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Posts posted by Freexone1

  1. Let's not sit here and pretend these injustices are pathetic and little when lives are being lost to these injustices. What does a persons criminal history have to do with them being killed? If they were robbing a bank or something when they got shot then I could understand. These men were not posing a threat to anyone. Once again a person's past has nothing to do with them being murdered.8 hours ago

    Just to be clear. #PhilandoCastile had: A legal gun Gun papers No record No warrants No broken taillight A “wide nose” matching a suspect.

    Philando Castile had over 50 traffic violations on his record including driving without insurance.

    He was stopped because he and his girlfriend were suspects of an armed robbery of which there is footage matching their profile, hair and clothes. He was also holding a gun in the car at the time! 

    The families come on and paint their boys like little angels. They are not. He wasn't. Their liars and you're a liar. Stop hiding the truth. 


    • Downvote 2
  2. it's no nearly as stupid than the assumption it's on the same page as BLM, where's though you call it stupid, it's actually pretty accurate when compared

    Oh wow, THANK you so much for enlightening me that the injustices and discrimination I've dealt with in my life that you aren't aware of means nothing because I'm still alive & I've never been hit or chased. There's NOTHING  more ridiculous than what you're saying, it's obvious for alot of African Americans it's not so "free". What the hell do you know that I don't about being a black man in America, WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT BEING  MOTHERFUCKING BLACK MAN IN THE UNITED STATES? WHERE is your experience living like that, seeing what I've seen being looked at how I've been looked at, having to in certain light really go out of my way to express a cheerful attitude for the sole purpose but to keep the people who seem uptight and nervous around a over 6 foot tall thick black man nervous. What place does it come from  for you to try to tell me I shouldn't  worry when I walk around in the very nice neighborhood I live in, and out of maybe 3 or 4 other neighbors out at night walking their dogs or exorcising, I am the sole 1 getting asked where I'm going, for my address and told on a few occasions to go straight home....what can you enlighten me about on that?....that because I'm alive to tell that it's not a problem? That because I can count how many times I've been called ****** out of pure hate, that I don't have it as bad? 

    You know what the fuck I'm fed up with? Assholes who don't know shit about what a black man goes through, but tells them they've got nothing to worry about, it's all good, the police are your friends. I don't hate every cop, I don't fear every cop, but I don't feel safe with the cops, and there's very little you can do or say to change that because you've made SO OH so very clear you are in a fucking bubble of ignorance that has absolutely no clue what others that aren't like yourself are going through, every single 1 of your dumb ass posts in this thread including the 1 you will respond to this 1 has done absolutely nothing but further prove how oblivious you are. You've sat here and basically proudly boasted that you're prejudice, you don't buy for a 2nd he stopped for a headlight, ex cons are fine too profile.

    Let me end this right now, and say whatever the fuck you want afterwards, I don't care, you base your opinion on a conservative youtube channel, your opinion is below a Fox News viewer, so I'm not wasting my time on any of the shit you have to say to me unless it's a legit apology for basically insulting myself & every black man in America. I know who I am, I know where I come from, I know my history, I know it very well, as a Black man, & as an American, I'm from Detroit & I've been living in California for 4yrs, but make no mistake I lived in the rough parts of Detroit for 22 of my 26 years. And I know what REAL Poor looks like, I know what REAL hunger, what REAL starvation, what REAL fear, & What REAL intimidation looks like, and make no mistake, I'm in a nice area, but as stated above, I still don't feel safe, At times I feel more pressure than I did in Detroit to be perfectly honest, I want that changed, I have the fucking right to want that changed, and to want that better, I deserve the right to not have to worry about intimidating anyone because of nothing more than my color. If your gage on racism is that it ended in the 60's, you're sadly making a fool of yourself, it's very real, and I'm SO not the type to go out looking for it, playing a race card if you will, I live my truth, & I know my truth, my outloook is brighter than alot of black men I know & encounter on these issues, but I still know the truth, I still see the truth, & I still see where all the anger comes from, you don't, and it's clear you choose not to. Your words have painted a picture of you that I want nothing to do with, I'd respect you so much more if you were as oblivious as you are but you manage to keep your mouth shut out of respect as to not offend anyone with your ignorance, but here we are.

    Have a nice day, and it was not a pleasure talking to you :) *IGNORED*

    They are probably just looking at u cause ur fat and ugly Or because you're wearing stupid ass poor clothes. 

    • Downvote 6
  3. Thank god you're not a police officer 

    Having Marijuana in your system does not make a person a criminal or mean anyone can harass anyone else. Zimmerman was barely scratched while a black kid ended up dead

    I'm done talking to you especially after the marijuana in the blood as if that makes killing an innocent adult/child any better. 

    And no.. I'm not clicking that link.. Learn how to embed YT videos

    well you see, this is the kind of people I end up talking to on boards and social media. You're low life.  The type that doesn't clean their own shit in the toilet and that thinks marijuana is no big deal and all that kind of stuff. I bet you don't even know how to boil an egg. Your opinion doesn't matter. Just ashame social media has given irelevabt nobodies like you a voice. Go and educate yourself and never bring up children please. 

  4. I don't care if they were ex-cons.. They paid their debt to society. That doesn't give police the right to use excessive force 

    well I do care they are ex-cons. I'm sorry, but if I was a policemen and I had to deal with someone I knew had a history of burglaries and they were carrying a gun I would be quite frighten they might use it. Again, it doesn't justify shooting then dead, that is wrong as they'd deserve to be prosecuted in court, but I certainly wouldn't be tip toeing around them in a stand off. No way. 

    The way you are talking, it's like the policemeb are just shooting down killing black people walking their dogs along the street as they are driving along. No policeman would shoot dead a guy for walking home. It's just absurd. He was obviously up to some shit that's been covered up, like his history of involvement in burglaries. Not to mention he supposedly attacked Zimmerman during the incident and he was found to have traces of marijuana im his body. The shot was at close range, which indicates there was a confrontation. Tray Martin was no angel. He didn't deserve to get shot but don't keep lying like these people involved with police are lovely law abiding citizens skipping down happy american Surburbia going to get some milk for their mum. It's a fucking lie and a joke and its deceiving the public.

    • Downvote 4

    Wtf does another country's slum have to do with America? :wacko: Based on the "ungrateful" logic, I guess blacks of the 1960s should have been lucky to have a water fountain and a bathroom. Rosa Parks better be grateful that there was a bus to sit on bc with your ignorant logic, she could have been walking 

    no, not saying that. Rosa Parks had every right to say she didn't have freedom and an existence and to stand up for what was obviously racial prejudice. You and jarryif don't. America is not that country anymore and you're still trying to make it like it is.

    • Downvote 4
  6. FALSE. These black people are innocent until proven guilty.. Written in the Constitution of this nation. To accuse any of them for "doing wrong" before knowing the facts is racist & discrimination

    You do not know what you're talking about and it shows very clearly. 

    You have no idea the black/minority struggle of Americans. You cannot speak on theses freedoms bc you do not live here and it does NOT and would not (if you did live here) have any effect on you. Literally zero. 

    Trayvon Martin was walking home when he was shot.. WALKING HOME.. Minding his own business... Shot bc he was black and only bc he was black.. So save your ignorance for the next KKK/Trump/Brexit rally 

    And yet you conviently don't mention his past involvement in local burglaries. 

    I do know what I'm talking about. Not one of these people have completely clean records of not being persude by police before. The police know these people because they are trouble makers in their communities and have met the police before. 

    Again! Just to be clear it does not justify shooting someone on the spot. That is wrong and that is a race issue. But DONT tell me these victims are just totally law abiding citizens. 

    • Downvote 3
  7. Um...the UK thing is more like when the confederacy/south wanted to not be apart of the U.S. & be their own state, that's where the flag comes from, that's what the civil war was about, THAT was about pride. What we're fightinf for here is the right to fucking live, to exist, to not be seen as a threat before we even do or say anything.....to compare that to the U.K. issue....that's so offensive, Goddamn. How can you miss interpret that so completely....

    to compare the UK thing to the confederation thing is also stupid.

    I know there is an issue in America with the police and racism BUT you really are ridiculous, you have the right to live in America freely. This is not the 1960s where you can't sit at the front of a bus. Fact is in the vast majority of cases where police are involved it means you are up to no good. If you are a law abiding citizen you shouldn't even come across the police. 

    I'm noticing young generation more and more becoming selfish and ungrateful for the freedoms they do have. Here's you complaining about freedoms and not existing in the world's richest economy when some places like the nairobi slums don't even have sanitation. Disgusting!  

    Im so fed up hearing on social media/Internet people moaning about their pathetic little injustices when truth is their probably doing illegal things or winding up the police in someway etc. I see it all the time, people on the news getting airtime in protests then you find out later the same person was already convicted for stealing or some shit like that. I don't believe for a second this guy was stopped by the police because of a faulty headlight. Yeah right. He was probably in trouble with the police before. Not saying that justifies shooting the guy AT ALL but I'm sick of people pretending like they are perfectly law abiding hard working people in mixed communities treated badly by police for no reason when they doing something illegal like smoking weed or selling dodgy goods on the street. 

    • Downvote 4
  8. I'm a mental case but you cry over a flag being on your identification card and compare your hate towards foreigners with the BLM movement 

    I dont 'hate' foreigners. On my identification card, there is nothing wrong to argue that you don't want someone else's flag on it when no one asked you. It's symbolic.

    Im sure you'd have a problem with the confederation flag if that was on your ID. 

  9. It's racist to hate other people for no reason outside the fact that they are not your race.

    Black Americans are not pushing race pride. The BLM movement was formed to stop police brutality towards minorities.

    British Lives Matter? Are you being murdered for selling cigarettes, CDs, over petty traffic stops? Are you getting harsher sentencing than white counterparts? No? Then STFU

    You have no idea what it's like to be marginalized. ZERO! You're an ignorant xenophobic White Male nationalist who is obsessed over the flag on his identification card than another human being.

    DO NOT compare your xenophobia to the black American struggle. 

    my god you are a mental case 

  10. Republican light is still not a good thing. More Tory MPs voted against gay marriage than for. I'm not getting into a debate with you about how much you love to bottom for the Torys. 

    sorry but conservatives are the natural party of government in the UK. Anything else is just fantasy. :)

  11. FT is a bitch. Try this http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/07/07/uk-conservative-party-votes-2-pm-candidates/86793240/ 

    Its just a shame they're both from the UK's version of the Republicans. Btu at least Theresa May voted for gay marriage as opposed to Andrea who was on the fence. 

    Conservatives are republican light lol. It's ironic how lefties attack conservatives for being well, conservatives, yet it's the conservatives that have produced 2 female priministers without any positive discrimination. If I'm right, they also have the most openly gay MPs. 

  12. :unsure: 

    The new leader will be chosen by 150,000 Conservative Party members on Sept. 9, after the women campaign around the country, and will also become prime minister unless a new parliamentary election is called first.


    to an American this may sound odd, but the UK elections are not presidential. The UK votes for a party with a manifesto. The current governing party won only last year with majority so even with change of leader, another general election is no necessary. It would only be necessary if there was significant changes in manifesto policy and the new leader couldn't get them through parliament.  

  13. My goodness we live in such a goofy world. Reflecting on the events of the couple of weeks...

    As a brit who voted to leave the EU, I get critised for showing pride in my own country, apparently that's racist. Then the next minute, Americans are pushing race pride, black pride, and apparently that's not racist? On both sides of the pond...are we fighting for freedom, or are we asking for division. Perhaps the two come together. 

    I know when I voted to leave the EU, I was fighting for freedom. I did not see my vote as divisive. In that sense I can understand Blacklifesmatter. It's kind of like a Britishlifesmatter. I wish people in my country who voted to remain would see and understand this instead of branding me xenophobic racist and stupid. 

    I think what I'm trying to say is I can understand Blacklifesmatter but as the EU ref showed it can cause division also and so you'll who are supporting Blacklifesmatter need to be sensitive to the division it may cause. Look at the police shooting and the suspect said he wanted to kill whites. Similar to the Jo Cox murder days before the Brexit vote. The remain side used that against leave voters to call us racist. Blacklifesmatter people should stand up for what they belive but be careful it is not used for violence and hatred toward Caucasian people. 

    • Downvote 5
  14. She didn't mean anything bad by her tweet but this is like the second time they have been a bit behind in terms of understanding the moment.  First it was Orlando with the Emirates tweet.  Then this.  Like Obama said All Lives Matter is not what we are focusing on right now.  I do understand that Janet is a global artist so she may have been speaking from that standpoint.  

    Lol at Prince.  I just have to smh too.  Did he listen to any of his fathers music or interviews.  Im baffled by both his kids right now

    You attack Prince but Michaels message has always been global: Heal the blacks, Black song, Black or Hispanic, We are the blacks, Whites don't care about us, Blacks are here to change the world.

    Michael was a messenger of peace for all, all lifes did matter to him.


  15. In the US, 90% of murders of black people are by black people!

    Black lifes matter TOO but look in the mirror my friend, no lies will be told then. You got bigger issues inside your community. Blaming white people for all your problems ain't gonna solve the high level of crime, gun violence and gangs in the community. 

    Embrace the spirit of olaudah equiano, William wilberforce and Thomas Clarkson. Don't look to blame, look to solve and unite! 

    • Downvote 3
  16. The only difference I suppose is that we voted for our Presidents, they are actually useful, and are a main component of The Federal Government. They can also be removed from power, unlike your pointless queen

    Thats nice that someone literally living off your tax dollars is using his time to "give back" 

    actually most of the money the prince of Wales lives off is his own he's made from business. I wish you'd do your research. Also they all, including the queen pay tax, which of course given their wealth is in the millions annually. 

    We do have that system, it's called the prime minister.


    I know she does nothing. The fact that you have to spell out her daily schedule means nothing. Her position is still pointless and you, as citizens, are just funneling her millions to shake hands, sign papers, and wave to the sheep 

    I'd take our queen over your joke of presidents. George bush? Potentially Donald trump? 

    Even the Prince of Wales has more credit and honour, he has raised millions in charity and provided thousands of jobs to hopeless youth through his princes trust. Saved and aided in the preservation of historical buildings and Eco land. Also I enjoy his duchy biscuits ?. 


  18. One problem.. The driver license and IDs are NOT controlled by the federal government. The States regulate identification. So if I move from Ohio to New York, I would have to repurchase another license. You care so much for something that doesn't matter, like your identification card

    I'm all for people coming into this country freely, with goals... The United States was created on the idea of immigration and refuge (and slavery which I how my ancestors came here). 

    Right.. So the Senile Queen who has been very busy celebrating two birthdays, has no real power except make coffee and fake a conversation. Cool, got it

    ok then! You hear that everyone! GAMES America is allowing free movement. I call on ALL the poor people of the world to come to America. Lol

    Id like to see Americans accept that lol. 

  19. She was just so busy. Ugh :rolleyes: 

    I would call 430 engagements a year being busy, plus the daily meetings with government ministers in the privy council, the approval and signing of official government papers every evening, the weekly meeting with the prime minister, plus attending official, ceremonial and charitable events ..and she's still doing it all at 90. Please don't question things you know very little about. :)

  20. As bad as that was it was not a constitutional crisis. It was handled through the legal system. Its not comparable to other countries like Nigera, where corruption is rife.

    I imagine the head of state, our queen, would only act in the event that there was no one/party able to govern the country. At which point she'd probably invite someone to run it. But that's only the kind of thing you see in movies where the world is ending lol.

    It is interesting to see what is happening to the Labour Party, the official opposition. They are falling apart. 

  21. Don't justify her pointlessness with monetary value. Half of that is expenses 


    Right so, I'm going to take the American flag off your ID/driving license and put the Union Jack on it because I as a british bureacrat you never elected has now decided that many of your laws will again be decided by the british Parliament and oh, now all brits can come to America freely and claim off the American government and use your health service for free. 

    ^that's the EU. 

    And regarding the Queen. She is not pointless. She still has the power to dissolve parliament in the case of a major crisis, ie. Like if there was a fascist dictator that got elected. You just don't know that cause she's never used those powers. The royal family is also a very useful tool for diplomacy and to maintain good relations with other countries. The queen is an exemplary figure head. 

  22. pretty sure they were trying to put FoM on Canada too and that's why the deal took so long?

    We're the 5th largest whilst in the EU. That could change now and I'm going to be sceptical until I see results 

    I dont remember mentioning the Empire? I was going to but I'm sure I deleted it as I realised it was a mute point 

    There is a difference between being IN the single market and having ACCESS to the single market. 

    If they won't agree controls on movement of people then we say we will not be in the single market. We don't need to agree on the "freedoms" to have access to the market, much like the rest of the world's trade deals. 

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