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Rock & Roll Hall of Game

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Everything posted by Rock & Roll Hall of Game

  1. 1) men ≠ women 2) men ≠ women 3) her album isn't out yet 4) her image does
  2. that doesn't matter... and it won't watch Lil Kim fail.. 1) she's old 2) she's a rapper 3) she's a female rapper 4) she's fake/plastic..
  3. so we can or can't... can we hint MS. GOOGLE!
  4. who talked to Prince Michael? since when did Prince talk to the media?
  5. actually.. Nicki will sell more records... Lil Kim will flop like she did in 2005
  6. maybe i'm cold.. but not even once did i shed a tear.. hell.. in WDIGM(t).. i damn near cried... lol
  7. why u denying me and that's because there's too many loons on that board... delusional, fake, fickle Janet "fans" who have nothing better to do than to talk about than whether the reason why Janet DOESN'T wear earrings [anymore]..
  8. compared to his other movies... i didn't know, or forgot (at times) that it was a TP film... I didn't like a lot of the dialogue... including the phone call... again... i think he has waaay too many hands in his films.. he needs to hire other people.. either to write or direct his movies
  9. well thank GOD i registered... they've all come to vast in my glory... i mean.. our glory.. baby mama
  10. my fav': http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/03/30/obama-signs-bill-on-student-loans-health-care/
  11. i just wanna note.. that during the first sex scene.. these two old couples left the theater i agree with iJanet yet i disagree... Janet's role should have been more... much much more... i feel like this wasn't Janet's strongest acting, at first... i felt like the WDIGM(t) were better... during her scene from the previews and a few before.. she was really really great but in the very beginning.. not so much.. Phylicia's role was the best.. hands down.. she played it soo well... AND what Tyler Perry did succeed to do... was make me NOT think this was a Tyler Perry film... 3.5/5
  12. 85 members in less than a week's time... Now we need one big General discussion and it'll be like nothing's changed
  13. it's not gonna happen.. Oprah's already with to Gail i'm sure when Oprah was in college.. her "I wanna be your daughter-in-law" vibe changed
  14. Oprah, Queen of the United States... is pissing on the FIRST royal black family... i'm not a MJ fan... but i will say... really Oprah? Really?
  15. I see she didn't lift a finger... puppet... Fading is totally about that lil Boy who hit her... Charlie Brown or whatever... I do like instantly: Fading .. King Bed Complicated Pt II of Eminem's hit song --- i don't get the point of this album... it's like "look i'm Rihanna and i bought some songs.. and put em together on one album... u likey?" instead of having some theme to it.. like her best and 2nd best (GGGB/Rated R respectively) albums... oh well...
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