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Everything posted by flo

  1. It's Chris. Chris sang countertenor in the group. He sings the highest parts of their harmonies.
  2. Found another old NSYNC interview from 1998. Justin was stanning down
  3. That's pretty big, especially since 28 isn't a significant number (usually its 25th, 30th, etc). What was the first one?
  4. LMAO. He still loves him some Halle Berry. He didn't even bother to stand next to his fiance when she happened to be at the same event. Tyra Banks is crazy. She's also a narcissist, and two egomaniacs in a relationship sounds like a disaster. They wouldn't even be able to get a conversation going because they'd both be talking about themselves.
  5. If she comes out with a new album I'd like to see something completely different.
  6. You can read/watch more from Justin on Buzzfeed http://www.buzzfeed.com/bychance/justin-timberlake-and-janet-jackson-a-prior-hist-7t5z The clip of him humming Every Time is probably my favorite. It probably has to do with Justin being known for copying off of MJ during his solo career. But he was always a Janet stan. Outside of NSYNC doing Jackson 5 covers, he never even mentioned Michael until he met him. Well take a look at Britney. He loved her and he shaded, dragged and made fun of her for years. He's very emotional. I find it funny he dated Britney, who is also a Janet fan and took a lot from her. I wouldn't be surprised if part of the reason he fell for her was due to her similarity to Janet.
  7. They do, but I have a feeling Janet wouldn't accept the money even if offerred. It'd be great if YouTube would at least fix up her VEVO page nicer and update it. There's still no Again or Any Time, Any Place, etc. Tivo is dead now, so they don't have any money to give.
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