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Posts posted by Jodienda76

  1. My hopes is that Janet comes back and satisfiesnus better. She can still say fuck you to interviews, and I'll accept that. She gives us fresh music, does a hot assed performance, and some great music videos. 

    However, I'm prepared for her to just concentrate on her family, and subtly tell her fans to listen to her old shit, and get the fuck over her, she's going to spoil her brat, and spoil her man, and we may catch a glimpse of her every now and then. 

  2. The 18-36 month plan.

    The album.

    The tour.



    Ya'll think she's gonna make any changes to the tour when (or if it even) resumes? 

    She gonna keep things the same? 

    She gonna scrap the whole tour, cut her losses and just start a new project?

    Tell me kids, what are you thinking?


    She's going to take care of her baby, and keep riding that huge smooth and shiny.

    • Upvote 5
  3. The response of how it happened following showed the division in race. They both did the same thing he went on untouched. She was black balled, I'm tired of trying to explain something to people who just overlook it. You don't understand. I can't help you. 

    That I agree with. The way Janet was treated, because she's a woman, and black is a great point. However, I still find it idiotic that a white pweson can't stand up to racism for any other ethnicity, without backlash. I find what was done to Janet, and now to JT equally fucked up. It is you who dosen't understand.

  4. You missed the point, the person called him out for being a hypocrite based on what he did to Janet and his ability to flip flop between a supporter and convenient silence 

    What he did to Janet had NOTHING to do with race, and everything to do with being a pussy, and saving his own ass! 

    • Upvote 3
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  5. Oh that's what you and Game got from it? People called him on being a hypocrite not for being white. You have the black version of a fact checker. GTFOH with the watered down & oversimplified understandings. 

    How fucking dare you, the black version of the KKK? When did you see Justin drug out of his house in front of his wife and children and hung. When did you see his wife raped and child thrown to the ground? When did you see him beat beyond recognition and laid at the doorstep of his mother or family? The hell is wrong with people oversimplifying shit and acting like those who call them on it is the harassers? You obviously have no knowledge of the KKK & what a black version would look like, if so Justin wouldn't be alive to tweet anything. 

    For your information, my father is BLACK, and my mother is white. Therefore, I understand the stufma, and the bullshit of both sides sneering at my parents for daring to date "ooutside of their race."

    I am more tha welcoming of people who can empathize, and use LOGIC when it comes to race. You dont have to be black, to support the movement.

  6. Oh that's what you and Game got from it? People called him on being a hypocrite not for being white. You have the black version of a fact checker. GTFOH with the watered down & oversimplified understandings. 

    How fucking dare you, the black version of the KKK? When did you see Justin drug out of his house in front of his wife and children and hung. When did you see his wife raped and child thrown to the ground? When did you see him beat beyond recognition and laid at the doorstep of his mother or family? The hell is wrong with people oversimplifying shit and acting like those who call them on it is the harassers? You obviously have no knowledge of the KKK & what a black version would look like, if so Justin wouldn't be alive to tweet anything. 

    It dosendosen't matter. The man ssupports the BLM movement. I hate Justin Timberpussy for what he did to Janet, and for being an overrated, horrible music, horrible dancing punk! But this aggrssion towards him, and making him feel like he needs to apologize for being supportive of s cause, just becsuse he's a "white boy" who dosen't understsnd the plight of black culture, is fucking stupid, ridiculous, and whinny as all hell!

  7. It is a cheesy comparison but iron man 3 pretty much is a guide to how things operate.  Fear is a powerful weapon. 

    and 90% of those crimes were justify by religion created by men. Slavery justified by the bible.  Women's suffrage justified by all of the major religions. Like Nas said "she read about herself in our bible believing she's the reason sin is here. "We've played her put on your apron being me my dinner dear" All of the religions are very dangerous because of the titles they give people. People think they are better than others. That's all male created 


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