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Everything posted by RaLpHieReBeL516

  1. i have no self control im downloading it DON'T JUDGE ME!
  2. Bought: Sleigh Bells| Treats SICK!!! Kaskade|Dance.Love Seals & Crofts| Summer Breeze Downloaded: Bobby Brown|Don't Be Cruel
  3. i def do that all the time especially if i hit my hand or foot on something i'll even hit it, lmfaoooooo
  4. i ordered the couture one too i dont think im gonna open it, i also preordered the itunes one and im gonna get the deluxe one
  5. i thought i was the only one who thought that, i kind of dont like the song at all, any of the uptempo songs on invincible sound better
  6. i do! cant believe that was only last year she murdered that stage
  7. lmaoo as soon as i saw ur name i knew there would be reference to those shorts
  8. umm lets not forget more recently he was the keyboard player for mj on this is it
  9. i didnt think of that but everyone says i look nice in red, so i will def be rocking it to the movies tonight
  10. lol damn i think ur the only one that doesnt have one, but yea u need to change that
  11. lmaooooooo so wrong but so funny, but what up beautiful ive been living lol u dont have a facebook?
  12. eyyyyy whats up i been good just finished moving this week other then that been busy as hell working two jobs glad to see the fam back on the forum how have u been?
  13. lmfaooo i assume half the shit the women are going through have to do with the men, the movie isnt just about the women
  14. thts good he spoke of her like that he made it known this isnt a casual thing i hope this is the one for her maybe they can procreate now lol after another album and tour that is lol
  15. u kno when janet is in a movie they want her to do all the promo lol as they should
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