore.
  19. add comedy central and VH1. I dont understand why this is on Nick. That is a kids channel.
  20. red carpet happening right now. No one of importance is on it. I see jimmy is there since he tweeted. I was hoping the Time would perform. Looks like Beyonce is performing as well should be a good show.
  21. People keep calling him a genius for doing this weird shit but this video is disgusting and really has no message to it. Bill Cosby at the end made me ill
  22. I had to rewatch her too. I just noticed she kept calling Sansa lady Sandra. no respeck on her name whatsoever. They kept trying to talk and she cut them off each time
  23. 3min mark he said nothing went down like that but then at the says I cant tell you the details. I think they smashed. Hell their interviews together were intercourse they way they flirted.
  24. He has his own studio, own company etc. The one thing he has yet to do is let someone else direct or write a film. Its like he has to be the writer and producer for everything. He needs to not just open the doors up for black actors but for directors, producers and writers.
  25. I'm dying. Qtip and Bill Bellamy (1993) Colin Farrell (2001)
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