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Posts posted by Jodienda76

  1. You still don't know 

    There was zero hype aside from it being her first album in 7 years so I'm not sure how you can be disappointed in the music

    I posted a sentence before that first comment an it dissappeared. What I meant is when I was a kid, and I got into Janet, I didn't understand the business side. Now, I simply don't give a fuck about it.

  2. Except not everything is black & white. 

    I hold her accountable for her career and I can offer constructive criticism. 

    Then there's the fake fans who go below & no where with their criticism. The ones who appear and spew bullshit.. their "opinion" but it's not once or twice.. it's in every other thread.. The fans who make up fake conspiracy theories or the ones that can't handle the fact for some shit reason that she had to have a baby now 

    Some fans are not disappointed. What's there to be disappointed about? 

    #1 selling album.. the only black woman to do it within four decades, RRHOF nomination, awesome fucking album, & bringing life in the world

    You're trying to combine multiple different types fans into two. Janet fans aren't a coin at all. Nothing is that simple 

    I was a kid when I fell in love with Janet. Back then, I didn't know anything about chart postitions, and didn't understand that music was a business like everything else, and sales mattered for success. 

    Fandom is very colorful. Some just like her and don't pay attention to awards, and the business side. 

    Others idolize her via bragging rights, and diva wars, awards, charts positions, etc... I recognize that those things are important. However, I don't really give a fuck about it. I look at the product, buy it, love it or hate it. 

    Janet has always managed to make me love her songs with visuals. All For You, for example, was a song I didn't care for when I heard it on the radio. After the video mix version, I was hooked on it like a crackhead to crack. 

    That is what I always expected it to be. Some she delivered, some she didn't. 

    She let go of many gems and opportunities. I get that she is indy, but that is completely irrelevant to me, for Im not here for the business side of her art.... And not everyone is going to be.

    Fans who are dissappointed are justified in being dissappointed. It's emotional and emotions are genuine. I for one, forgive her for having a baby, and understand why she had to cut he tour short, but being that the era was was all hype, and just analbum, I can't help being dissappointed. It's honestly what I feel. 

    That dosen't mean I hate Janet, and I don't support her.


    • Upvote 1
  3. No.. unbreakable is not a farewell album and there's no credible sources to back up that claim

    Janet isn't some stay-at-home bum.. There are millions of women who does it all with children. To assume Janet is going to up & quit bc she has a child isn't just insulting to Janet but to all women 

    I can go with this. However, how is that insulting? Women will most definitely give up their careers for their children. It's not like we're saying she isn't capable. She's just private and might want to dedicate her life to her child. Who knows, this might even inspire her to have and raise more kids. 

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  4. Trump's all bark..

    So apparently, Trump said that him and the Mexico president did NOT discuss who is going to pay for the wall

    According to Mexico's President, They did.

    At the beginning of the conversation with Donald Trump I made it clear that Mexico will not pay for the wall,” Peña Nieto said in his tweet.






    His entire camaign is a complete mess. I'm almost beginning to believe the conspiracy theory that he is bought by Clinton to ensure her presidency.

  5. What do you think of that orange, piece of dog shit, with that witche's broom brush on his head, going to Mexico, spewing the pile of shit that comes out of that puckered hole, he calls a mouth. That man has absolutely no chill, no dignity, and zero integrity. His supporters, which I like to call the Trumpanzees are the lowest form of scum, and defend his incoherent babble. He has the vocabulary, less than a 3rd grader, the temperament of a toddler, the intelligence of a rock (which is an insult to great and useful minerals), and the social skills of a zika infected mosquito. He also has the geninuity of the asshole who imprisoned, and raped those teenaged girls, and helped the family in their desperate search for their daughters. Is there anything I missed?

  6. There's that word again... "opinion"... I enjoy people's opinions. I don't enjoy the constant complaining or your auto-reply that you've stated since 2015: "der did she release her new video der der" << that isn't an opinion as it is a failed concept

    Maybe you should study Bu, Roc, Jarryl, Dayz, and other fans who aren't Trolls and/or apart of The Great Depress on how to PROPERLY state an opinion before spewing off some bull shit 

    Yet you are complaining about constant complaining, and keep bringing it to light. Either shut the fuck up about it, and maybe it will go away, or DEAL WITH IT! ?

    • Upvote 1
  7. Game is the weirdest person I have seen on a consistent basis on the Internet. It's concerning for his life, & Janet's wellbeing too if he were ever able to get close to her. His cultism worship of her, misconstrued reality about what it means to be a fan, his overzealous need to control the narrative, his irrational sensitivity about disagreeing perspectives, his intentional derailing of points and topics, his socially awkward interactions, his obsessive need to express love by denouncing all that don't worship Janet or have opposing opinion, his 13year old name calling tactics because he's offended - it's all clinically bizarre. 

    Janet is not above an opposing opinion. She said so herself. So much so, you're "die-hard" fandom comes off obsessive like a "yes-man". Janet doesn't pick a picture because she thinks it's not worthy - a fan agrees with her judgement & thinks the picture is over edited trash - you call them names & attack them, despite Janet also thinking the picture wasn't worth it. 

    Youre legit becoming a threat to more than ppls peace, you're seeming like you might be mentally unstable. 


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  8. How you came to that conclusion bewilders me. So I point out the negativity and somehow my feelings are hurt? :wacko: 

    It's not about opinions, or 'views' as you put it. You can have an opinion. Say it less like a troll or shut the fuck up and log off. You can still love an artist without ruining other's time with bull shit or trolling a forum 

    From here on out I will continue to point out the constant bull shit when I see fit. And just like Huffington Post, I may include a disclaimer like they do after every Trump article. *Enjoy this post for now before one of the Great Depress makes an appearance

    If your time gets ruined because of someone else's opinion, then yes you are all hot, bothered, and hurt. Therefore, "You can't blame nobody but you."

  9. That's where you're wrong. Don't create your own truth. 

    1) My feelings are never hurt by people who don't matter to me. Idk how you came to that conclusion. Probably from your delusional ego. 2) I mentioned it bc You Great Depressed people are über predictable and pathetic 3) You repeating how you feel about the era [over & over] means nothing.. it just shows how sad and pathetic you truly are :) 

    And you repeat over and over, how much I repeat my feelings over and over, so it obviously hurts your feelings. You can't get over the fact that not everyone is going to view things as you do. You are more like Trump, than the people you accuse.

  10. Yup! I started the negative Jodi by calling out the bullshit the Great Depressed pulls each & every thread. 

    It's difficult to ignore the ignorance of others. Maybe you find it easier to ignore

    I am not "ruffled" :blink: I'm just attempting to warn JanFam. You are mad bc you are one of the Great Depressed. Sucks to suck but don't be shocked when her fans call out the trolling you did in their thread. K bye

    No sweetheart, you simply can't get enough of it, because you mention it, and get all worked up about it. We get it, your feewings are all hurt that we stated how we honestly felt about this era. If it makes you feel better, I'm over it. So a Janet tweet as this stage isn't going to make me hurt your feelings anymore. She's preggo. Therefore, tthere isn't much to expect right now. ?

    • Upvote 1
  11. I'm gonna treat you like a Trump supporter dissing Hillary: Post proof or Shut the fuck up

    "* won't be long before one of the Great Depressed ruins this thread" 

    You dumbass! You started it negative. Instead of just posting the positive thread, and keeping it thst way, you premeditated negativety. You simply can't ignore it. You are so easy to get all ruffled. Poor baby. ???

    • Upvote 2
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  12. I don't condone in violence... especially Internet violence. 

    As many times as we discuss this, Some trolls can't seem to get it through their heads.. People have zero things to do... pathetic

    I think we already know where we stand. There's no point in rehashing it. Some will remain bitter, some are satisfied. Fighting each other over, and over, and over, isn't going to change anything. Lets just all move on, kiss and make up... until our next meltdown. 

    • Upvote 2
  13. Similar but different. That is my all time favorite Paula video. I love the violin breakdown. The beginning is very similar to the beginning of If. I used to love her, until she became a total cunt. I was definitely done with her after her fake superbowl outrage. 

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