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Let me begin this report and opinion, under my own FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS OF FREE SPEECH icon_smile.gif?m=1221156542g , by stating up front that I think this is one of the most DISGUSTING, cold blooded, and outright EVIL things I have ever seen ANY Christian Church do anywhere in the world in my lifetime! Got that Freddie? Now let me continue to employ MY 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech rights…

It appears that the Westboro Baptist Church is planning to protest at the funeral tomorrow of the late Elizabeth Edwards, who was married to the infamous “pretty boy” John Edwards, because THEY claim that the late Mrs. Edwards is going to HELL due to the fact that she once admitted that following the 1996 death of her 16 year old son named Wade that she experienced some DOUBTS about her faith. Now I ask you, who can honestly say….HONESTLY SAY…that they have not doubted when a child or dearly loved one is killed and/or dies? Who has not had one passing thought blaming God over it all? Who has not thought a bit more and even though that God must not care or be real because he allows bad things to happen to good people? Elizabeth Edwards made that HONEST statement about the doubt she felt about her faith and she’s been CRUCIFIED for it ever since! And I might add UNFAIRLY!! And people wonder why few are HONEST nowadays? WTF? (YES Westboro the last letter “F” stands for the F-WORD!).

Elizabeth Edwars died this past Tuesday one day after being taken off of cancer treatment drugs. She had breast cancer and she was no stranger to TRAGEDY! First her beloved son is killed at the mere age of 16, they she finds out her husband John “PRETTY BOY” Edwards who was a US Senator, had an affair with a staffer and fathered a child, and then she had to battle BREAST CANCER! And this past Tuesday she lost her life to the breast cancer! Now, most people feel badly for her loss as do I and we extend our sympathy to Elizabeth’s family in this time of great loss and tragedy. And you would think that the “CHRISTIANS” at Westboro Baptist in Topeka, Kansas would feel some measure of sorrow for yet ANOTHER woman lost to breast cancer that can quickly become a very BAD cancer. But, no…NO…not at Westboro! No sympathy or compassion in THAT “church”!! Hmmm… Westboro ….. WONDER WHAT JESUS WOULD DO???

Instead of a public expression of sympathy, the people at Westboro Baptist said, “God heard self absorbed Elizabeth as she rode the talk show circuit spewing blasphemy.” Excuse me! And here IT is again Westboro….WTF and I probably should leave off the “WT” (that stands for “What the” Westboro cuz I know you DON’T get it!). I’m glad to know that Westboro is ever-ready to be the spokesman for the ALMIGHTY CREATOR! And as for “spewing” anything, Elizabeth may have spewed what Westboro considers “blasphemy” in THEIR opinion and, frankly, that statement is like the kettle calling the pot black! Edwards might have spewed blasphemy BUT Westboro Baptist goes all over our nation SPEWING HATE! Now I ask you….IS THAT WHAT JESUS WOULD DO???

The statement from Westboro Baptist goes on to say that Elizabeth’s “faithless husband” John Edwards had only light esteem for their marriage. True! Yes Westboro we agree on that ONE point but that’s about all we can agree on icon_smile.gif?m=1221156542g It goes on saying that the Edwards thought they “could control God.” Again, WTF?? I’m willing to bet that the Edwards never once thought of trying to control God!

Westboro Baptist is mainly made up of a congregation of relatives of its “pastor” named Fred Phelps. He’s a fundamentalist “christian” so he claims and this FAMILY has made a name for themselves going all around the nation protesting at the funerals of our fallen SOLDIERS spewing their HATE and UTTER CONTEMPT for our nation and people without measure! You’ll find the details on this at:

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