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Posts posted by Freexone1

  1. pretty sure they were trying to put FoM on Canada too and that's why the deal took so long?

    We're the 5th largest whilst in the EU. That could change now and I'm going to be sceptical until I see results 

    I dont remember mentioning the Empire? I was going to but I'm sure I deleted it as I realised it was a mute point 

    the EU hasn't much to do with our GDP success. Britain has been jumping between 4th-6th largest economy for decades, and before we joined the EU. All that's changed is our share of the global gdp, which is less, and I believe is a consequence of being in the slow growth EU and not being allowed to make our own trade deals with the rest of globe (which thence increase our gdp, our share and our prosperity). 

  2. I doubt we'd have the guts to say that. We need Germany as much as they need us. They are our 2nd main "friend" in trading whilst we're their third. And Merkel is already warning that there's no deal without freedom of movement. Is she all talk? We can't make individual deals with single countries in the EU, can we?

     I think Leavers are too ambitious in thinking Freedom of Movement will be completely non-existent. I don't think it's impossible - I just think it's extremely unlikely. I think I'm the end we'll still have it but with some sort of quota/cap. That would be a meet in the middle type compromise. I'll send nudes if I'm wrong. 

    China is in the biggest continental market in the world and is most interested in the worlds biggest single market ie the EU. The U.K. won't be in the EU. China is cut throat and won't be that interested in trading with be UK and won't care about UK emotion either. Can we afford to lose or get underused by such a massive market? China is one of the main countries we export to. We're not even in their top 5. Aiming for that Norway/Switzerland type deal would be the easiest option and most beneficial. We need to remember that the last time we were a powerful country was when we were still an empire. 

    Im beginning to think the EU will collapse within the next 20 years, anyway. Maybe even sooner. It was a great project and prevented wars with each other but they don't seem to want to reform and that's hindering them more than anything and is the main reason we've left. 

    China has bilateral free trade agreements with: Chile, Peru, Pakistan, Thailand, Singapore, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Costa rica, South Korea and more. All these countries are smaller than us.  

    On the other hand, the EU can't even make a deal with India. It stalled last year. It took 7 years to make a deal with Canada which isn't even signed. 

    China may want a deal with te EU but it can't agree one. It's not going to delay a much less complicated deal with the United Kingdom, because it can't reach one with the EU. 

    What has the empire got to do with it? The UK has always been superpower and remains one today. You don't have colonise and "rule" the world to be powerful and influential. The days of colonisation is over. You need to get your head around this.  We are the 5th largest economy in the world that contines to influence in so many areas. Just because we are no longer an empire doesn't mean we can't punch above our weight and achieve things. I keep hearing we are too small to be powerful. Population size is also irrelevant. The UKs population was only 20 million at the height of the 2nd empire in 1800s.


  3. 27 countries won't agree to us having no freedom of movement if a deal is made with them to otherwise they'd all want it. The deal negotiator would be one hell of a slick talker if he or she pulls off a deal without that. It's going to be interesting what happens.

    yes we can it's easy. As the 5th largest market in the world, we say to them you won't have access to our market unless you let go of free movement. The German car manufacturers are not going to allow Merkel to say no when they sell millions of cars to the UK market, the german economy would lose billions. We don't need the single market like they need our market cause the EU is protectionist. EU countries can't make separate deals with non-EU countries. But NOW Britain can. 


  4. And an ID is temporary... It shouldn't stop you from being Nationalist

    It's symbolic. Drip by drip the EU has moved in on our soverienty. It starts with an EU flag on your driving license and Reg plate and goes further. This topped with the free movement of migrants. We could see what they are up to cause, its in our everyday life's and the majority of brits said we didn't want it. That's democracy. :)

  5. I'm sorry.. But c'mon.. It's one thing to like it for its practical reason but do you honestly think the EU stopped you from, as we call it, "The American Dream"? As if the EU forced you to lose nationalism :lol: C'mon.. What kind of fantasy is this? I was waiting to read the "and we lived happily ever after". 

    And I mean that in the sincerest way possible

    The EU flag is on my driving license, not the Union Jack. I know that might not seem like a big deal, but it's the motivation behind it that's wrong.  A driving license is an ID. Nobody ever asked me if I wanted that, nor have I even been convinced it's better. 

  6. Going abroad for some time is something I've always wanted to do just to see that there's more to life than home. 

    I hope you realise that free movement might still have a strong possibility of not going anywhere if we're to strike a deal to trade in the single market? No one that trades in the single market has been able to negotiate a deal that doesn't include freedom of movement, as far as I'm aware. Not even Norway, and I use Norway as an example because mean people are saying we should have a similar deal to them. They still have freedom of movement. I'd be very surprised if we strike a deal that doesn't include it to some extent, even if it's capped with quotas. 

    I'll admit I was against the addition of Bosnia, Bulgaria and Romania and other smaller new arrivals. I have said before that the EU needs to scale back to what it used to be and just have the big countries such as ourselves, Germany, France, Italy etc. The main ones. The eastern countries have dragged it down a little due to the poverty that they sadly face. 

    I won't come round to it anytime soon - not until I know what deal is being offered. This uncertainty is nauseating. I know the £ is starting to recover but once Article 50 is triggered, I fear it's going to crash even more than it did last week, and this time for a much longer period. In the meantime, I'm making use of still beign in the EU by going on a working holiday next month :excited:




    With great respect to Norway, a very lucrative rich country, the UK is a much bigger economy and market for the EU to have to negotiate with.  As has been said many times in the campaign, the EU nations need us more than we need them, as we import more than export. They have more to lose. The single market, although important is not vital. There are only 3 countries in the EU richer than Australia and they have already reached out for a trade deal. 

    The problem we have in dealing with the EU is that they need to agree as 27 countries on a trade deal.  It just highlights how difficult it was being inside it. If they don't agree something with Britain, they l, especially Germany (EUs biggest economy) will lose out, so Britain is in a very good position, assuming we have a strong group at the negotiating table and not some weak remainer who still thinks we are better in the EU. 

  7. Of course Americans have the right to criticize a decision that has shaken up world markets.

    One minute people are saying we'd be irelevant without the EU, the next they are saying my country's decision shook the world. 

    Your ur speaker has today called for a trade deal with the UK in parallel with the EU. He said it will be easier and quicker with the EU. 

    We will prove this. You can't make sensible deals and have a say as 1 nation when there are 27 other countries involved. Out is better. 

    Canada, Australia, New Zealand also have already said they are keen to arrange trade deals with the UK. 

    Oh and btw the FTSE 100 has risen back to Pre-Brexit levels. What happened to Armageddon? 

  8. But you literally had the opportunity to go and work in 27 different countries for free with no visa hassle :lmao:. Surely that's a bigger future than only having the opportunity to work in one country for free. 

    Reconnect? You can't reconnect with something you never were unless you're really one of the baby boomers who knew life before the EU?


    I have no interest in going to work in 27 other countries many of which has youth unemployment at 50%.

    The jobs market in the UK is 15 times bigger than Spain for example. Why would I go to Spain that has no jobs for its own people let alone migrants. There is no security, no future. 

    The globalisation/EU has taken away young people's futures. My parents generation could buy their first home, they had a choice of jobs, they came out of uni free of debt, they had a real sense of national identity. They were happier (surveys done in the 70s show that british people were the happiest in the world). Young people today don't have any of that, they can't afford to get on the property ladder, they struggle to get entry level jobs, they come out of uni with massive debts, they don't have a sense of identity. 

    Life is for most people about having a future, and security. If I'm born here and educated here and my family is here, I want to secure a future here, in a permanent job, in buying a house, in meeting the right person and getting married and having my own kids whom I would wish all the same things for. The rest of the world is for holidays. 

    Anyhow, if I really wanted to go and work in another EU country a can do that also outside the EU. We had visa free travel to the 9 original EU countries before we joined the EU ourselves. Granted that's unlilely now cause there are so many countries and we don't want free movement, but I don't mind that. Migration to a country is a serious decision. I wouldn't mind filling in a visa form if migrating was something I really wanted to do. People used to have to have a job to come to, to speak the language fluently, to be able to integrate. The free movement policy has undermined all that. 

    I may not have known life outside the EU, but then it's only in recent years that they have intensified the integration of the economies and politics. This is why people want out because its gone too far and the EU doesn't listen. This has had a significant impact on our sense of who we are, are we nationals or europeans. It's the baby boomers I connect with, they are my parents, my grandparents, my family. They know what it truly feels like to be british, to have a genuine sense of patriotism and pride in their country. I admire that. I couldn't be happier with the result. I look forward to the day I can apply for my passport and driving license with the Union Jack on it. 

    And I belive bu, once you start to see the benefits in the time to come, you'll come round to the idea. 


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  9. The fundamental point of why I voted leave and why the vast majority of 17 million voted leave, which the media choices to ignore, is soverienty. You have to look at my parents and grandparents generation. They had a future. They had a sense of genuine patriotism and pride and identity. But nobody asked me if I wanted the EU flag on my driving license and passport. Young people like me dobt have a future in the EU. Britain is a proud country. The EU undermined that and we, the british electorate wanted it back. I wanted to reconnect with who I really am, not be told I am something I never identified with.

    This is not a negative thing. It's about having a self confidence and self belief in our ability to flourish in the world today and make our own decisions. The biggest gainers are the young. I just wish they'd all see it. They now have a future. I'm very thrilled and excited. We'll be outward looking again and trading with the world on our own terms, not the EU's.

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  10. The so called young voters who are upset by the decision are hypocrites. 

    Only 37% of those between 18-24 who registered actually voted, and only 24% remain. If they didn't want it they should have voted. 

    Also, them critising the older vote is shocking. It's the older voter than vote to take us in to the EU 40 years ago. Obviously they have realised their mistake, reversed the decision and hence given the young an opportunity to decide their future.

    Americans have no right to critise this decision. I don't see USA united in a United Americas project, with Canada and Mexico. 

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  11. I loathe both the Christian and the Muslim religion EQUALLY! They are both the same evil, despicable, loathesome, viollent, racist, homophobic, and oppressive bullshit. We already have a few Christian pastors who are constantly calling Islam a religion of hate, "fake," and terrorism. At the same time, these same pastors are praising the pile of pig shit who commited these massacres, because he killed 50 "pedophiles" that night. 

    Islam + Christianity = the same terrorism!

    your ignorance astounds me.

    Last week, the Church of Scotland Protestant/Christian church, voted in favour of gay marriages in the church and allowing gay ministers to marry.

    Find me a mosque and imam that accepts gays,  let alone allows gay marriage. 

    Christians are not going around boming people, cutting people's heads off and throwing people off buildings. 

    Now let me make this clear. There is a difference between Islam and Muslim. 

    Islam believes everything revolves around the prophet Mohammed. its what ISIS bases its ideology on, and what sharia law is based on. But Mohammed was a rapist, a murderer, a pedophile. Islamists believe he is the one everyone must obey and follow by his lead. 

    Muslims however, are meant to moderate everyday people that very much lead their life the way you might think a moderate Christian would. 

    The PROBLEM is, our western governments are mixing the two and allowing the Islamists the same freedoms and place in western society as our own people and that is causing the mess we are in. The problem is also, with the migration of people if the Middle East to the west, there is no way of knowing if they are followers of Islam or just ordinary moderate Muslims. There are growing islamic communities in London for example and this has been ignored for years for political correctness for fear of linking it to moderate Muslims. 

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  12. America is propagating religion as bad & "free" (capitalism) expression as superior. Islamics are under attack & being ramped up to be hated like the Jews were shortly before the holocaust & black's were throughout history. Janet is a Muslim, this can sit on a double edged sword. 

    What an extremely insensitive and bizarre thing to say.

    How dare you compare this to the Jews and the holocaust. Jews were not killing people, they were scapegoated and blamed for the Great Depression. They were victims. Islamic radicals are blowing people up and shooting down innocent people who are enjoying living free. 

    Freedom of expression is superior. It's western civilation and values that's under threat here and the sooner you Americans realise it the better. You might start by electing Donald trump cause Hilary doesn't give a shit. 

    As for janet, she is certainly not obligated to say anything but the janet we knew before now would have said something. Janet has changed now, and I believe her husband and religion has a lot to do with it.  


  13. He needs to get over himself. If you don't like it then stop being famous. Stop making music. End of. He has no right to complain. He made a choice to do what he does. He's not like Michael Jackson who was basically forced in to it at 5 years old and then sold the biggest selling album making him famous forever. Now he didn't have a choice, justin does. 

  14. It's liked by the iTunes buying public? :umm: And you can prove that how? Did you poll the iTunes buying public? 

    Jennifer Lopez, a pure marketing pop star, is on a website called VEVO.. Janet released her video on YouTube. You all are crazy if you though Janet can compete with big business.. You all set yourselves up for disappointment for not understanding the difference and comparing her to younger stars with half the talent. 

    This era is Lackluster for you bc you're a fairweather fan and that's okay

    This era was made for her fans who has stuck by her and will continue to stick by her :)     #Unbreakable


    The proof is in the YouTube comments and the general response it has received since the album release. This song is favoured by a younger audience. My friends weren't  feeling no sleep, but we're dancing to damn baby. 

    Not once did I talk about competing, I am simply stating the obvious, that damn baby is more appealing to the younger ear than no sleep. Janet is a legend. No one is watching for j.lo like they watched for janet last year, and her answer was to put people to sleep. I love no sleep but it's not a good 1st single after being away 7 years. Damn baby would have hit hard. Even the first 'damn baby' in the song. 

    Im sorry you are such a lame fan that you can't want the most for janet when times are good. I was there for janet doing the times of trouble, when the boob popped out to when  everyone was mocking 'nothing'. I've been there since 97. Who are you? Where were you all that time? 


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  15. There are many quirks in ths videothat I noticed the second, and third time. I absolutely love the dancing. I think I can count with one hand the times I've watched NS. I have already lost count of how many times I've watched DB.

    I agree. It's blatantly obvious that damn baby would have had more impact as a first single. Or atleast if it was released not long after. Only 'game' would argue otherwise. Fool.

    It's a much bigger song that hits hard and is liked by the iTunes buying public.

    The era really has lost its momentum. Dammn baby has last views than ain't your mama. That's just crazy. 

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  16. Well the term has a double meaning. My answer is still no. I wouldn't want to live under Islam or any other religious law. Are you seriously feeling as if your system of beliefs is under threat?

    Religion has shaped most countries in the world, especially in the west, all the way back to Magna Carta. America bases its constitution on Magna Carta. There are not many places you could go to get away from. But I'd much rather live in a country where Christianity is the official religion than Islam. I do believe yes that these Christian influenced and secular values are under threat if the current situation continues to worsen and our politicians don't take real action. 

  17. Also I love that you ignored how he voted for gay marriage (along with many of the other Muslim MP's in Parliament). I guess it doesn't matter that he's more progressive than your stereotype of Muslims or than the 160 white people that voted against gay marriage, he's brown and he isn't indigenous to here (who is?), so he can't be a mayor. 

    I'm not a racist. Colour of skin is irrelevant to me. I don't see it. I just don't believe multiculturalism works and I disdain how much it has been shoved down british people's throats since Tony Blair opened the door wide for everyone to come in and then started a war. 

    Who is indigenous? Lots of people. I am. I have ancestory in britain before the union was even formed. 400 years +. 

    Sadiq may have voted in favour of gay marriage but I don't personally think he's honest or to be trust. I feel the same about Zac Goldsmith to an extent as well and he is white.

    And I'llbe voting to leave as the most democratic choice. We can control our borders. Immigration can be good but not in the numbers now. They are much too high. They are not integrating. We never had this problem with Italians or Jews. 

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  18. Islamic State is extremism. Islam refers to the religion and culture of Muslims. There's a difference.

    You're thinking of ISIS. I'm not taking about that, I'm talking about legit nation stats whose laws are Islamic. Doesn't matter if they are secular, their laws are not european democratic.

  19. Because I don't believe in prayer, fasting or the religious duties of Sharia law. It's obvious because the term Islamic State refers specifically to extremists. Who would want that?

    lol. How can you not see your own hypocrity. You are calling it extremism when it is actually another culture.  Many of the immigrants you say are good for inclusivity in the west come from countries where sharia is applied. Guess you're a bigot too then. 

  20. Word!!!!!! 

    Too bad he's a "danger" to white heritage aka 500 years of conquering the world of white people

    Bringing democracy and capitalism to much of it. To nations that as a result today have prospered to become exemplary models of the free world. United States, Australia, Canada etc. Countries colonised, not invaded. But many countries did not welcome it and quite right! They didn't want the change because they had a different heritage and culture. 

    That is what I'm defending. 

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