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Everything posted by Illi

  1. Yeah, and a few blogs blew that open too...
  2. I'm not defending Jen for going on radio, but did Jen subtly express her doubts about Chad and the relationship before then?
  3. Illi

    Basketball Wives

    But how is Royce any more messier then the others???
  4. Illi

    Basketball Wives

    For Suzie to tell Royce that no one like her was a stretch. It's only Evelyn, Jennifer, and to a shorter extent Shaunie that doesn't really like her. At least the others defended Royce. I used to feel sorry for Suzie but I just can't stand her. I think she's finding some joy in seeing Royce as the outcast. She likes to cause drama, but can't handle confrontation.
  5. Illi

    Basketball Wives

    Let's see how the trip pans out but I think Tami might be the relatively chill one.
  6. Illi

    Basketball Wives

    She was a little salty, but I don't think she was that surprised either. I don't think she'll be crying about why didn't they take her though. But to say the Royce caused all the drama was stupid. Everybody contributed to the drama and the trip won't be no less dramatic without Royce.
  7. Illi

    Basketball Wives

    Funny thing is that Jennifer was basically mirroring what Royce expressed the relationship.
  8. Illi

    Basketball Wives

    I never thought Royce was "that bitch", and neither are most of the other cast members. The "bitches" in the cast is Shaunie and Tami and that's mostly because Tami had some claim to fame beforehand.
  9. Illi

    Basketball Wives

    I'm done. You're so delusional.
  10. Illi

    Basketball Wives

    No, I just think your blind infatuation with Evelyn causes to antagonize Royce in every situation. At least I have no problem criticizing Royce.
  11. Illi

    Basketball Wives

    Just because you're stuck up Evelyn's ass and you rather not believe it that doesn't mean it isn't true.
  12. Illi

    Basketball Wives

    And you know this how??? Even Shaunie has a mentioned that Royce has a following.
  13. Illi

    Basketball Wives

    ^^ You really like to make it seem like the the "Circle" is the shit or something. Royce has a life outside them believe it or not.
  14. Your right. I just don't agree that she's the bad guy in the whole situation. TBH, I think the only person that truly hates Royce is JoeJoe only because he can't keep his head out of Evelyn's ass.
  15. I feel like the people that really hate Royce are the ones that hated the students that were willing to stand up to the mean popular girls and not with the flow. Evelyn and Jen was always patronizing her since the beginning but she caught on to it. What makes those two the most relevant is that they are the tightest with Shaunie, the ex-wife of a future pro basketball HOFer. It's only that association that makes them powerful.
  16. I remember when she was ranting about it [people talking about her lack of fashion sense] on her blog, talking about it doesn't matter if what she where is necessarily in season or not, but it was never about whether what she was wearing was in season, it just looked tacky altogether.
  17. ^^^ I really like Royce, contrary to most of the forum, but she shit she wears..... I can't believe she actually walked outside like that.
  18. Illi

    Basketball Wives

    How? I think you're confusing her with Suzie. I never felt Royce really needed their acquaintanceship to feel valuable in any way and doesn't come off as desperate like Suzie and Meeka.
  19. Illi

    Basketball Wives

    ^ Well, by the previews, Royce is seeming to get th least laugh at this point.
  20. I thought the video was cute. I didn't need to be very elaborate. Did anyone notice that the prom video had Janet's birthday on it? I know it was just some coincidence but I'm just saying.
  21. But its not the same Janet was coming off 20YO which turned out quite a disaster. Beyonce is coming of a peak in overall star power. It wold be more appropriate to compare this to Damita Jo.
  22. it the holiday weekend. nothing came on this weekend.
  23. MC Skat Kat - So Sweet So Young
  24. Ronny Jordan - Get to Grips
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