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Everything posted by Escapade

  1. Petals OMG I freaking love that song.
  2. The latter has nothing to offer because the Europeans robbed their lands.
  3. Ghana is 38. I guess that's good LOL
  4. Exactly. They don't want to admit to the fact that they subconsciously succumb to the notion that in order to look presentable or to make other people feel comfortable you have to "whiten yourself up". Which sucks because hair is supposed to be fun! Let people rock any style they want! I love seeing different hairstyles on people. What's the fun in uniformity? People need to stop tearing each other down and let them express themselves.
  5. Black hair is an anomaly. Our texture is starkly different from those of other races. Just the simple task of straightening hair can take 30 minutes on a white woman and three hours on a black woman. And what does it matter to you if Blue does her hair or not? She's two years old let her live! And how is make up false advertising? We're not responsible for stupid boys who think gold eyelids are real. People always criticize girls who wear weave. They think only black girls wear weave which is a damn lie cause we all seen those pics of Britney Spears and her busted weave. Black women are ALWAYS unfairly criticized for their hair.
  6. Yup. Black women are unfairly criticized for our hair all the time.
  7. There's no real need to do anything rather than to shampoo your hair. Just as long she's healthy there should be no issue.
  8. I see nothing wrong with Blue's afro. People need to get a life and leave that baby alone.
  9. OMG Beyonce is so amazing! I love how serious she takes herself as a performer. She always puts on a superb show and her family is adorable!
  10. Right. There is no excuse for him to be ignorant. Money can be here today and gone tomorrow. Knowledge stays with you forever.
  11. They were all irresponsible. To be irresponsible AND illiterate is a whole other ballgame.
  12. Bottom line, he has a better chance of getting fucked over. Reading is fundamental.
  13. http://vocaroo.com/i/s1p3Ef2sv2cr
  14. So illiteracy is okay as long as you have money?
  15. Why is contraception the business of any employer? These companies will cover Viagra but not birth control? They need to grow the hell up.
  16. So, Floyd spends shit tons of money on cars, houses, ridiculous amounts on bets, chains, etc but he can't hire a tutor? I could see if he had a learning disorder or something but he definitely has the funds to get educated and he spends it on nonsense just to brag and show off on social media. He's so arrogant with his spending as well, always flaunting his millions, meanwhile he is struggling with simple reading skills. I don't understand his logic.
  17. So after 50 Cent challenged Floyd Mayweather to a “read-off” because, according to Fif, Floyd can’t read worth a damn, the New York City-based morning show, The Breakfast Club, dug up audio of The Champ attempting to read. Of course it was Charlamagne Tha God who pulled up the unedited audio clip of Floyd struggling to read the simple, two-sentence drop that would’ve normally taken the average person 10 seconds to read. We know this because DJ Envy timed Charlamagne reading the short script before playing the cringeworthy clip. The script: I’ve got no comment because, according to Internet logic, Floyd has more money than me which means I can’t say anything about him. This is so damn sad lmao. He's such a cocky douchebag anyway. I don't feel bad for him.
  18. Lmao you really need to do your research before you make such claims. Mariah has been on a number of sexiest women lists. Stop being lazy lol.
  19. She looks gorg! It's a flashback tho LOL. I wish they said how long ago this pic was taken!
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