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Posts posted by Jodienda76

  1. No it's not about the "so and so" I just find people want to focus on religion more than they do the religion or Patriotism. People fight and die for the agenda or (ideology) of a country and people call that noble. It's celebrated and memorialized. That same country can commit acts of terror on people, children, & animals lol and people are less inclined to stand on their soap box as they are in these circumstances when it comes to religion. 

    In the United States a white college adult can rape a woman get only 6 months & slap on the wrist, and be COMPLETELY in alignment with the laws. While a black man, can be wrongfully accused and get years! Not so much as compensation for the wrongful sentence...a politician can poison children & KEEP his job. So...like I said, when we dissect religions let's also dissect the religion of Patriotism for Western ideology. The imposing & decomposing religion of White Supremacy. If you're pointing fingers and quoting less than 2% of an ideology make sure you rent more hands and tongues to discuss the other ills that not only equal, but often out weigh. 

    We can talk about ALL of that and more. We talk about apples, when apples are the subject, and oranges when oranges are the subject. There is plenty of outrage over this rape case from that sum, and his piece of shit parents. And yes, people are pissed off about the black man that never commited that rape, not only getting the maximum, but also serving years in prision. I don't get how when people bring up religion, you want to use other subjects as examples. You automatically assume, that otber subjects are NEVER discussed, and people arent outraged about them.

  2. Do you hate the country that uses text to justify murder against innocent children in countries? Do you hate white males in business suits that poison children? Are you that vocal about American history? 

    I love it how when religion is criticized because people are CCURRENTLY using it to cause harm, change or block laws to burden basic human rights, immediately people go into "but what about so and so?" They are doing it too. Yes I'm vocal, but I cant vote, or change laws in other countries. I can just bitch, whine, and moan about it. I just commented as a matter of fact on an article I read about Saudi Arabia condemning what happened in Orlando, my direct quote:

    "They only execute, imprision, and condemn gays in their country, yet they "condemn" what was done in Orlando? Well I am as confused as a raped goat."

  3. Everyone blaming the religions for these acts needs to blame white males for terrorism & damn near all heinous crimes committed through out history. Don't be biased about how you decide to place blame. 

    I'm no biased. I hate all religions, equally. They all have hateful crap in their books. The only exception are Bhuddhists. I can deal with all the mythology in it. I don't care if people believe in magic, or that there were pregnant virgins, talking snakes, a man walking on water, and rising from the dead, and all the ridiculous magic, that somehow, do not occur today. My problem is that people believe in some magical, egotistical, "loving" sky monster, who can't make up his mind. He calls for the murder of his "children" in certain pages, over petty bullshit, then calls for people to love each other in the next. I have a problem with people usinfmg those texts in government, and in general, to marginalize, kill, and oppress. I also meant to post that what I hate the most, is tbat we have extremists on both sides, yet one accuses the other of extremism. I didn't word it that way, and I can totally see where people take it that I was generalizing. However, I can't fathom how people conveniently ignore the atrocities in these texts, and only focus on the good. Let's not pretend that these books contain murder, mysoginy, infanticide, genocide, racism, homophobia, and it also justifies slavery. Religion has been the cause of bullying, violence, and murders since ancient times, because we have too many nutbags who are easily brainwashed, and use it to justify their hatred.

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  4. Game and JanetDayz have got to be the most moronic asswipes on here right now. I mean one fucking question, and you assholes make this about yourselves. Janet then tweets something meaningful, and you two, like little middle school, bitches make it not only about yourselves, but go talking shit about poeple "picking up their faces." You are a disgrace to gay people. 

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  5. your ignorance astounds me.

    Last week, the Church of Scotland Protestant/Christian church, voted in favour of gay marriages in the church and allowing gay ministers to marry.

    Find me a mosque and imam that accepts gays,  let alone allows gay marriage. 

    Christians are not going around boming people, cutting people's heads off and throwing people off buildings. 

    Now let me make this clear. There is a difference between Islam and Muslim. 

    Islam believes everything revolves around the prophet Mohammed. its what ISIS bases its ideology on, and what sharia law is based on. But Mohammed was a rapist, a murderer, a pedophile. Islamists believe he is the one everyone must obey and follow by his lead. 

    Muslims however, are meant to moderate everyday people that very much lead their life the way you might think a moderate Christian would. 

    The PROBLEM is, our western governments are mixing the two and allowing the Islamists the same freedoms and place in western society as our own people and that is causing the mess we are in. The problem is also, with the migration of people if the Middle East to the west, there is no way of knowing if they are followers of Islam or just ordinary moderate Muslims. There are growing islamic communities in London for example and this has been ignored for years for political correctness for fear of linking it to moderate Muslims. 

    I don't ggive four flying fucks if the christian assholes aren't going arounf bombing people. Im am sick and tired, of both sides talking shit against one another, when they are both folliwing the same imaginary sky monster, who calls for the killing of gay men, unrully children, promotes slavery, women are shit, justifies murder, and the gullible assholes want to follow, preach, block rights, based on a mythical, bullshit book, put together by people who believed earth is flat, and the sun plays peek a boo.


    You dont have to go around bombing buildings, in order to cause violence, suicides, and incite murder. 

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  6. your ignorance astounds me.

    Last week, the Church of Scotland Protestant/Christian church, voted in favour of gay marriages in the church and allowing gay ministers to marry.

    Find me a mosque and imam that accepts gays,  let alone allows gay marriage. 

    Christians are not going around boming people, cutting people's heads off and throwing people off buildings. 

    Now let me make this clear. There is a difference between Islam and Muslim. 

    Islam believes everything revolves around the prophet Mohammed. its what ISIS bases its ideology on, and what sharia law is based on. But Mohammed was a rapist, a murderer, a pedophile. Islamists believe he is the one everyone must obey and follow by his lead. 

    Muslims however, are meant to moderate everyday people that very much lead their life the way you might think a moderate Christian would. 

    The PROBLEM is, our western governments are mixing the two and allowing the Islamists the same freedoms and place in western society as our own people and that is causing the mess we are in. The problem is also, with the migration of people if the Middle East to the west, there is no way of knowing if they are followers of Islam or just ordinary moderate Muslims. There are growing islamic communities in London for example and this has been ignored for years for political correctness for fear of linking it to moderate Muslims. 

     1. There are “50 less pedophiles in this world.” Christian Pastor Steven Anderson

    2. Westboro Baptist Church, need I say more?

    3. Sacramento Baptist Pastor applauds the Orlando shooting 

    " I think that’s great,” he said of the shooting. “I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida, is a little safer tonight. The tragedy is that more of them didn’t die. The tragedy is I’m kind of upset he didn’t finish the job – because these people are predators. They are abusers.”

    “I wish the government would round them all up, put them up against a firing wall, put the firing squad in front of them and blow their brains out,” he added, referring to LGBT people.

    4. Pastor Perry Noble of NewSpring Church in South Carolina

    5. Pat Robertson: Gays & Islamists are allies so ‘let them kill themselves

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  7. The issue isn't two women kissing but her reposting images of her VMA performances where she kissed Britney in the midst of this tragedy to me seems like self-promotion. Instead of elevating the victims it again becomes about her and her stunts.

    Also the pictures she posted of the two black men kissing might be from porn? (Don't quote me on that)

    If Janet posted an old picture of her kissing a woman with #loveislove when she's not explicitly apart of that community I would side eye her too. 

    You would ned to get the fuck over it too.

  8. Hasn't anyone told you? 

    White shooters = lone wolf; mentally unstable

    Black shooters = thugs

    Middle Eastern = extremist

    But seriously, Anyone who blames that religion is ignorant to begin with. 

    The MORE SERIOUS, underlying problem is that ANYONE can purchase a gun legally and carry out a mass shooting if they feel like it.

    We could have prevented this and majority of the 135 other mass shootings THIS YEAR ALONE from happening by having strict gun laws on the books

    finally, the Game I love has made a decent comment. Can you tell the rest of your personalities to fuck off? We'll keep this one. 

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  9. It goes deeper than that.. He was a frequent visitor of that club, he was on Grindr (a gay dating app), he has had sexual relations with men

    Her posting a photo of her and Britney during a publicity stunt is inappropriate and that's something you should be disappointed with

    Nah.. You can do whatever you desire but don't forget where you are... A Janet Jackson FAN forum. K :wave: 

    But Madnna can do what she wants. Shes not obligated to do it your way. Stop being so negative....waaaaahhh!

  10. I also come to Hagdonna's defense here. The point Madonna was making here and others, is that the asshole murderer, supposedly, and according to his father, was inspired to kill because he saw two men kissing in public. Her point is, so two men kissed, get the fuck over it. I'm with the hag on this one.

  11. I didn't take offense :blink: You can't offend me. You don't have that power

    You asked a common question and I answered it. You didn't like my answer so you went Jodi-loca in your own thread. 

    It's not that serious.. Get over yourselves. You still sit down and follow Janet. So either be disappointed and walk away or stfu and enjoy what she released yesterday. Or do neither. Doesn't matter what you do, life goes on

    I don't do what you tell me to do. You don't like what we say, then you walk the fuck away.

  12. There is no conversation.. There was a question (a common question that has been asked after nearly every mass shooting).

    This thread was made for you Negative Nations to bash Janet for doing what the fuck she wants to do.. She can't be stopped 

    Show me where I bashed Janet? I'm actually not even dissapointed at her for it. I can't pretend that I don't understand why some may be. I had no idea people were saying this about her. Other than occassinally checking out twitter, I don't do any other kind of social media. So maybe you are reading comments elsewhere, but I'm not. I did asked a question, and immediately you took offense, and keep repeating the same "she's not obligated" nonsense. Well her fans are also not obligated to agree with what she does, and they have the right to feel and express dissappointment, whether "she can do what she wants" or not! She's not immune to criticism. She happens to be human.

  13. Ugh. Please close this thread. I had no idea some Janet fans were such self loathing scum. I wouldn'tbe surprised if they praised the massacre. You can't have a fucking conversation in here without the extremist shit nosed Game getting his panties in a bunch, because being dissapointed with anything Janet does = donating her to ISIS so that she can be beheaded, or thrown off a fucking rooftop. 

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  14. I loathe both the Christian and the Muslim religion EQUALLY! They are both the same evil, despicable, loathesome, viollent, racist, homophobic, and oppressive bullshit. We already have a few Christian pastors who are constantly calling Islam a religion of hate, "fake," and terrorism. At the same time, these same pastors are praising the pile of pig shit who commited these massacres, because he killed 50 "pedophiles" that night. 

    Islam + Christianity = the same terrorism!

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  15. Jesus fucking christ game. The asshole factor in you has way surpassed Donald Trump, and close to the pile of pig shit who caused this massacre. You have such a problem with opinions. Just because Dal is dissapointed, it dosen't meann he hates Janet, or wants her dead. You're an extremist a a level of incoherent, illogical, and astronomical categories. What the fuck happened to you?

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  16. Goddamnit Game. I never fucking said that she was obligated. You just like to start an argument, out of a non argument, for the sake of argument. Stop skipping your fucking meds!

    I stand by what I said. If you have reading comprehension issues, then log off, and take some English classes.

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  17. She is not obligated to make a statement every other day a mass shooting takes place in this country :umm: 

    If she did say something, she would have tweeted it since all three (FB, Twitter, Instagram) of the big social networks are being utilized in this era

    I don't believe I said that she's "obligated" to make a statement. Nobody is obligated to. However, I can't deny that I expected it, since Janet has made statements with no obligation about other massacres, disasters, and deaths. I'm not exactly dissapointed in her for not doing so, but I'm actually surprised that she didn't. 

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