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Everything posted by jarrylf

  1. But then again, wit Bey like you said...............there are no coincidences....mmmhmm She probably had the prego planned when Run The world "leaked" lol.
  2. LOL thanks twin, and what a coincedince that would be tho ....4...........
  3. Its a possibility, Im not rulling that out, like I dont have my mind made up about this, except the fact that, she is lying to us (whether its to just throw us off or about being pregnant at all=lie). That shadyness and all this kinda mess is seriously what turned me off of her 3yrs ago (among other things, many things)
  4. Shoot, you know I aint no expert, cause I aint no female, and I cant have no babies, but Im the uncle of 8 kids, and have been around ALOT of pregnant women in my life, and I've never seen 2 things that I saw in that Beyonce interview, a pregnant women sit down like that (bend over that far period), or a pregnant womens stomach smash like that. Pregnants stomachs are mostly frirm and not that smushy so..........again 1+1 aint equaling 2 (maybe its equalling 4 Bey, Jay, Surrogate, & baby....)
  5. But I also wouldnt be suprised if she's not pregnant at all and has a surrogate carrying it for the 9months (why lie about being pregnant herself?) look at all the press & publicity she didnt get before she announced her pregnancy, and look at all she's getting now. I never put it past Bey to do some shady shit like this. so yea she probably is pregnant, but if the news broke that she's not and lied about it and has a surrogate, I wouldnt be shocked 1 bit.
  6. Well Im not saying she's not pregnant but Im betting she's not as far along as she says she is. Like I said she has the same body type as Janet & mariah, when they gain even a little weight, it shows all over, and this aint showing all over, she's looked bigger than this in the past when she wasnt pregnant. All Im saying is, where this pregnancy is concerned 1+1 aint equaling 2 for me.
  7. Oh I completely understand, my cousin who just had a baby recently is TINY VERY small, and when she was pregnant she just had the bump and thats it But the thing about Bey, her body type is the same as Mariah & Janet, when any of the 3 of them gain 5 pounds, It SHOWS. Because Bey gets called too fat or out of shape too on her breaks just like Janet & Mariah, but here she is pregnant......and her face aint big at all, wheres in pics of her when she's done with a project......yea its not adding up for me. And the Love on top vid is a great example too.
  9. WOW.......................................FINALLY , but most likely Bey will probably pay her to drop it like she always ends up doing (ever since the Baby Boy days....remember that big scandal)
  10. The Help A+ (I've been friends with Octavia Spencer for years and she finally got her leading role!!!!)
  11. Yea her videos used to be all I liked about her when I 1st got over being a fan, cause even tho she always copied, she still looked good doing it. But now..........................these vids.............................wow
  12. That bob is HOTTNESS to me lol Yea the Avatar pic is from 20 Y.O. era, yea I love the website I use, SOOOOOOOOO many hair styles to play with and colors
  13. I added the bob because I dont know about yall, but I fuckin love the way it looks on her
  14. OK, Im whipping up the stile now (I'll post here when its all done ) I couldnt help myself, i had 2 do 2 lol 1 with how her hair was on tour, and 1 with how she'd look with a red & black bob
  15. Oh I cant do clothes with the site I use, just hair lol, But I can get you short black n red streaks. You want 1 side over the eye?
  16. lol awww shucks, stop you gon make me blush lol.
  17. If red n short is what you want, its what you get VUALA http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=454233273509&set=a.402184713509.179102.726228509&type=3&theater
  18. Oh Im full of them, I always am thinking of ideas for new Janet hair styles & color Yea heres what I was expecting for the tour. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=454037368509&set=a.402184713509.179102.726228509&type=3&theater
  19. Woo let me tell you my thoughts on Janet and her hair for the last 2 years, I think its time for Janet Zeitoun to retire. I got SOOOO sick of seeing the same 3 hairstyles I was about to lose it. Granted Zeitoun is my idol, she's done Janet, LaToya, & Rebbies hair for YEARS, and if those 3 were my only 3 clients I would be a VERY happy man (woo I wish I can get my hands on LaToyas wigs) If I were her stylist and I made the cut, I'd also switch up the looks and make it look fun, put in some diff color pieces in the front. hell I would've done that with the 1st leg of the tour too, I woulda reallly shaken up that short hair in fact if I were her stylist I'd keep her natural hair pretty short but long enough to ponytail and weave up but with me she'd have so many hair changes, lengths & colors............she needs me or at the very least a younger head hair stylist, cause I can tell Zeitoun is slippin a lil. The new hair I LOVE but still, Janet needs more umph.
  20. Be her hair styist or at least 1 of her assistant hair stylists (they go on tour with her n stuff) I'd love that. I'd also be her bodyguard, I can honestly say I'd take a bullet for Janet, and I'd protect her. But mainly I do hair so working with her is the ultimate goal.
  21. OH HELL YEA, when I work for her 1 day, I WILL KEEP MY HAIR LIKE THAT AS LONG AS I DO lol. For real lol
  22. Yea and Im still in shocked about it, she was giving me eye contact like crazy (thats what made me hypnotized lol) I looked behind me and I was the only 1 still in the street (the rest of the crowd moved to the sidewalk, and I was the last that was just.............WOW I LOVED THAT SHE SQUINTED THEN HER EYES GOT BIG!!!!! I COULD'VE DIED RIGHT THERE!!!!
  23. I was frozen I looked like a waving hypnotized big eyed fool lol, the lady on the side walk walked up to me (for a sec I thought, maybe I just imagined that moment between Janet & I) and she said "Oh Janet knows you huh, I saw that look" I was like...............huh......where am I lol (I didnt say that but I felt that way lol)
  24. Thank you, my beautiful twin Yea I cant settle on a hair style to save my life. I LOVE changing it up. Right now my yarn braids are red & black all over lol. When I saw Janet in Detroit I was getting so many complements & "MSG 98" complements lol (I didnt even do it for that reason, blue red & black are my fave colors lol) and when I was alone in front of her bus when we were all waving bye she squinted at me and was pointing and was like "I LOVE IT" (or I love you, but I assume she said it because Janet does complement the hair and fashion she likes lol) My fave features on me is my eyes & my hair, just saying that cause I never noticed really until now lol.
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