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Everything posted by s.omner

  1. I think it's because a lot of people don't really know what's going on. You have Randy saying one thing and the cry-baby saying another thing. Then you have Paris tweeting, etc. JANET! I wish everything gets under control soon!
  2. Dang. Dramatic much? I wonder who made the decision? I think we know right?
  3. Yep since she went to go see Katherine afterwards, the reason why she wasn't on the call.
  4. "At the same time, we're told Trent Jackson, who was at the house, tried to stop an aggressive Randy and Jermaine. We're told Trent put Randy in a headlock and punched Jermaine in the mouth." I guess this was the cause for the call to the police.
  5. They even showed the video that Michael was in New York with Al when the will was supposedly signed? WTF! This is freaking crazy! No wonder the siblings are getting involved.
  6. For those who missed the call - here's a link to the recording. http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/70623501.html#cutid3
  7. There's a thread in the Katherine Missing with the link and such.
  8. WOW. That is so freaking crazy! Randy mentioned that this is not about money. They believe that the will was false.
  9. Janet actually went to see Katherine, so she was not able to make the call. Randy was on the call.
  10. So the dispute is about the fact that Michael did not sign the will because he was with Al during the time the will was said to be signed.
  11. They will be talking about Jackson - Live Stream http://blog.livenewschat.tv/rockinroosters/
  12. OHMYGOSH! That's like in 3 minutes! Somebody post it!
  13. Oh lawd! Haha! Perfect Patty is getting everything under control! She needs to take Paris' phone if she's tweeting things that may not be the truth and stirring the drama pot, especially when it involves family. Dang. If only Michael was here!
  14. From the list, I'll go with Marilyn Manson and Usher.
  15. I definitely think if we consider all of the world - $22 billion might not be bad at all. We'll see who will contribute to the funding...
  16. ***Game, I didn't even know it was you! You keep on changing your name, I'll get all confuse. I could have paid more attention to your avatar, but just going off of username***
  17. Gosh... sometimes I wonder with you guys! LOL! This thread was meant to celebrate...
  18. Hopefully, it should start getting better.
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