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Everything posted by DasSad

  1. They are being silly now. Wolf of Wall Street and 12 years a slave had better direction. Gravity was all green screen
  2. Yeah it was ok for the precious film but that is over now. Hopefully someone will pull her to the side and set her straight.
  3. She is gorgeous. I hope she gets more movie roles after this.
  4. I still think he can write a great film. Hopefully he will be inspired by the films he is seeing tonight
  5. They have all those statues up there. The sound was awful during pharells performance. He should have had live background singers too.
  6. I know. Its good to see him being funny again
  7. . If she hasn't had any by now she's not having any and I hope to god when she's interviewed they don't ask her about this a thousand times
  8. That was a rumor that was out when she was doing thats so Raven. Not sure if it was legit or not
  9. Lol if she thinks Janet will ever come on this trash show. She needs to stick to interviewing the braxtons and atlanta housewives
  10. I don't believe anything that comes out of any debarges mouth especially Chico. Its not unusual for young female artists in their prime to get abortions though so If her dad didn't make them someone in the industry would have. Just like Chilli, Raven Symone Beyonce etc
  11. Jennifer based on her vocals in dreamgirls alone and Simon never believed in her when she was on idol.
  12. And people wonder why she keeps her marriages secret. They should be sued and anyone who reports this story should be sued.
  13. I don't see Madonna as a dominate force on her own. I'm sure she inhaled her share of peens and took a few oaths to help her get ahead. That's how this industry is. So I can see why Madonna is her inspiration business wise.
  14. Can someone explain the magic Johnson pic
  15. Beyonce is more of a Tina Turner rip off to me. I don't see any Madonna in her at all. I don't think she enjoys being open sexually. Janet is blacklisted because she didn't sell out after the SB incident. She's was asked to do some things and she said no. Justin was like a rat taking a plea deal to get out of jail early.
  16. Thats unfortunate. Her fan base is not smart enough to understand what that picture means and neither is she.
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