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Everything posted by Jodienda76

  1. Henry you and them damned gifs...Always unforgetable...I always look forward to them.
  2. HEY SOB And Stanka!! I've been busy. I decided to come here since Angie is the ONLY moderator.

  3. JODI! WHERE YOU BEEN? How's the baby???

  4. wasddupppppp beeeettttchhhhh

  5. Habla lo que se te pegue la gana, pero come mierda mientras estes hablando, carajo!
  6. Henrietta Jo Jackson..That is Michael now stop it this minute!
  7. LMAO!!! The worst moments in his presidency. Everything else was ON POINT! And I just saw in the interview his response to waterboarding...AAAAAAAHHHH I CANT!!!
  8. I had to put it down. Soooo much I want to spat about, but from what I see online...It's already getting clowned..Fucking 2nd shift...I can't watch shit anymore...I will forever be late with all the news...I didn't even know he had a book out until I saw it on the counter....lol
  9. So I have a day off, FINALLY! I'm spending time with my cousin's kids and my son...My cousin the Bush lover has his damned book and I'm acutally skimming through it. And it's just All at the same time.
  10. Nuk...You laughing isn't people laughing. Get over yourself.
  11. Where the fuck did that stupid thing come from? Wasilla or something? Oooooh bring that dumb ass over here. It's been such a long time since I've had a party with a fuck nut like that.
  12. Que eres asi No importa lo que yo haga por ti ni cuantas veces yo te ruegue a ti quiero morir no seas asi devuelveme las ganas de vivir dame las esperanza de volver junto a ti si no voy a morir... si no voy a morir
  13. That's why your ass should be working instead of posting about Michelle Obama's hair on a forum and trying to watch videos.
  14. AAAAHHHH!!! I want to see the movie, but I don't want to see the movie. I can't stand seeing people getting raped, and definitely kids die. What the fuck was Tyler Perry thinking damnit!!!???
  15. Yeah...That should be the first thing on her mind.
  16. It never fails...Ya'll are some damned bandwagon jumpers.
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