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Fill-In-The-Blank story ;)

Reyna ♔

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This is how it's gonna go down. I'm gonna post the story, but each person can only take one blank. Easy enough? Go in!

Once upon a time there was a 1.________. (Animal) The 2._______ 's (same animal) name was

3. ________. (Random Name) One day 4._______ (same name as above) was 5._______ (verb)

down the sidewalk when he 6._______ (verb) over a/an 7._______ (noun). 8.________ (Same name)

just kept 9._______ (verb) and 10._______ (verb) into the misty morning. Suddenly 11._______

(Same name) came to a halt. There was a 12._______ (adjective) 13._________ (Weird Noun) squatting

in front of him. A bunch of 14.________ (animal) bandits jumped out of the bushes behind 15._______

(same name). 16._________ (same name) was trapped. When out of the sky came 17._________

(unlikely hero's name) yelling 18.__________ (unusual phrase). He 19._________ (verb ending in ed) them

which made all of the bandits 20.________ verb and run away. 21._________ (same hero) said, "go in

22._________ (verb ending in es). And (same name of main character) 23.________ (verb ending in ed) to

the end of his days.

If there aren't enough people, you can take another line. Have fun! :)

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