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Rock & Roll Hall of Game

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Everything posted by Rock & Roll Hall of Game

  1. Anything for likes If she out this much effort in her music
  2. The Wackos and the media are fucking stupid. The Wackos are pretending Janet has beef with HBO and/or Oprah bc they aired Leaving Neverland and that’s why she didn’t performing knowing damn well she didn’t perform bc bish is busy and it ain’t free
  3. Her full speech: Thank you so much. Janelle, thank you so much for your beautiful words. I’m really moved. This is a really big moment. When I was a kid, my dream wasn't to be a singer. I wanted to go to college and I wanted to be a lawyer. It was my father's dream. He wanted me to become this wonderful performer. He encouraged me. He was the first one to encourage me. And music became my passion. In 1997, my brothers were recognized for their musical passion by being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. And I was so, so proud, as you saw in the clip. I was always crashing their rehearsals. I was always tagging along, always with my brothers. I witnessed, along with the rest of the world, my family’s extraordinary impact on popular culture—not just in America, but all around the globe. The entire globe. And as the youngest in the family, I was determined to make it on my own. I wanted to stand on my own two feet. But never in a million years did I expect to follow in their footsteps. Tonight, your baby sister has made it. I didn’t do this alone, though, so there are a world of people that supported me along the way and I just wanna begin by thanking my incredibly strong family, my wonderful mother and father, as well as my sisters and my brothers, you guys never stopped believing in me. In the early ’90s—no in the early 80s—it was my father who took me to A&M Records when I was this unproven 14-year-old. Herb Alpert, Jerry Moss, they had enough faith in me to give me a record deal and I'm forever grateful to you and the entire A&M family, which includes you Jesus Garber. I also wanna thank Angela Winbush, Renee Moore, Leon Silvers, you guys were the first believers. Two great men, Dick Clark, Don Cornelius, you introduced me to this vast audience and to all the program directors and the DJs all around the world. You supported me and my music for the last 37 years. You’ve made all the difference and I thank you for that. Jimmy, Terry, can you please stand up? Please stand up. Please, stand up. In the mid-’80s, you came to A&M Records and you were asked if there was any artist you would want to produce, who would it be? And you guys said, “Janet.” That’s the real story. That’s the real story. You guys are my two dads and so much more. You are brilliant producers, incredible songwriters, wise teachers, and my great friends. I salute you tonight for the body of work that we created but also for your contribution to the world of music. I love you guys so much. I never thought i was a good dancer but I loved the way dancing made my body feel. And I have to thank all the choreographers I ever worked with, especially Paula Abdul, Anthony Thomas, Tina Landon, and Gil Duldulao. Even when it was hard for me to look at myself in the mirror, you guys made me feel so fabulous. Questlove you have been—can you stand up for me please, Quest, stand up for me please—you have been my biggest champion. Thank you so much. I have to thank my core JDJ team. Jessica Davenport, you were there over 30 years ago when I just started on “Good Times.” I love you, Jess. Jaime Mendoza, Terry Harris, you make my daily life run smoothly. Thank you so much. I also wanna say a personal word to each and every fan. You’ve been with me every step of the way—through all my ups, all my downs. I have never, never have and I never will, take you for granted. I love you with all my heart. Thank you so much. Thank you God for giving us life and the ability to embody goodness. With God, all is possible and all is good. And I just, I wanna thank my baby, my beautiful son. He wakes me up every single morning singing his own little melodies. He's only 2, you guys. And I want you to know you are my heart. You are my life. And you have shown me the meaning of real unconditional love. Mumma loves you, Eissa, ra-ra-ra! And Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, please, 2020: induct more women. Thank you so much for this honor. I love you so much. Thank you.
  4. I agree with your assessment on the top 6 but here you say Janet didn’t write the songs on Damita Jo... but she did nothing on Discipline You mention “feel” tho you know at least 20YO FEELS like a Janet album.. Discipline does not Whats the concept of Discipline, in your opinion
  5. They’re based around facts bro. You can’t just redefine conspiracy theories I’m advocating for more people to come forward who have been sexually abused Inconsistencies are common when dealing with memory especiallyvover a 20 year period Continue pushing conspiracy theories though. It’s a good look. I remember the conspiracy theories about MJ faking his death
  6. Certain do. We waiting for your explanation of that tragedy you call a list
  7. You had everything else right then... this mess. You must explain that
  8. Conspiracy theories are based on facts.. then those facts are twisted and turned to fit a narrative... you are literally copying and pasting that narrative. That narrative is the conspiracy theory. Exactly. Attacking credibility is a practice lawyers do to their client’s accuser. As I said “acting like lawyers” Just bc they are going for MJ’s purse, doesn’t mean they were not abused. Facts are apart of conspiracy theories I don’t expect a 30 year old human to remember detailed events of his or her childhood.. that would be delusional. No person can do that. No one. Just the traumatic and exciting portions I’d source his help but then you’ll attack their credibility like a lawyer would. Enjoy your conspiracy theory though!
  9. Careful.. I feel like Effram is a C-Error (Ciara fans) I want to add to this... Most of those songs were for other people.. or just ignored by her brother or what producers THINK is a Janet Jackson song (Curtains).
  10. Again.. I will quote me since you refuse to read this. I can’t convince you otherwise. You’re too far into the conspiracy theory. None of those court documentations states that either lied about the sexual abuse. None of those court document exonerates Michael Jackson on sexually molestation of young children. The only thing that does is feeds into and from the conspiracy theory that they’re doing this for money, Fame, power which is an outlandish accusation and is side-stepping the fact that Michael Jackson was a pedophile. Sorry. You can continue quoting conspiracy theorist or you can come to the realization that you’re attempting and failing to defend an inactive pedophile, drug abuser, & public manipulator. None of those links proves Michael didn’t molest children.. it just proves that Michael and his big time lawyers have successfully manipulated you into believing that nothing happened to these child victims as they laid in bed with a 20-40 year old man
  11. MFN came out last year wtf you talking about. Janet made a statement about the #MeToo Movement.. she said “no fucking more”. Reading is fundamental:
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